1993-01 8 8 ~LLS~RIPS SERVICE AGREEMEN~ THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this /S'Í day of ~iJt{.f/~f , 199...å:. between Allsorips, Inc. an Illinois Corporation, with offices at 1033 Butterfield Road, Vernon Hills, Xllinois 60061 (hereinafter called "Allscrips") and city of Clermont with oft ice. at PO Box 120219, Clermont, FL 34712 (hereinafter called "Client"). WITNESSETH. WHEREAS, Allscripli has developed a 1I1ail service pharmacy proqram which provides prescription filling services on a contract basis to he.lth care plan sponsors (the "Proqram"); and WHEREAS, Allsorips desires to make the Pr09ram available to the Plan Participants of the Client. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the promises, covenants and agreements herein contained, the parties hereto aqree as tollows: 1. PRESCRIPTION SERVICE P~OVIDED a. Allscrips shall provide the proqram to the Plan Participants of the Client who request the Program and are listed on the eligibility list provided by the Client to Allscrips (hereinafter called "Program Participants"). The Program shall consist of fillinq leqal prescriptions for maintenance druq therapy where such therapy will last more than thirty (30) days. Quantiti.~ of 1I1edications dispensed will be that quantity allowed by the prescription unless Federal law or regulation, Federal Postal Regulations or other appl icaÞle requlations I havinq the effect of law, dictate otherwise. In any event, no more than the amount normally 1 8 8 prescribed by the physician, not to exceed a supply of one hundred (100) ~ays, will be dispensed at anyone time. b. All qeneric medications used to fill prescriptions will be approved by the Food and Drug Administration. Pursuant to Ohio law, Allscrips will obtain consent to use generic medication from the person receivinq the medication prior to filling the prescription. Prescription labeling will comply with federal and state of Ohio rGC ulations. All prescriptions shall be filled by pharmacists licensed to practice in Ohio. Allscrips shall be licensed as a terminal distributor in Ohio. c. All.grips shall maintain patient profiles on each ~lan Participant. 2. PROGRAM OPERATXOR AND BI~¡~a a. Upon notification to Allscrips of new Participants by the Client, Allscrips will forward a starter kit tor each Program Participant which will all of the followinqa Program prO<Jram include 1. Patient Profile Cardl Mailing Envelop..1 and An explanation of how the Program works. 2. 3. b. proqram charges will be compiled on a per prascription basis consisting of a drug cost based on Average Wholesale Price (as listed in the most current edition of the Meåispan Price Service"published by MecUspan Incorporated and Drua Topics Red Book published by (Medical Eoonomics Company, Ino.) plus a tea schedule, all as described in Exhibit A hereto. If applicable, Proqram Participants will be charged a co-payment per prescription to be filled as described in Exhibit A. 2 8 8 c. In the event that the Client requires a co-payment from the Program Participant, prescriptions will only be tilled by Allscrips upon prior receipt of such co-payment. d. Allsorips shall bill the Client on the last day of the month tor prescriptions filled since the twenty sixth (26th) day of the precedinq month. The Client shall make payments to Allscrips by the fifteenth (15th) day followinq the billinq date which shall be the invoice due date. The failure of Allscrips.. to receive the balance due from the Client by the invoice due date will result in Allscrips assessing a one and one-half percent (1 1/2-') per month finance charge (or such other rate as permitted by law) to the balance due. e. Allsorips will not accept returned medications for credit to billinqs. f. Upon request by the Client, All.grip. shall provide monthly utilization reports as detailed in Exhibit A at a cost scheduled on Exhibit A. 3. CLI~T RESPONSIBILITIES a. The Client aqrees to provide Allscrips with an eliqible proqram Participant list which will serve as the basis for membership to the proqram until modified. The format of the proqram participant Lists shall be approved by Allscrips. Program Participant Lists may be updated not more often than once per month and shall contain a revision date on the document. Updated Program Participant Lists will serve as the basis for membership on the next reqular business day after receipt by Allscrips. The Client agrees to be responsible for payments to Allscrips for services rendered to unauthorized Program Participants where the Client has 3 8 8 failed to provide an updated Program Participant List to Allscrips pursuant to this Agreement. b. The Client agrees to cooperate and assist Allscrips in the marketinq of the proqram to proqram Participants and in any educational efforts reÇJardinq the Proqram. 