1997-01 PRINCIPALS JJmes [ Chmwpher. PE Charle, W Drake. PG GerJld C IIJrtman, P[ MJrkILukc,PLS M,lrkA Rmnmg.PE HJrold E Schmldt,Jr P[ 8 - HARTMAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. engineers, hydro geologists, surveyors & management consultants ASSOCIATES Wllli,tm D .\lu"er, PE Scott C QlILnlJn. PE Tlmoth\' A Hochuli. PE MJrco H Rocca, C ~1 C J RlchJ,,1 Voorhee, PE Dougla, P Dufresne. PG Rlch,led C CopdJnd. ~1 B A November 22, 1996 Revised December 9, 1996 HAI#96-465,OO Mr. Wayne Saunders, City Manager City of Clermont 1 Westgate Plaza Clermont, Florida 34711 Subject: ReviewlUpdate of City Water, Wastewater, Fire, Police and ParksIRecreation Impact Fees Dear Mr. Saunders: We are pleased to submit the following proposal for professional services in connection with the review/update of City Water, Wastewater, Fire, Police and Parks/Recreation Impact Fees. Hartman & Associates, Inc., hereinafter referred to as the Consultant, proposes to furnish professional services for the City of Clermont, hereinafter referred to as the City for the Scope outlined below for the fees stipulated herein. Scope of Services The Consultant will perform the following: 1. Data Acquisition and Project Initiation - In order to review/update the City's above mentioned impact fees, it will be necessary to acquire a wide range of data from the City. This includes, but is not limited to, data regarding i) population and customer information; ii) level of service standards; iii) inventories of certain City assets and facilities; iv) historical and projected capital cost information; v) historical and projected capital funding mechanisms; vi) information related to calls for police and fire services; vii) fire and police response times; and viii) other information as required. This proposal assumes that the required information is available and that no independent verification of such data will be required of the Consultant. A project initiation and information meeting will be held to identify City goals and objectives, data concerns and other related issues. 2. Water and Wastewater Impact Fee Analysis - The analysis of the City's current water and wastewater rates will begin with a review of the methodology used to determine those fees. In addition, a review of existing and future capital costs and allocation to 201 EAST PINE STREET. SUITE 1000 . ORLA~DO. FL 32801 TELEPHONE (407) 839-3955 . FAX (407) 839-3790 'fl~ /q '1 ORLANDO FORT MYERS FORT PIERCE JACKSONVILLE TALLAHASSEE Mr. Wayne Saunders 8 November 22, 1996 Revised December 9, 1996 Page 2 8 appropriate customers will be conducted. Finally, an analysis will be made of existing and future capacity utilization. Any applicable credits will be developed and the resulting water and wastewater impact fees determined. 3. Police and Fire Protection Impact Fees - As with the water and wastewater impact fees, the first task in the development of the police and fire protection impact fees will be a review of the methodology used to develop the existing charges. This will be followed by the updating service demands and classifications, as well as the review/update of appropriate capital costs and funding mechanisms. Finally, based on the above analyses as well as future demand, the police and fire protection impact fees will be developed. 4. Parks and Recreation Impact Fees - A review of the methodology behind the City's current parks and recreation impact fees will be made. The City's inventory of existing parks and recreation facilities will be examined and compared to the City's level of service standards. The costs of any additional facilities required and appropriate funding sources will be developed based on similar expenditures made by the City in the recent past. In addition, the service classifications will also be reviewed. One possible change in this area may be the implementation of a separate hospital classification in the fee schedule. Finally, any appropriate credits will be made and the resulting impact fee determined. 5. Impact Fee Comparisons - A comparison of the City's and proposed impact fees to those charged by other area governmental entities for similar services will be provided. 6. City/Consultant Meetings - In order to present the preliminary results of the study as well as the finalized report to the City staff prior to the presentation of the final recommendations to the City Council, the Consultant is prepared to coordinate with the City staff for two additional meetings. 7. Preparation of Report - A draft report of the studies, analyses, conclusions and recommendations will be prepared for review by the City staff. A final report will then be prepared incorporating any staff recommendations and comments for presentation to the City Council. 