Resolution No. 2021-044RCITY OF CLERMONT RESOLUTION NO.2021-044R A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING BUDGET AMENDMENTS FOR THE CITY OF CLERMONT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2020-2021 WHEREAS, it is hereby found and determined by the City Council of the City of Clermont, Lake County, Florida, that the following budget amendments are necessary for the Fiscal Year October 1, 2020 to September 30, 2021: GENERAL FUND 1. Increase Capital Outlay — Fitness Equipment (10522-66401-22014) $ 35,000 Increase Capital Outlay — Air Fill Station Equipment (10522-66401-22014) $ 53,000 Increase Federal Grant — Assistance to Firefighters (10331-33120-22014) $ 80,000 To amend the Fire Department budget for fitness and air fill station equipment and related FEMA Assistance to Firefighter grant revenues approved by the City Council on August 10, 2021. 2. Increase R&M Copiers (10565-54640) $ 1,500 To amend the Procurement Services Budget for the annual cost of copier repairs and maintenance. 3. Decrease Fund Balance (10599-59900) $ 9,500 Total General Fund adjustments. POLICE IMPACT FEE FUND 1. Increase Capital Outlay— Vehicle (15521-66400) $ 55,000 Increase Capital Outlay —Equipment (15521-66401) $ 78,500 To amend the Police Impact Fee budget for the purchase of a police vehicle, boat and trailer approved by the City Council on June 22, 2021. 2. Decrease Fund Balance: Ending Reserves (15599-59900) $ 133,500 Total Police Impact Fee Fund adjustments. WATER FUND 1. Increase R&M Buildings (41533-54600) $ 27,000 Increase Cap Outlay — Improvements to Buildings (41533-66300) $ 43,000 To amend the Water Fund budget for well building upgrades for 7 well locations to include: lighting to LED, sealing soffits and remedy rodent 1 CITY OF CLERMONT RESOLUTION NO.2021-044R intrusions, repainting, roofing and fencing replacements not budgeted for in the current year. 2. Increase R&M Meter Replacements (41533-54632) $ To amend the Water Fund budget for the purchase of additional meters from Sunstate Meter & Supply (Single Source Term Contract Award approved by the City Council on March 10, 2020) from additional costs due to replace existing aged meters, high consumption and underlying issues. 3. Increase R&M New Meters (41533-54633) $ To amend the Water Fund budget for the purchase of additional meters from Sunstate Mater & Supply (Single Source Term Contract Award approved by the City Council on March 10, 2020) from additional costs due to residential customer growth, replenishing warehouse stock and installations through September 30, 2021. 139,000 321,000 4. Increase Capital Outlay (41533-66900-38123) $ 20,101 To amend the Water Fund budget for the carryforward of unexpended FY 2020 funds budgeted for the design of water improvements related to the CDBG Disston to School Project in process as of 9/30/2020. 5. Decrease Fund Balance (41599-59900) Total Water Fund adjustments. SEWER FUND $ 550,101 Increase R&M Lift Station Equipment (42535-54619) $ 37,635 To amend the Sewer Fund budget for additional funds related to generator maintenance and repairs completed by L.J. Power, Inc. totaling approximately $28,000. Also funding generator fuel tank cleaning services from Tank Wizards, Inc. totaling $9,635 whose services are to be completed by 9/30/2021. 2. Increase Capital Outlay — Other Improvements (42535-66300) $ 72,350 To amend the Sewer Fund budget for additional funds related to sewer valve replacements for reuse irrigation by Danus Utilities, Inc. totaling $13,975. Also fund a clarifier drain valve from L-7 Construction, Inc. totaling $20,800 and well augmentation services from Florida Hydronics, Inc. totaling $37,575 whose services are to be completed by 9/30/2021. 3. Decrease Fund Balance (42599-59900) $ 109,985 Total Sewer Fund adjustments. CITY OF CLERMONT RESOLUTION NO.2021-044R STORMWATER FUND Increase Capital Outlay (45538-66900-38123) $ 4,095 To amend the Stormwater Fund budget for the carryforward of unexpended FY 2020 funds budgeted for the design of stormwater improvements related to the CDBG Disston to School Project in process as of 9/30/2020. 2. Decrease Fund Balance (45599-59900) Total Stormwater Fund adjustments. $ 4,095 Net Decrease to Fund Balance — All Funds $ 807,181 3 CITY OF CLERMONT RESOLUTION NO.2021-044R NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the above said budget amendments of the City of Clermont for the Fiscal Year 2020-2021 are hereby adopted. DONE AND RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Clermont, Lake County, Florida, this 24th day of August, 2021. ATTEST: �'Illta e-- Tracy Ackroyd Howe, City Clerk Approved as tgJbnn.�nd legality: Daniel F. Mantzaris, City Attorney 4 CITY OF CLERMONT Tim Murry, ayor