1994-05 " '. . ,(- / 8 RECEIVED ,,--- - 8 FEB 10 1994 INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT COUNTY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE THIS AGREEMENT, entered into this 12th day of August, 1986 by and between the Board of County Commissioners of Lake County, Florida, hereinafter referred to as County, and the Municipalities who have signed this Agreement, hereinafter referred to as Municipalities. WHEREAS, Flor ida Statu te 336.025 allows counties to impose additional local option gas taxes to be used for transportation expenditures; and WHEREAS, in 1984 and in 1985, the County levied local option gas taxes in the total amount of four cents on each and every gallon of motor fuel and special fuel sold in Lake County, Florida, and taxed pursuant to Chapter 206 of the Florida Statutes; and WHEREAS, those previous four cents were distributed pursuant to a formula adopted by an Interlocal Agreement between the County and Municipalities representing more than half of the persons living within Municipalities in Lake County, Florida; and WHEREAS, the County wishes to increase the tax beginning September 1, 1986 -by an additional -two-ce-ñt-s-;"and WHEREAS, Flor ida Statute 336.025 allows the County and one or more Municipalities within Lake County representing a majority of the population of the incorporated area within Lake County to adopt by Interlocal Agreement a distribution formula for dividing the proceeds of the tax among the County and all eligible Municipalities; and WHEREAS, the County and Municipalities wish to have this additional two cents (fifth and si~th c=nt loca1 option gas tax) distributed as provided in this Interlocal Agreement. NOW THEREFORE, it is agreed as follows: 1. This Agreement is entered into by County and Municipalities pursuant to Florida Statute 336.025 and 163.01. 2. This Agreement shall have no effect upon the first four cents of local option gas tax adopted pursuant to Florida Statute 336.025 and the distribution of such proceeds. It is intended Interlocal Agreement Page 1 . ..' . " 8 8 that the previous Interlocal Agreement distribution formula adopted by County and Municipalities shall continue to govern for distribution of those original four cents gas tax. 3. Proceeds of the fifth and sixth cent local gas option tax, which shall be effective September 1, 1986 and continue for a period of thirty (30) years, pursuant to Lake County Ordinance, shall be divided among Lake County and the eligible Municipalities in Lake County in the following percentages: Lake County Leesburg Clermont Mount Dora Eustis Tavares Umatilla Astatula Montverde Minneola Lady Lake Fruitland Park Groveland Mascotte Howey-in-the-Hills 69.04% 7.60% 3.20% 3.35% 6.34% 3.19% 1.11% .51% .24% .50% 1.14% 1.41% 1.13% .88% .36% 4. This Agreement may be modified only if agreed to in writing by County and Municipalities representing a majority of the population of the- incorporated area within Lake County, Florida. This Agreement Æntered into on the da~and date first-above written. Nunc pro tunc August )2, 1986. LAKE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ~~L!