8. Ordinance and Combined Public Hearing - The Consultant will assist as requested by the City in reviewing the draft ordinances concerning impact fee adjustments and/or presentation of the report findings at one public meeting. Mr. Wayne Saunders 8 November 22, 1996 Revised December 9, 1996 Page 3 8 9. Additional Services as Requested - At the City's request, the Consultant will provide the City any additional services beyond those in Tasks 1 through 8. Items To Be Furnished At No Expense to the Consultant Assist Consultant by furnishing, at no cost to the Consultant, all available pertinent information including previous reports, City ordinances and comprehensive plan elements, level of service information, financial statements, budgets, cost estimates and funding mechanisms, population and customer data; and any other data relative to performance of the above services for the project. It is agreed and understood that the accuracy and veracity of said information and data may be relied upon by Consultant without independent verification of the same. Time of Performance Items 1 through 5 of the Scope of Services will be completed within Ninety (90) calendar days after receipt of Notice to Proceed except for delays beyond the reasonable control of the Consultant. Said representation is not, however, a warranty or guarantee that said services will be completed within such time frame. Items 6 through 9 of the Scope of Services will be completed as mutually agreed to with the City. Compensation F or Items 1 through 7 of the Scope of Services, the Consultant shall be paid a lump sum fee of Fifteen Thousand Five Hundred Seventy Dollars ($15,570.00), plus reimbursable expenses. For Item 8 of the Scope of Services the Consultant shall be paid a fee based upon the attached hourly Rate Schedule (see Exhibit A) plus reimbursable expenses. We estimate the costs for these services will not exceed Two Thousand Six Hundred Fifty-Six Dollars ($2,656.00) without prior approval of the City. It should be emphasized that this estimate is for budget purposes only and should not be considered a guaranteed amount. . Finally, to the extent that the City wishes the Consultant to compile certain data or make changes to the impact fee methodologies themselves, other than such minor modifications which we find or may be necessary, we will endeavor to absorb the additional cost within the above budget estimates. To the extent this is not possible, adjustment to the budgets or implementation services per Item 9 of the Scope of Service may be necessary. 8 Mr. Wayne Saunders November 22, 1996 Revised December 9, 1996 Page 4 8 Acceptance Acceptance of this proposal may be indicated by the signature of a duly authorized official of the City in the space provided below. One signed copy of this proposal returned to the Consultant will serve as an Agreement between the two parties and as Notice to Proceed. Very truly yours, Hartman & Associates, Inc. Lthl/A )IÞ~- 2 h .! Witness r ~J)~ ~ 1:)- WItness J!/æ~ , - // , Marco H. Rocca, C.M.C. Associate Accepted by: City of Clermont ~es~ Q ~/1 /j/L/ 1J j~ Witness /Z¿ ô. t?~ Authorized Signature C1:~~ Ii( /9q,7 flate if J Attachments cc: Ada Terrero RCC/vgs/P 1/saunderl.mhr 8 8 EXHIBIT A HARTMAN & ASSOCIATES, INc. HOURLY RATE SCHEDULE Gerald Co Hartman, P.E. Partners/Principals (P.E.! PoG.! P.LS.) Senior Manager/Senior Engineer Division Manager/Chief Engineer (P.E.!C.M.C.) Engineer VIII (PoE.) Senior Project Manager Engineer VII (P.E.) Engineer VI (P.E.) Engineer V (P.E.) Engineer IV Engineer III Engineer VII Senior Scientist Senior Inspector Inspector Junior Inspector Senior Planner/Designer Hydrogeologist VIII (P.G.) Hydrogeologist VII (P.G.) Hydrogeologist VI (P.G.) Hydrogeologist V (P.G.) Hydrogeologist IV Hydrogeologist III Hydrogeologist VII Hydro Technician II Hydro Technician I Engineering Designer III Engineering Designer II Engineering TechnIcian IV Engineering Technician III (CADD) Engineering Technician II (CADD) Engineering Technician I (CADD) Land Surveyor Survey Crew Chief Survey Technician III Survey Technician II Survey Technician I Graphics Manager Graphics Technician Senior Rate Analyst (M.B.A.) Senior Rate Analyst Rate Analyst Secretarial Support Reproduction/Courier Support Administrative Assistant Senior Word Processor Word Processor Rod-man $125.00 $99.00 $99.00 $80.00 $70.00 $65.00 $65.00 $60.00 $55.00 $50.00 $45.00 $40.00 $55.00 $48.00 $40.00 $32.00 $46.00 $75.00 $65.00 $60.00 $55.00 $50.00 $45.00 $40.00 $35.00 $25.00 $50.00 $45.00 $45.00 $40.00 $35.00 $30.00 $45.00 $40.00 $40.00 $35.00 $25.00 $45.00 $35.00 $60.00 $50.00 $45.00 $20.00 $25.00 $50.00 $37.00 $30.00 $20.00 Effective Date: August 10, 1995 (Hourly rates are reviewed annually and may be adjusted to reflect changes in the various elements that comprise them.) at/Misc6/4HrlyRte. Sch 8/10/95 . . CITY OF CLERMONT Office of the City Manager January 23, 1997 Marco H Rocco, CMC Hartman & Associates. Inc. 201 E. Pine Street, Suite 1000 Orlando, FL 32801 Dear Mike: Enclosed you will find a signed agreement for the review/update of the City of Clermont water, wastewater, fire, police and parks and recreation impact fees. If you have any questions, please feel free to give me a call. Sincerely, CITY OF CLERMONT WAYNE SAUNDERS City Manager WS:aw Enclosure P.O. BOX 120219 . CLERMONT, FLORIDA, 34712-0219 . PHONE: 904/394-4081