Contract 2020-067A.10DocuSign Envelope ID: 47F52677-DF6D-4056-B572-AEBOA7BO508E CHANGE ORDER FORM Contract / P.O. Number: 2019-55 Bid Number: RFB 19-051 Change Order Number: 10 Change Order Date: Aug 19, 2021 Project Name: Streetscape Phase 2 Department: Public Services Job Location: Minneola Ave. and Osceola Street VENDOR INFORMATION: Company Name: Traverse Group, Inc. Address: P.O. Box 121754 City, St., Zip: Clermont, FL 34712 Contact Name: Alicia Roehn Telephone:352-409-6630 DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE: Alteration, deviation, addition, or deletion caused by conditions encountered during construction not covered by the specifications and drawings of the project (attach additional pages if necessary). Additive Change Order - Additional parking in Minneola Ave., sidewalk and drainage revisions. ITEM AMOUNT A. ORIGINAL CONTRACT VALUE: $ 4,310,565.37 B. AMOUNT OF THIS CHANGE ORDER: $ 34,251.16 Must be within the overall scope of services in accordance with contract specifications. C. PERCENT OF CONTRACT VALUE THIS CHANGE ORDER (B/A): % 0.8% D. AMOUNT OF PREVIOUS CHANGE ORDERS: $ 109,423.02 E. TOTAL AMOUNT OF ALL CHANGE ORDERS (B+D): $ 143,674.18 F. PERCENT OF CONTRACT OF ALL CHANGE ORDERS (E/A): 10% Maximum % 3.3% G. NEW CONTRACT VALUE (A+E) $ 4,454,239.55 This Change Order is not valid without the following signatures: DocuSigned by: DocuSigned by: �_O/� 8/19/2021 396EE3AC046D48F_. 97CC96F6EBA64F2... CONTRACTOR Date PROJECT ARCHITECT / ENGINEER EDocuSigned by: fb" bVt"S6V' 014063B8FF414OF... DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR 8/20/2021 Date DocuSigned by: 431F57D413554D6... PROCUREMENT DIRECTOR / CITY MANAGER 8/19/2021 Date 8/20/2021 Date Council approval is required if change order(s): 1) exceeds $49,999; 2) exceeds the greater of $100,000 OR 10% of the original contract amount for construction projects; 3) the funds are not available in the approved budget for the department. CITY OF CLERMONT ATTEST: MAYOR Date CITY CLERK Date Rev. 1-1-2021 DocuSign Envelope ID: 47F52677-DF6D-4056-B572-AEBOA7B0508E GROUP,TRAVERSE OF • CORNER:CHANGE ORDER 10 - ADDT PARKING MINNEOLA AVE; MISC CONCRETE SIDEWALK AND DRAINAGE REVISIONS R•HOME L.N. General Description QtY. Unit Misc Concrete Sidewalk & Drainage Revisions 5+75R (Pepe's Corner) $ 4,682.56 1.11 Survey 1 LS $ 300.00 $ 300.00 2.13 Remove sidewalk to replace ADA mats (7+75R Driveway and Corner Pepe's) 326 SF $ 1.95 $ 635.70 10.1 4" Concrete Sidewalk 326 SF $ 6.75 $ 2,200.50 11.1 ADA Mats 60 SF $ 25.00 $ 1,500.00 1.2 Payment and Performance Bond - Increase due to bonding charge(s) by Bonding Company (1%) 1 LS $46.36 $ 46.36 TOTAL $ 4,682.56 Drainage Improvements Becker Funeral Home $ 5,082.32 2.13 Remove existing concrete 160 SF $ 1.95 $ 312.00 2.19 Saw cut concrete 56 LF $ 1.25 $ 70.00 5.43 10x6 Sewer wye 2 EA $ 250.00 $ 500.00 6.3 6" Cleanouts 3 EA $ 150.00 $ 450.00 6.2 6" Laterals 2 EA $ 750.00 $ 1,500.00 5.44 4" Trench drains 20 LF $ 110.00 $ 2,200.00 1.2 Payment and Performance Bond - Increase due to bonding charge(s) by Bonding Company (1%) 1 LS $50.32 $ 50.32 TOTAL $ 5,082.32 Additional Parking Minneola Ave $ 24,486.28 1.11 Survey 1 LS $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 1.12 Testing 1 LS $ 350.00 $ 350.00 3.1 Stabalized Subgrade 170 SY $ 3.00 $ 510.00 3.10 Excavate Roadway 135 CY $ 6.00 $ 810.00 3.17 Remove Excess Material 135 CY $ 6.00 $ 810.00 9.01 Geo Fabric for Pavers 1452 SF $ 0.65 $ 943.80 9.02 Recycled Concrete Road Base 162 SY $ 15.00 $ 2,430.00 10.12 6" Ribbon Curb 130 LF $ 30.00 $ 3,900.00 11.02 Red Brick Pavers 1452 SF $ 8.77 $ 12,734.04 11.05 White Brick Pavers 28 SF $ 27.00 $ 756.00 1.2 Payment and Performance Bond - Increase due to bonding charge(s) by Bonding Company (1%) 1 LS $242.44 $ 242.44 TOTAL $ 24,486.28 CHANGE ORDER TOTAL $ 34,251.16