1993-34 ~ or IS ION SERVICE PJà.N AMENDMENT IV --- To the Cont~act Bet~een Vision Ca~e, Inc. d Ib I a Vision Se~vice Plan - Flo~ida A Not-fo~-P~ofit Co~po~ation (Hereinafte~ called VSP) ... . and City of Clermont (Hereinafter called Group) The Contract shall be follo~s: amended effective January 1, 1994 as A. The te~m of this amended Cont~act shall be t~elve (12) months and continuing thereafter for consecutive t~elve month periods until terminated by either party upon sixty (60) days ~ritten notice prior to the anniversa~y date. B. The cur~ent rates of $6.50 per employee and employee plus family are both gua~anteed for a twe I ve month s. $17.03 per period of C. Rates a~e subJect to ~evision on a yearly basis in conJunction ~ith the anniversary date of this contract upon sixty (60) days prior written notice. The undersigned above. he~eb", agree to the Amendment as stated 1.0 City of Clermont By. Lk.~ (~h~~ized Signature) Vi sian Care, Inc. By. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Autho~ized Signature) Title. .City. .Manager . . . . . . . Title. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Date. . .October .12,. .1!l!l3 . . . Date. . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. '" . . . VSP Form FL207064 OFFICES NATIONWIDE ~/r/r3 C5?