1993-10 . ". .... '. j , þ .~ .. . .. . . ~ . "I' ~ 'd~; " .~ t'". ... .,. e e . United Telephone Company '. of Florida A Sprint Company UNITED TELEPHONE COMPANY OF FLORIDA Exclusive ~ ~fhon. Service and Lease Agreemen\.1 nil ~ Ø}.N j} " AtL...'TJ;;;: L- tf3 AGREEMENT made this ,faff day of g~!II~Bl1 "'1" IfI'/1fIIrtIf¥" ~9~, by and between CI'1Y OF CLEIK)NT :~- after called Lessor) and United Telephone Company of Florida (hereinafter called Lessee). ., WHEREAS, the Lessor and Lesse~ herein desire to enter into an agreement for exclusive pay telephone service. . NOW THEREFORE IT IS AGREED AS FOLLOWS: 1. EXCWSIVE PAY TELEPHONE SERVICE AND LEASE. Lessor hereby grants unto Lessee the exclusive right to install and operate all pay telephorfes at the Lessor's place of business located at see Exhibit "AI ,and in furtherance of such right, does hereby lease that location more specifically described on Exhibit uþ:' attached hereto and made a part hereof. Additional paystations may be installed under the terms of this Agreement by :adding the loca- tion(s) of the additional paystation(s), the effective date of the lease of that location, and the ter- mination date of the lease of that location, to the attached Exhibit "þ:'. Additions to the attached Exhibit "Þ:' shall be confirmed by the signatures of the parties on the line or lines on which the new location".effective date and termination date are added. Additions to this Agreement made on the attached Exhibit "Þ:' shall be subject to all terms and conditions contained in this Agreement. 2. PAYMENT. In consideration of Lessor's granting of the exclusive right to provide Pay Telephone service and the leasing of said loc~lC?"n, Lessee shall pay monthly, to the Lessor,.!!L. % of the total local and intraLATA toll revenues originated from the pay telephones installed on Lessor's premises. / In the event the total local and intraLATA toll gross receipts of each pay telephone do not ex- ceed $100.00 per month, Lessee maintains the right to (1) remove the pay telephone equipment and render this agreement null and void, or (2) provide a flat $5.00 monthly fee per pay telephone to Lessor. 4- J . 't3 3. TERM. The term of this Agreement shall commence on í~ 1~ ,and terminate upon the termination date for the last location listed on the attached ~ ''Þ:'. 4. LESSOR'S REPRESENTATIONS. Lessor hereby agrees as follows: a'. During the duration of this Agreement Lessor shall not grant the right to install and operate pay telephone service on the premises described herein to any other entity or individual. . b. Lessor shall reasonably notify Lessee of any malfunction or loss of pay telephone service and shall allow Lessee access to lessor's place of business during normal business hours for pay telephone repair, main- tenance and collections. c. Lessor shall exercise reasonable diligence in preventing damage or destruction to the pay telephones installed per this Agreement, but shall not be liable or responsible for such loss or destruction unless intentionally done by Lessor, its agents or employees. - 1 - ; DISTRIBUTION: Whits - UTF ~Iow - Customer F130304S (ReV. 8190) (Page 1 of 3) Pink - Consultant .~. , . ~ . I I . I )ì . :t ~,.'¡(I'(oI;¥.'r....>-.r~,~,-"';~..,.I",,~~<¡¡i-'" ..Ji¡... ..,., ";'_ f.. ....""",'~~, ',_,' ...N' . -, .'~ . To,' Y ~·~~;:'i.ESSE~'S REPRESE~' NS. Lessee h~re~Ÿ.·'agree~ that ~~ shall be solely liable and ~sponsible. for the costs an ..f .'. nses of ins,tallation, repair, maintenance and rental of telephone lines ar-d of the pay telephone Installed puráuant;~o tift$. Agreement. ~ '...ì)!i'1 ""1/ b ..~ I I I I ¡ ; , 6. TERMINATION. In the event that this Agreement, èxcept as provided in paragraph 2 above, is terminated for any public telephone by the Lessor within the minimum service ~..