4. CONFIDENTIALITY Allsorips aqrees that it will not disclose the content -of any records maintained by Allscrips concerning prescription information to anyone"other than the Client, its authorized agents, third party payers, their authorized agents (provided that the Client first obtains the Pro9ram Participant's consent for the Client to obtain confidential records from Allscrips), or recipients of prescription mail services. 5. ItjDEMNIFICATION a. Allscrips hereby agrees too in<1emnify the Client from and against any and all claims, actions, awards, judqements, settlements, damages, liabilities and expenses of whatever nature, including attorneys' fees, (i) arising from or out of the failure, refusal or neglect of Allsorips to comply with any of the provisions of this A9reement, including the prescription fillinq,. dispensing, packac¡ing, handling and shipping of medication, or (ii) occasioned wholly or in part by any neqliqent or willful act or omission of Allsorips or its 8gents, contractors or employees. b. Client agrees to indemnify Allsorips from and against any and all claims, actions, awards, judqements, settlements, damages, liabilities and expenses, including attorney's fees, due to Client'.s (or its employer in a capacity other than as a plan Participant) neqliqent or willful act or omission. 4 8 8 ., c. The aqreement of Allscrips and the Client under the foregoing indemnity provisions is expressly conditioned upon notice of any such action havinq been sent by the party seekinq indemnity to the other by certified letter or telegram (addressed as provided in this A9reement) promptly after the commencement ot such action against the party, its agent, contractors or employees, such notice beinq accompanied either by copies of papers served or filed in connection with such action or by a statement of the nature of the action to the extent known. d. Allscrips and the Client hereby 89ree to notify the other of any and all notices of disputes, claims, or other actions arisinq out of this Agreement, in writin9, by certified mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested. Notices shall be sent to the addresses as provided in this section. Any such notice of disput~s, claims or other actions so addressed and mailed shall be deemed to have been qiven when so mailed. Any party may change the address to which notices or communications shall be 9iven by notifyinq the other party in writing as provided in this section. If to Allscrips, to the attention of: Mr. James R. zilka Vice President Finance/CPO Allsor1ps Pharmaceuticals, Ino. 1033 Butterfield Road Vernon Hills, Illinois 60061 Phone: (708) 680-3515 If to Client, to the attention of a Mr. Joseph Van Zile city of Clermont PO BoX 120219 Clermont, FL 34712 phone I (g04) 394-4081 5 8 8 e. The agreements contained in this section shall -survive the termination of this Aqreement. 6. INSURANCE During the term of this Agreement, Allscrips shall, at its sole cost and expense, maintain general public liability insurance, incluäinq professional pharmacy liability insurance, in limits of not less than $1 1I1illion combined single limit for both bodily injury and property damage, and Allscrips may, to the extent such insurange is reasonably commercially available, maintain such insurance in any qreater amount. A certificate ot insurance pursuant to this paraqraph six (6) shall be provided on an annual basis to Client. 7. TERM. EXCLUSIVITY AN~ CAN~LLATION a. This Agreement shall commence as of the date first written above, and shall continue for one (1) year thereafter, and shall be renewed automatically for successive periods of one year unless terminated or modified as provided herein. It is agreed that this Agreement shall be exclusive agreement for pharmacy mail services, and the Client shall not, without the written consent of Allscrips, offer to its Program Participants any pharmacy mail .servioe proqram which is substantially similar to the pharmacy mail service program developed for Client by Allscrips, .ither itself or through another marketing Agent, for the term of this Aqreement and any 8xtension thereof. Þ. Allscrips reserves the riQht to terminate this Agreement upon thirty (30) days' notice to the Client for lack of payment by the Client or if the Client is adjudqed a Ibankrupt, makes a general assiqnment tor the benefit of its creditors, or has a receiver appointed on account of its insolvency. 