~ Catherine C. Hanson, Chairman ATTEST: J ~ ~Tt::. ~ r~~ ~eK- Bo~rd of CGunty Coü~issionets of Lake County, Florida This ~ day of ~~6 , 1994. APPROVED AS TO FORM AND ~ LEGALITY: City of Clermont Interim County Attorney SAM/bc/8 Interlocal Agreement Page 2 . " 8 8 RESOLUTION 1986-42 WHEREAS, Florida Statute 336.025 allows the Board of County Commissioners to adopt a one, two, three, four, five or six cent local option gas tax on every gallon of motor fuel and special fuel sold in Lake County, Florida, and WHEREAS, said statute requires that if an interlocal agreement has not been executed by cities representing a majority of those persons living in the incorporated areas within Lake County and Lake County by July 15th, that the County Commission must adopt a Resolution of intent to levy the tax allowed under the statute, and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners wishes to adopt the fifth and sixth cent tax making a total of six cents local option gas tax in Lake County, Florida. NOW, THEREFOFE, BE IT FF.SOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Lake County, Florida: 1. That this Resolution is adopted pursuant to Florida Statute 336.025 (3)( a)( 2) and j s an expr-ess ion of the in ten t or the Board of County Commissioners to levy the fifth and sixth cent local option gas tax pursuant to said statute. 2. Should no interloca1 agreement be adopted prior to August 15th of this year, distribution proportions for said tax shall be as estahlishen in Florida Statute. DONE AND RESOLVED in regular session by the Board of County Commissioners of Lake County, Florida, this 1 ') day of July , 1986. " L~FE COUNTY BOAFD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ~.u~ .p MES R. CAR ATTEST: d¿.,l 'A"-,, Q ,;'~' JAMES 9. WATKI~~, CLC~K - . - - - - SAMjphjl8-2 r' . '. 8 8 ORDINANCE 1986 - 4 ~ AU ORDHfANCE ADOPTED PURSUANT TO FLORIDA. S~TUTE~ 3.36.025; IHPOSIHG AU ADDITIONAL :;-CEH'I' (TWO) tppCAL ~ OPTION GAS TAX TO MAKE Ã TOT^L 6-(ENTS (SIX) ~CAL OPTION GAS TAX UPON EVERY GALLON OF MOTOR FUEL~ND ..t-- SPECIAL FUEL SOLD IN LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA. AND T~ED ~ UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 206, FLORIDA STATUT~; ---'t ESTABLISHING A DURATION OF THIRTY YEARS FOR SUÇH 0; ;:'DDITIONAL TAX; PROVIDING FOR ;'N APPLICABLE METHOD crþ ;~ Dr STRIBUTION OF SUCH ADDITIONAL TAX BETWEEtl LAKE COüNT~ AND ELIGIBLE ~UNICIPALITIES LOCATED IN LAKE COUNTY; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE; PROVIDIt:G À. SEVERANCE CLAUSE. ~ ....-- (- ("'Co <..:" WHEREAS. Flor~da S~a~u~e 336.0:5 allows ~he :J°ver:u. ng body or a Coun~y to ixpose in aãdi~ion to o~hèr ~axes allowed ty law, a ~ne-cent, two-cent, thr€c-c€~t. f:>ur-cenc. f1..ve-cen~ or S1..X- CI.;:1~ ::"acal option gas tax upon ¿very gallon of ~otor fuel anã ~pe=~al fuel sold in that Coun~y and taxeã unèe( Chapcèr 206 of Ln~ Florida S~~tUt~S, a~d WHEREAS, the Board of Co~nty Co~~issio~ers of Lake County. flc:-:..da has prev1..ously imposed iour-c:..mts of saiå local option ~as tax in Ord1..nanCES 19B4-5 and 19~5-15, and IJHEP,EAS, the Boa:-å of Col:nt:y Co!1.missloners of Lake Ccur.t:y, :l~:-lda nas now àetermi~ed t~a~ ~t lS ne~e~sary co l:npose a:: ad¿~tlOnal ~wo-cent local op~io~ gas ~ax in Lake County, Florida. t:> ::1aY.ë a total ot S1..:<-cencs, to pro'/ide ITìor.les fer che cor.s truc t ion and maintenance of roads and for oth¿r -------- --- ....u--.---..- u_~- - -.. -- - - - - -~~-- - --- - - -..u - --.. - ~ - -- .. ---- ..- transportation expenses as defi~e¿ in Florida St.atutè 336.0::5. anå WHEREAS, Ht.:nicipalities loca~¿å lr'. Lak.: County, Florida representing a majority of the population living in lncorporated areas have agreed to establish a èistributlon formula tor dividing the proceeds of the fifth and ~ i ..