1997-66 NOV 25 '97 16:15 P.0.2 , :.F It" "I' e e- '..Ii "i";~"1~f .~I k.I'}I!j , '. " ~ ~1 ::' !~; ~ j :~:'. i ~.~ This instrument prepared by and please return to: LEONARD H. BAIRD, JR. Attorney at Law P. o. Drawer 121066 Clermont, FL 34712-1066 (352) 394-2114 AØItEEM~NT This Agreement, by and between SOUTH LAKE FORD, INC., a Florida corporation, c/o DENNIS HORTON, P.A., 900 Highway 50, Clermont, FL 34711, ('IOWNERII) I and CITY OF CLERMONT, a Florida municipal corporation, P. o. Box 120219, Clermont, FL 34712-0219, ("CITyn), dated this day of , 1997. WHEREAS, "OWNER" desires that "CITY" close and pernLanently abandon that portion of Lakeview Drive, as described in E)Ù¡ibit "A" attached hereto, and WHEREAS, "CITyll has agreed to close and permanently abandon the said portion of Lakeview Drive subject to the conditions and covenants contained herein. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants contained herein together with other good and valuable considerations, the parties agree as follows: 1. IICITy,t agrees to close and per1'tlanently abandon the portion o! Lakeview Drive described in Exhibit 'IA" attached hereto. 2. "OWNER" agrees that at such time as the parcel described in Exhibit "B" or the parcel described in Exhibit IIC" is developed, "OWNER" will construct at "m-INER' 8" expense a cul-de-sac according to "CITY'S" standards to serve the parcels described NOV 25 '9? 16:16 P.Ø3 , ; .:. i , ' ; . . in EKhibits "Bt' and tIC", 3. , Further, "OWNER" agrees to dedicate to the public such right-Dr-way required to construct the said cul-de-sac according to "CIT"ltl standards;, 4. This Agreement shall be a covenant on th& parcels described in Exhibits ItB" and tlCIt that shall run with the land. CITY OF CLERMONT, a Flo~pal co~orrtion B1C: ROBERT A. POOt¡.. JJlayor , . , ~ - (\(~ '(\\ ~ k JOSEPH VANZILE, ~~~~ Witness ç:)1~ ~- ~ witness SOUTH LAKE FORD, INC" a FlO~7d~ 09rp~n BY: Y:::J'M ~ ./ , STATE OF FLORIDA) : 55, COUNTY OF LAKE The fhregoing Agreement was acknowledged before me this O~ day of rcc.... b.'4- , 1997, by ROBERT A, POOL, as Mayor, and attested by JOSEPH VANZILE, as City Clerk, of the CI~"l OF CLERMONT, a Florida municipal corporation, on behalf of said corporation, who are personally known to me. Notary public - - - . P.Ø4 t4OV 25 "37 15: 15 t' . . STATE OF 'ELORIDA ) : 55. COUNTY OF LÞ.KE The fo~egoin9 Agreement was ac~oWle8dged before me this O~ da~ of Qec.r""!H-, 1997, by (>,;1 øl,>.....crt as rtl.eS;k... .... of SO't,;TH LAKE FORD, INC., a Florida corporation, on behalf of said corpo~a~ion, who is personally known to me. ~ C-K~ Notary Public /¡I:r.~r~~ ANNETTE C. KIRK - ~.: I, ':.~ MY COMMISSION II CC446816 EXPIRES ,~~, .\.,({ June 22 1\;99 ~;~,;j¡~~W" BONDED l1IRU TROV fÅIH INSURANCE, INC. ULI1-. ':j( .4::;;'U , , . . BXJttBIT "A" THAT PORT:ION en' LAJ:EVIEW DRIVE, BOUNDED ON THE NORTH BY THE WBSTERLY EXTENSION OF THE NORTHERN BOUNDARY OF LOT 36 AND BOUNDED ON THE SOUTH BY THE SOUTHERN BOUND~Y OF LAXEVXEW DRIVE, ACCO~DING TO PLAT OF LAKEVI£W HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION, RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 121 PAGE 82, PUBLIC RECORDS OF LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA '< -,-------"~--'--"------ ... ~ ~ . EXHIBIT "B" . Degin at the Intersection of the Westerly right-of-w¿¡y line of Lùke view Drive ¿¡nd the Southerly right-of-wùy of lIighlùnd Avenue, ùS