1998-28 . , . ,8 Keep Florida Beautiful, Inc. Adopt-a-Shore Program Be An Environmental Citizen! Keep Florida Beautiful, Inc. Adopt-a-Shore Program "It's In Your Hand..... Adopt-a-Shore- Keep Florida Beautiful" Keep Florida BeautifUl, Inc. (KfB) an affiliate of Keep America BeaUtiful. Inç., invites interested Floridians to join us in keepina Florida's shorelines beautiful and safe. Byadopting approximately one mile of shoreline and CðlDJPitina to cleaøing it dtree times a year (~t\\!.9 years. your family, business, or club will pnwide an invaluable service to conserving our state's natural environment and to building environmeatal citizenship. Adopt-a-Shore Goals . Incrase public awareness about the effect of litter and marine debris on Florida' I environment . Prevent Utter through developing a sense of responsibility and understanding about the threat litter presents to Florida's aquatic environment . Build environmental citizenship by participating in h8n&oo litter prevention solutions . Reduce tmer and marine debris by SO% in the state of Florida What You CaD Expect From KFB . Sta1eWide eootdination of the program . Technical assistance and training . Collection and evaluation of ~ ronns and coordination with other relevant federal and state programs . Program promotional materials such as brochures, buttons. car litterbacs, etc. Ready To Be An Environmental Citizen? Please rctam the, Litter Removal Agreement with signatures to your local coordinator or: Actopt-a-8hore Keep JI1or1da Baud""'. lac. 315 lohe Kaos RoacI. BleIl M-14O Tafl..aaee. .,323CJ3...«J63 Adopt-a-Shore Questions aDd ÁDswen Q. Do Adopk-8laorc 11"011" RIect tile location to be a4ópted? A. A aroup may select the JocatiOR or be assigned one. Your local coordinator can verify a specifIC IocatioDt..vaiIebDity. Q. How oRa alaould MopH-8hore groups perform dung,.? Â. At least three times a year. Q. How 188.1 people an aeecIed ror. clanap team? A. There is no set number ofvolunteers for cleanup 1fOUPS. however. working with at least rIVe or more volunteers will reduce the time needed for each cleanup. Q Do Adopt.e-sbore crouPS decide their 0WIt adaecIule? A. Yes. However. KFB encoura¡es each adopting group to participate in the annul"'llnøI --Floridll ClttIIIUp, "coordinated. by US (during the monlh_~f AprJJ.) and the "Florida Coastal Cleanup. ft eOontinated by the Center for Marine Conservation (durina Coastweeks in the month of Scptem bet. ) Q. How do Adopt...sla.re aroapl report ct..ap fiadiap? A.. All mdividuals of an adopting IfOUP are asked 10 complete a ",arine debris/litter data card during each cleanup. . Q. Do Adopt+Sbore Croups I'fttÏye recogaltion? A. Yes. Adopt-a-Shore groups receive: . A "Certiraçate of Adoption" bearing the &rOUp' s ume. . An Adopt+Shore program sian identifyins the name of the adoptins aroup. statewide sponsor (Kuh at Kany Food Stores). and Keep Florida Beautiful, Inc. to be placed in a visible spot of tile adopted shoreline. Signs may be placed on sign posts. litter receptaçles and/or plaques IS deemed appropriate by the local community. . Rcco&nition iÐ KFS's monthly newsleetor"STATEWA7al." 9. Adopt-a-Shore Safety Guidelines Tbae safdy SUidelincs are pmvidcd for groups par1icipatiag In the Glut Flori. 06""Up. En- forcemeat of these safety pidelbtet is the respons~iJity ottho poup.. reprelefttativo. i. Use common teftSe! 2. No horseplay of any type witl be tolerated. QiJdren ere to be supervised. 3. 4. No alcoholic beverage or illegal drugs will be tolerated during the cleanup. Avoid picking up any maœn.1s that may present. danger. This includes medical waste and 81)' potentially explosive or other hazardous materi81s. s. 6. Remove litter dwiftS daylight hou". Do not conduct cleanups during bad weather. especially if lightning is in the area. 7. 8. Use caution when removing lar¡er items and when )IOu reach under something to remove rdler . 10. Aa adequate supply of drinking water should be readily available, Persons participatinl should wear Cloves. appropriate clothing and closed cae shoes. 11. A good pair of SUftaJaøes. hat and sunbfoek are reeommended. 12. A~d suspec;tcd taxidbazardoos su~, poison ivy. poison oak. noxious \YØds; areas wMre herbieides were applied recently: pllces where snakes. fire ants.jelly fish, crabs., or ... &nacrous species may be Ioc:ated. Immediately repart 1ft)' toxiclhazardous substances tothe appropriate 1oca1 authorities. In Case of Emergency: I. Every event coordinator should possess a first aid kit Kaow the route fìom the cleanup site to the nearest cmergancy cenœr Of hospital in case of Rrioas injury. 2. 3. . Have transpOI1atioft available fiom access 1Xrints.. . '. Marine DebrislLitter Removal Procedures 1. Groups btterested in adopting a shore should fIrSt contact the local Adopt....Shore coordinator. In the absençe of a local coordinator, me state coordinator at Keep Florida BeautifuJ, Inc. will send the ßI'OUP the Adopt-a-Shore agreement and guidelines. 