1997-35 .. ... . ~ '. il ~ 8 8 Fee Summary and Terms of Agreement City of Clermont EAR Mousing and Transportatiøn Elements May 8, 1997 Scope of W éFk Items 1-7, which in summary includes the preparation of the housing and transpeFtatiøn elements of the EAR and related responses to DCA sufficiency deteFl11Înations until the EAR is determined by DCA to be sufficient, are proposed to be performed by the RPC under a "FÐŒI> FE:Æ" aAiangement of a mimmum tøtal of$10,000 and a maximum total of$15,000. This range is established to recognize that the Shimberg Center will be providing some assistance for the hO1:lsing aDal¥sis and that the act1:la11evel of work that will be required for the transportation analysis is difficl:llt te aecuFately project at this timeo Pursl:lant to RPC Administrative Policy #96-1, as a member of thz 2<1St Central Florida Regional Planning Cø\!lneil the City of Clermont is eligible for as. 0% discount of this amount up to 1h of its total annl:lal memBer assessment (which for FY 96-97 is $1,375)0 The reduction fer FY 96-97 is thereføre $'68~8, half of which ($344) will be refunded to the City in FY 96-97, with the balance ($344) to be credited to the City's 1997-98 member assessment. Payments The RPC will invoice the City as follows: Upon submittal of Work Item 1 Upon submittal ofWolik Item 4 Upøn Centraet Completion. $6,000 $4,000 Actual total RPC expenses that exceed $lQ,OOO up to an additional $5,000, for a total project cost of no mere than $15,OQO. . The contraet is considered cempleted when DCA has determined the housing and transportation elements oftlte EAR to be sufficient an.d,in compliance. If for any reason, payment to the RPC cannot be made within thirty (30) days after receipt of the RPC's invoice, tlte City shall notify the RPC ofthese reasons. The City's first half $344 member assessment rebate will be paid by the RPC within 30 days of acceptan<re of this proposal. The second half $344 rebate will be credited to the City's RPC FY 97- 98 member assessment. The City of Clerment shall be the owner of all materials produced under this agreement, however, as public information, the RPC will be allowed to utilize the data produced as part of its metropolitan and regional planning programs. It is understood that, as a public agency, the RPC may be asked by 1 o/¿ 1(97 {' .35'" ~ . 8 8 member.s ef,the public fer cøpies of maps or other materials produced under this ag¡;eement. Any sueR eø,pies shall be ia the fo¡¡m, of paper prints and not as digital or eleetroßÏc repr.oduetions un1es~ sueh we authorized, in writing by the City of Clermont and consistent with applicable lawso Paper pAnts distrobuted by the RPC to the public shall be labeled as "Unofficial Copy" or with other, notations as may be directed by the Cityo This agreemeßt may be terminated by either the City or the RPC by providing a minimum of fifteen (15) days WFÎttœnotice. In the eveRt of termination, the RPC shall be entitled to all fees payable at the date of the termination notice, as pliovided for in the above fee schedule and the City shall be' eatitled to all mateFials p¡¡øduced by the RPC related to work products for which the RPC has been paid at the time of the termination notice. The &PC shall prepare the transportation and housing work products as required under the terms of the City's Evaluation and Appraisal Repolit Assistance Program Contract with the Florida Department of Community Affairs (the City/DCA coatract). The preliminary work products as specified by the City/DCA coatliact must be submitted to the City by August 8, 1997. Finished products shall be submitted to the City by October 31, 1997. The Project Manager for the RPC is: Mr. Gregory Golgowski, AICP Deputy Exeoutive Direotor 407/623-1075, voice 407/623-1084, fax The Project Manager for the City is: Mr. LaIlllY Harker, AICP Planning Director 352/394-4083, voice 352/394-3542, fax Nam . Title: Mayor. Ci ty of C1 ermont Accepted by the East Central Florida Regio~g Council: Name~ ) Title: Ex e cut i v e ,D ire c tor, E C F R PC Date: June 10, 1997 Date: J un e 2 6 , 1997 2