shown on the Plat o[ L.:1ke View lIei(Jht~ Subdivi~ion, Section One, ùS recorded in Pl¿¡t ßook 12, Page OJ, Public Records of Lake County, Florida: Thence South 01° 27' 43" I::.:1~t along said Westerly right-of-way line o( Lake View Drivc, a di~tance of 260.76 feet to the Northeast corner of Lot 44, s.:1id Lùke View Heights Subdivision, Section One; thence south 00° 32' 17" \<Je~t along the Northerly boundary o[ ~~id Lot 44, a di5L~nce o[ 131.00 feet to the Northwest corner oE ~ùicl Lol: 44; thence south 01° 27' 43" East along the Westerly boundary o[ Lots 37 through 44, inclusive, said Lake View lIei<)ht~ Subdivi~ion, soction One, a distance of 406.00 [eet to the Southwe~t corner oE said Lot 37; thence North 00° 32' 17" East along the Southerly boundary of ~aid Lot 37, ¿¡ distance of 131.00 feet to c:1 point on the aforesaid Westerly right-of-way lIne oE Lc:1ke View Drive; thence South 01° 27' 43" East along ~aid \<Jcstcrly ri<Jht-o[-way line a distance of 444.00 feet to the Southwest corner o[ said Lake View Drive right-of-wùYi thence departin<) ~,)id rj']ht-of-way, run south 14° 01' 17" West, a distance of 127.41 [eet to a point on the Nor theas ter ly r igh t-of-wùy 1 i ne of a Flor iùc:1 Depa r tin en t of Transportation Limited Access rlght-of-w,:¡y, per State Job No. 11200-3503; thence North 60° 40' 54" \'¡est .:I 1 onej sùid right-o[- way line a distance of 03.27 feet; thence North 111° 40' 15" \<Jcst .:110ng said right-of-way line, ¿¡ dist¿¡nce o( 606.90 recti thence North 09° 10' '15" \'¡est ¿¡long said right-of-wùy line, a distance of 366.15 feeti thence North 03° 56' 47" West ùlong said right- of-way line, a distance of 319.35 feet to the Southerly right-oE- wùy line of the ùforçmentioned Highlùnd Avenue; thence North 00° 50' 17" East ùlong sùid Southerly right-oE-way line a di~tùnce of 307.29 feet to the Point of Deginning. '-, , . '.\..' , ' . , ' - ' . . . . , . , , ..' OCT 14 '~7 : I ,v- .:..4 : ~ 1 . . EXHIBIT "c" , ' . " , ' . "," ".':':~', ;"",:, "::r:~:"";Z$~;;~~' . ". -.. -- . ;', : ""'" :\¡" oca~ AT t}.It SOUl1i\'t't~T ~QHNC:R Of LOT 36 ^S :.IIOWN ON TIle: PLAT or , " 00, '. ":~ l.N<rV!t:w ~C'GI.ns 5UIJOIVlSlON. ~r.(;110N ONI.. AS rU:C\iROCO IN Pl/l f 0001( .:}" 12. PAC( 83 ( F THf PUBLIC I\EoonOS or LAKE CO\JNTY. f1.0nrO^; THCt..C( , " . NOt"'l7' 4J.W. G-t.()O rcr..r fO 'Tt-!E Non }(\I,of!; j CO,qNI.It O'! !jAIl') LOT .1G; ::.. THf.NC"; NCO"):2"17'C, Al.OtJ(. 'Irll:: NOlll11I:.IU.'( BOVNOAny Of' S/I'O lOT Jr.. I, ".,' OlsrANC£ ()I-' ~.oo fl'.(T; ,Hl:NCr IKr'AHTINC SN!) N(j!\ nlE'.Rt Y aOUNDM1'f, ,:' RUN, ~O1-,rJ"'.).r.. ~~~.(\Î Í-'ltT TO ^ POIN7 O~¡ 'nI~ Norn~I(Rl"" RIC!1T-Of-W¡\Y liNE Of Si^1~ ~oM) NO. 5(); TI1t:NC!: tl7:"O7':JO'W. ALOlolr, 5^'0 RIGHT..cr-'{/^,' liNE:. 1!>.79 rtEr; rl-lF:NCE: N.60"o(Jr:'4ww, ALOI'G SA () RIGIoIT-O¡.'-WAY liNe:. 10 O S~ANCt: O. IIJ,CG ~TU: THé.NC¡: NI4'40'1:'""I. ALONG :JA/D mc;ur-OF-WAV UNf. " OISTI'\NCC or !1ð.2G F((r: III~C(, ()CPARTING :I^H) nl(;HT-Qf..WAY LlN!:. RUN Na8'32'l'n~. 1J!J.~j FtEr 10 A pnlNT O'~ 'IiC W[5rr.r~LY RIC:HT-O.-Vt'I\y UNf I:JF' I.^Kt: \/11:1'1' O/llVE: nICNe;:¡¡ :.0"2';"04.)"':. /ll{INt: 1o^IO fill::tIT-Of'-WAY UI"':. 10. OI5Tmt:( or O~.Qo r(( I. 1I1íNCF; Nß(r:>:f\ I". Jo, .~)N(, ~"ID RICHT..Of-WAY litH:. ^ DI$(/ViCr. í1:" GO.OO .((1 TO 'Ole POINt or SCQNNING. CONTAINING 0.71 ACRes. MOnt 011 Lt:¡s. ',.' , ,..:. . ,::;.~:' f'~' ---- . " " -, .' .ct'.""i1~~tJ.tt.,=\ "