(ipd of3~months, the Lessor, or its successors or assigns, agrees.!'to pay Låssee, termination ilri'L charges for each public telephone equal to $100.00 for each month servicS/rell1aining on Contract. p .¡ø:Ø Further, upon terminatior- of this Agreement, Lessor shall allow Lessee a~ss to its place of business for the purpose of. removing said pay telephones and related equipment. Notice of ter- mi~ation is required to be in writing, 30 days prior to the requested termination ~ate. 7. LESSEE'S PROPERTY. The pay telephones installed pursuant to this Agreement shall at all times remain the sole and exclusive property of the Lessee and nothing contained herein shall be construed as granting Lessor any right or interest in said pay telephones. If ne~ssary, Lessor shall assist and CGØperate with Lessee in the execution of any document requi~ to demonstrate Lessee's sole and undivided ownership of the pay t"phone. .: ¡ 'j ......... .... 8. NOTICES. Whenever written notice is required under this Agreement, it shàll be sent to the parties at the following addresses: I¥ ~. CityofClerDDnt Post Office Box 120219 ClenIDnt. Florida 34712-0219 ATTI!N1'ION: Wavne Sanders , . a. If to Lessor: ~ .' . b. If to L~ssee: United Telephone Company of Floric;fa i Public Telephone Center/MC 4045 . Box 5000 t~.. ¡ Altamonte Springs,. FL 32t16-5OOÒ , .'.! 9. OBLIGATIONS AND RIGHTS. The óbligati9~ and rights under this Agreement shall be bin- ding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto, their heirs, personal representatives, suc- cessors or assigns. ~:{.:.< IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused 'this Agreement to bØ duly executed, in duplicate, the date and year first above written. ~~\. ,\, \,. WitnesSe$:~ '" " J:~ssor: . CI'lY OF a..mMJNT .:~: ~Ci~. of .¡ 11 ~ 7d~ ',' ,- ~]Armont, FL ..... CBR':~ (904) 39,t:;;;4081 ." Lessee: I j ,1 ~....~ .,,~... '-)::,..~~-~ By: F130304S (Page 2 of 3) (Rev. 8J9O -2- iNI ....t ,1/ . . ~ .../ I >, ,'if)1 ';"! 'J j , Title: tant CBR: 1-800-432-1111 .. .- ':' ! .:- '-/", . ì 'I .. ...<.rr-·.....~r~·'t.~¥tft<rrt~d"-'ll!.,l\J~~~'t~""'r'~'ð;iQ.'vf~(....I'~~;t\ "", ¡'; j~..;J.os. ,¡-1"tJ ¿-~. ~ ..,.....,. .l.,,>O·...·þll.\'o".'t'of I'."'; .~~~-~_ '. I, ~.' ",'" ~~~H~~¡ ,~.., - . .. -,: ~~~4"". ..... -....- ~.~..::3Ø ,,::. "~.~ J. ¡w...¡¡, ..~' ~ . ." . f" '" " ~ ., )?~.'t EXCWSIVE pAy TELEPHONE '!;ERvICE' AND LEASE AGREEMÈNT DATED Beee_~~' ~i>ü., L. øl. 19 y[ q..3 ~ .' 'it - , ... ,', ~. ',.. "'t·"''''''l-· ... ~"to"""''''''rr.-"'f·t'~ 1r . , Listing of Locations of Pay Telephone Service and Their Effective Dates and Termination Dates I"~ Location Name Effective -..þif) Termination ~ Signatures. and Address Date 4-1-'1,3 Date 4- -'fb Lessor ,¡ Lessee ~ ~tarlum ~~ ~~ ffAL . 691 W. Montrose Street ~ .~ I, I I ~ Ii Clexmont, Florida '1\Üe!p1'Ðœ: 904-394-9850 ~ ~. " r " f· ~ .-~ Tiny 'lbt P1aygm\md Alley 752 W. Mont:rose Street CJ.emDM:, Florida Telephone: 904-394-9991 . \ 'v ~ . ". -', , , '~. . Additiol!ìallocations shall be listed on pages attached to this Exhibit "~', which shall 'become a part of this Exhibit ~f~'. .' ~ ./.... . ." The.Ju.. hereID '- ~ this ';';¡'b~ ';Ihe .' ~'. h. _ ólJJÞdaYof Decemba» . BJ!.R.., L- ,19 9.2'~J.~: .., ' " , , , l'-~ "Witnesses.:. . Lessor: .....L..~»I',.;,...¡......- ';'" " . ,-:;. . ~ .~·V~ 410 'It Bv' ~~I.J... -- ~.TI~~-, C;~ . anaqer, City of' Clermont, FL . êBR: ·f904')"-· 394-4Q,8~ '~ì Lessee: , t 'I . " , \~ !!.·~·'f\·~ \ :'1 " '....................~, ,. " ~ . CBR: 1-800-432-1111 ~". .. " ',' .. .J , ~ ... ' " , , J ~, F13œcM5 (Page 3 of 3) (Rev. 8190) , -'3 - ..~ ."Í " ' , , " - 1 "I ~ " , ..::;... ~ . ~ ',,}. ~~. , , . "