2. An agreement should be signed by an adult authorized to represent the sponsor group .and then forwarded to Keep Florida Beautitùl Inc. for execution. If two groups request the same area. the group applying first will have priority. 3. KFB will mail a photocopy of the fully executed agreement to: a. Adopting &roUP b. Property owner Co Local Adopt-a..shore coordinatOr 4. Upon receipt otthe executed a¡reement and completion of your first litter and marine debris removal card, the local area Adopt-a-Shore coordinator will make 8JT8ftgements for installation of an official Adopt-a-Shore program recognition sign. !rthere is no local coordinator in your erea.. return your MS sign Older Conn along with the data card from your rust clean up to the state AAS coordinator who will make the sign arrangements. S. Groups will provide their own trash bags. Keep Florida Beautiful, Inc. will provide assistance in locating possible donations of trash baas. 6. Groups will dispose of filled trash bags in the appropriate trash receptacles. separating trash and recyclab1es. Recyclables may be kept by the group to raise money for their organization. Groups should generally plan to'take trash away from the shoreline for pick up. unless other ammgements have been made. Questions conceming what and where to n:c:ycJe, should be directed to the local Adopt-a-Shorc coordinator or local recycling coordinator. 70 Debrisllittcr to be removed should be liJDited to manutictured and discarded items saukina from beach littering, 8Dd should not include indigenous veaetation suçb as racks of'seaweed or øeapus. Special care must be taken to avoid sea oats when cleaning II'OUDd d ones. . . Adopt-a-Shore Program Conditions of Adoptions I. Any civic or service ¡roup. non-profit or governmental organi1.ion, business, cmporation or family willing to assume the responsibility for removin¡ marine debriJl litter &om. a specified IIa of shoreline is eligible. For this purposew a shoreline means: a lateral edae of any water body such as: Atlantic Ocean, causeways. estuaries. Oulf of Mexico, lakes. rivers 8ftd reefs. 2. Adopters-must sian the official Keep Florida Beautiful. Inc. Adopt-a..Shme apeement. When a group has aIœ8dy established a program for shoreline areas and/or enlisted the assistance of1he public to maintain such areas, the Adopt+Shore program will honor any existiDa agreements. Written verifié8tion should confirm that the established program meets the minimum requirements established by the Adopt-a-Sbore program. 3. Available areas for adoption should, generally, equal one mile in length. 4. Adopters should plan on a minimum of three cleanups per year. Groups are encour- aged to participate in the annual Grell' Fløritla ClønUp and the International Coastal Cleanup. S. AdopterS will be ~nsible for keeping accurate data during each cleanup on the official Keep Florida BeaUtiful, Inc. Litter & Marine Debris Removal Data Card. Completed cards should be sent to the local Adopt-a-Sbore coordinator. In the absence of a local coordinator, data cards should be sent to the state Adopt-a-Sborc coordinator at Keep Florida Beautiful. Inc. 6. Adopters will be responsible for reviewing safety tips provided by the local Adopt-a. Shore coordinator. In the absence of a local coordinator, K~ Florida Beautiful, Inc. will ~-!Í~ the _safety !Ï,ps. - 7. Adopters will chcck with property owncr(s) to insure that cleanup aCtivities witt not have a negâtÍve impact on environmentally sensitive areas or conf1ict with owners' current management. incIudiD¡ federal, state and local park, wildlife and natural resource officials. The use of mechanical beach cleaning equipment on the beach to aid in the cleanup operation requires a pamit ûom the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (904-488-3 t 80). Shorebird nesting areas should not be cleaned during pre-nesting and ncstina seasons. Activities should not interfere with sea turtle nesting. 8. Adopters will notify the property owner(s) 14 days prior to each cleanup in order to avoid sebeduling cODfticts. . . ADOPT -A-SHORE MARINE DEBRISIlITTER REMOVAL AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this #daYOf ¡/fí'/ ,19 ~Jbyand betWeen Keep Florida Beautiful. Inc., hereinafter called KFB~ the group adopting the shore. mar I'c. JIÎ1ðm VIis hereinafter called the GROUP; and '(f°perty owner (privale owner or association. f ral, stale. county or city government) - % trf'- . er/11Olff /...ð. rl I ereinafter called the PAaPE TV OWNER. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS the following general description of the shoreline. including property . ,:marÏ;es f~~ ~r ~ Ø:k {l)o:r1-!: e :;:: 7 {¡ksf I!vr -~ ~-- has been identified for purposes of a marine debrisJIitter removal program. (Map Included.) WHEREAS the legislature through the Solid Waste Management Act of 1988 (F.S. 403.4~31, Section 55 (i) has encouraged the implementation of litter removal programs such as Adopt~A-Shore. WHEREAS KFB. a non-profit environmental corporation. has been charged with developing the statewide Adopt-A-Shore program and is dedicated to developing and implementing statewide incentive programs designed to motivate individual citizens, local organizations, local governments. and other groups interested in participating in litter prevention program activities. WHEREAS the GROUP is desirous of adopting shoreline for the purposes of marine debriSllitter removal. NOW, THEREFORE, for the good and valuable consideration. the parties agree as follows: I. A. KFB shall: 1. Provide statewide coordination of the program and training. 2. Collect and evaluate report forms and during National COASTWEEKS coordinate with other relevant federal and state programs. 3. Provide official Adopt-A-Shore program recognition for the adopting group. Page 1 . . B. PROPERTY OWNER shall: 1 . Grant GROUP access to property for marine debrisllitter removal purposes. C. The GROUP shall: 1. Adopt, In most cases, approximately one-mile section of shoreline. 2. Remove debris/litter at least three times a year with one clean up to coincide with the national clean up held in conjunction with the fall COASTWEEKS, if practical. 3. Perform debrisnitter removal in strict accordance with the environmental and safety requirements provided by KFB as outlined in the guidelines provided. 4. Dispose of bagged trash properly, separating trash and recyclables. 5. Provide adequate adult supervision of youths during cleanups. 5, Appoint an Adopt-A-Shore representative for the GROUP. This person must be an adult. 7. Complete and send report forms to designated KFB coordinator within 10 days of the event and during National COASTWEEKS cleanup. Keep accurate data during each cleanup on the official KFB, Inc., Data Reporting Form and send the completed report form to the Adopt-a-Shore coordinator. In the absence of a local coordinator, the report form should be sent to KFB. 8. Adopters will notify the PROPERTY OWNER 14 days prior to each cleanup and confirm notification in writing. A copy of the written notification shall be sent to the Adopt-a-Shore local area coordinator. In the absence ot a local coordinator, a copy of the written notification shall be sent to Keep Aorida Beautiful. Inc. 9. Protect and respect all property and natural resources. II. The GROUP covenants and agrees that it will indemnify and hold harmless the PROPERTY OWNER, KFB. and any agencies and all their officers, agents and employees from any daim. loss, damage, cost, charge or expense arising out of any act. action, neglect or omission by the GROUP during the performance of the agreement. whether direct or indirect, and whether to any person or property to which the PROPERTY OWNER, or said parties may be subject. except that neither the GROUP nor any; of its members shall be liable under this provision for damages arising out of injury or damage to persons or property directly caused or resulting from the sole negligence of the PROPERTY OWNER. KFB, and its member agencies. any maintaining agencies. and all their officers, employees or agents. This section does not constitute a waiver of any member agency's sovereign immunity. Page 2 ., ,. . ' . . III. KFB hereby identifies Adopt-A-Shore point of contact for this contr t for 'is?'/7 /171 ¿; / d:---, as the ¿) Me /l 15 IV. This agreement shalt remain in affect for a two (2) year period. The PROPERTY OWNER or GROUP may terminate this agreement for any ret~on upon t~~ (30) d~ys written notice to KFB. GROUP. or PROPERTY OWNER. KFB and ¡ I ((I j I C/ / I/f ð lY/eÆ-,-s reserve the right to terminate this agreement for non-compliance with the stated terms. aN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have caused these present to be executed. the day and year first written above. They certify that they are famUiar with the information contained in this agreement and that they possess the authority to execute this agreement. %'ds or) NAME OF GROUP: ~ ,¿ BY: Group esemaove Address: fje:s- IJJesf /!ve/lve Zip: 3'-17// TelePtwne (Day): '9- ATTEST: ~ Í1af'fTt' {'/'A-kr DATE: 1/;s/9~ - -)y.ITLE: owner /c!u~cßvý 71 I.... City: Cle ¡--/}to d. Hor/ cI~ /' v~~ O~. w ~~ß9): 352. - <1 'tL/- :;¡s- 'iLf <!.\ /Jj EXPIRES JUL7. 2000 DATE: '7//5/9 f? Of ~ ATLANTIC BONDING CO.. INC. ' I NcaryPUÞlIC .:~~Odë~ ;tj of Cle ~ mO~ATE: Address: Y. (). ß ~-12 0 ;;;( ( 1 City: C ( elf' 1'111". V1 T ,- Zip: 3 i-7f2 Telephone (Day)&52.) ;59'f- 'iOßl (Evening): ATTEST: DATE: NcUry PublIc '-{I / 0/ q f( I F-L- '-tIt 'J-Jc¡ f( I I A-A-S AREA COORDINATOR: AFFILIATE NAME: BY: DATE: TITLE: Contact Pe'soI'I Address: Zip: City: Telephone (Day): (Evening) : KEEP FLORIDA BEAUTIFUL, INC. BY: -- ATTEST: DATE: DATE: Page 3