~ t h cent t:ax among Councy Government and all eligible municipalities in La~e Count:y, Florida. tlOW THEREFORE~ BE IT ORDAINED by the Board or County Commissioners of Lake County as follows: Section One: Beginning September 1, 1986, and continulng - - .. ... ~~r_~ y_e~i_°<:i__<:~--~~~!"_~X-.J.~~)_~c:~r_s___ur~t~)- ;'u~\l?-t J9_,-- 2016.. _~_he_rè- snall be l~posed in addition to all oth~r taxes allowed by law ~n additional two-cent local option gas tax to make a total of s:x- . '. . ,~ 8 8 -:cr:ts local option gas tax ,,¡pon ev¿ry gallon ~f ~ot~r fuel ar:d ~péclal fuel solå in Lake County, Flor::.àa. a:-:å taxed under the ~rCVlSlons of Chapter 206. Floriåa Statutes. Section Two: The aåditlonal two-c¿nt tax shall be collecteà ir: the mar:ner provided by F1crlda Stat~t¿s 336.025(~). Section Three: The proc~¿ds of the adåltional two-cent tax shall be distributee:. as provij¿d in the Interlocal Agreement ..:nter~d inte betwc¿n Lake County and ttunicipalities located in L3ke County, Florida representing a !""a j 0 r it 'J of the population llving in incorporated areas pursuant to Florida Statute J36.025(3)(a){1). The percentages of the additional two-cent gas tax that Lake County and each eliglble City will receive as :ollows: ------------ Lake County Leesburg Clermont Nount Dora Eustis Tavares Umatilla Astatula Hontverde 1'1inne01 a Lady Lake Fruitland Park Groveland Hascotte: Howey~~~~~~e-Kills ---.. - -- - ,- , 69.04% ï.60% 3.20% 3.35% 6.34"6 3.19% 1.11% .51% .~4% .50% 1.14% 1.41% 1.13% .88% ~. 36\~ -- - - -- t:othi¡¡g in this Ordinance shall affect tDe distribution ot t::-.¿ first four-cents local Opt:lr...¡¡ gas tax as adopted lr1 Oråi~ances 1984-5 and 1985-15. Section Fo\.:r. The' Clerk ot the Board ot County Co~~issioners is directed to proviãe a certified copy of this Ordlnance and of the . Incer1ocal Agreement to th~ D~parcment or / Revenue prior t9 August 15, 19~6. Section Five. Proceeàs of che addicional two-Cc~t gas t a:-: shall be used by Lake County anà eligible municipalicies only tor cra~sportation expenses as è¿rined in Flcrida Scatute 336.025. Scctl.on Six. If any Section or part ot a Section of tn::.s vr¿ ir.ance shall be held invallà, toe rè~aining porcions of th:s Orà:.nanc.e- shall-not- be - ..affected --but--snall--remain in full' f'orce anå effect. . '. ..,'- 8 S '.= :- t ~ 0 r. :3 è "¡ L' r¡ : :::-st a::å. :::::l";/ r¿aà~n9 ::1:3:::=:, Sta1:U :: :lcr~å~. ~üt1E: .:.tfD úRr)ÀI![ED ~~g~_ar seSS10n cf ~he '.: 0 L::-. ~ y , Florida. ~;'; ST: ( I ---'...... I ~;/ ' " - '-t:~{¡-{_. -:: :7:<.:5 C. \¡a~}:ir.s, Cli..!r¡': - .._--...-- - - -- -- . - - -- -, - ----------- 8 Thl.S \ ùr~lnar.c~ sr.all ~c~~~ê ~fi~c~lVë ~po~ and upon illlng W1Ù1 tné Department of (:1:5 12 -:1.ay :;£ August:, --..- ---- Beard or l G...lr. t":l -':::>r.,:'.lss10ners LAKE COUNTY BOARD OF COUl1TY Cúl111ISSIOJŒRS ~ '£J,¡;~-..~~),. ~ Ca~so~, Jr., Chairman :'~~6 ::: of Lakt: .. - ,..- --- - , - --- -- --- /' . . .;:, 8 8 County Attorney 315 WEST MAIN STREET TAVARES, FLORIDA 32778 PHONE. 904-343-9787 SUNCOM: 659-1787 FAX' 904-343-9646 February ll, 1994 Leonard H. Baird, Jr., Esquire Post Office Box l2l066 Clermont, Florida 34712 RE: Interlocal Agreement Between Lake County and City of Clermont Relating to the Two Cent Local Option Gas Tax Dear Lenny: Enclosed please find a fully executed copy of the above-referenced Agreement. FTGjqsd Enclosure /ltrs1/baird.ftg DISTRICT ONE RHONDA H GERBER DISTRICT TWO DON BAILEY DISTRICT TH REE RICHARD SWARTZ DISTRICT FOUR CATHERINE C, HANSON DISTRICT FIVE WELTON G, CADWELL