6 8 8 c. Notwithstanding any other provision contained herein, either Allscrips or the Client may terminate this Agreement with th1rty (30) äays. notification to the other party by reqistered or certified mail notification. d. Allscrips reserves the riqht to chanqe its fees for _the services and products described herein following the one (1) year of this Aqreement before renewal of term and upon its proviàin9 thirty (30) days written notice of such change. 8. USE OF TRADEMARKS Each party agrees that it shall not use the registered tradenames, trademarks, service marks, logo name or any other proprietary desiqnations of the other party in any advertising materials or otherwise without the other party's prior written consent. 9. RELATIONSijIP OF THE PARTIES Client and Allscrips agree that, in performinq their responsibilities pursuant to this Agreement, they are in the position of independent contractors. Nothinq contained herein shall indicate that the parties have any relationship other than sat forth in this paragraph. Except as express ly provided herein, neither party shall have the right to bind or obliqate the other party in any manner without the prior written consent of the other party. 10. GENERAL PROVISIONS a. This Aqreement contains the entire agreement between the parties hereto and shall not be modifie~, amended or supplemented, or any ~~qhts herein waived, unless specifically agreed upon in writin9 by the parties hereto. This Agreement supersede. any and all previous agreements between the 7 8 8 parties, whether written or oral. A waiver by any party of any breach or default by the other party under this A9reement shall not constitute a continuing waiver by such party of any subsequent act in breach of or in default hereunder. Þ. All notices, consents, and communications hereunder shall be in writinq and shall be deemed to be qiven upon receipt thereot, at the addresses stated at section 5 Cd) of this Aqreement, and shall be sent by registered or certified mail, r.turn receipt requested. c. Neither this A9reement nor any riqhts hereunder may be assi9ned or transferrecS in whole or in part by either party, without the prior written consent of the other. In all other respects, this Agreement shall be binding' upon and shall insure to the benefit of the parties hereto, their respective successors and assi9ns. ð. The headings in this A9reement have been inserted for convenient reference and shall not be considered in any questions of interpretation or construction of this Aqreement. e. This Agreement and the ri9hts of the parties hereunder shall be qoverned by the laws of the State of Illinois. t. The provisions ot this Agreement are severable and independent and, if any such provisions shall be unenforceable in whole or in part, the remaining provisions and any partially enforceable provision, to the extent enforceable in any jurisdiction shall nevertheless be binding and enforceable. 8 8 8 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed by their duly authorized officers as of the day and year first written above. By' Title: Date: ø /1~~ f7l~ 71~/O /9tl¿ / ALLSCRIPS, IIIC. By: Title; Date: +- 9 8 8 EXHIBIT A This addendum to the Allsorips Agreement ("Addendum") made and entered into as of this 1$ day of _MAlIA.A!2 Y , 199~ by city ot Clermont and made part of certain Agreement dated the /$ day of ----M¡JU1tfl 'f , 199~ by and between the ¡parties hereto. I. BILLING INFORMA~I9~ ø Billin9 Address: III Billing Media: t!J Billin9 Schedule: III Billing Terms: City of Clermont PO Box 120219 Clermont, r~ 34712 contact. St:>5"fL &~ L//~ Phone: flV'Y; - ? ~ 4:/ - ~ r I [ ] Disk" [ ] Tape [XX] Hard Copy [XX] Monthly (Last Day) [ ] Other Net 15 days (payable by 15th day of month) .. Price Basis: Tracht drugs: AWP LESS lOt Generio dru9s: AWP LESS 20~ Dispensing fee: S3.00 Compound fee: -0- Hin script charqe: -0- po,stage: -0- Co-Pay: Trade druqs S10.00 Generic dru9s $5.00 II. PARTICIPANT . Media: ELIGIBIL+TY [ ] D(J [ .] I) Format: Eligibility Contact: Telephone Number: . Disk Tape Hard Copy Sc""p&,-/.r /o.,,~ ~r/ ¿;:oó ~?2" ~~?/ 10 III. 8 8 . Update Schedule (updates and deletions): [ ] Weekly [XX] Monthly [ ] Other Humber of Covereà Kambe~.: Active. Employees RetirecSl Employees Spouses E119ible Dependents: Up to r;z. S- years of aqe 1n school Up to / 9' years of &g- f . 7 Ò . Spouses Child~8n Children II DRUG/PRODUCT ELIGIBILITY The basic plan provides oovera98 for all druqs bearin9 the federal le<jJend statement (presoription druqs). The Client may restrict certain medications or may add non-legend druq& and products. This plan covers specifically the followinq meàioations and products: All prescription druqs [XX] YES [ ] NO Oral Contraceptives [XX] YES ( ] NO Insulin [XX] YES [ ] NO syrinqes with Insulin [XX] YES [ ] NO Prescription vitamin. [ ] YES [XX] NO Nicorette CiJum [ ] YES [XX] NO Nicotine Patches [ ] YES [XX] NO Rogaine [ ] YES [XX] NO Compounded druqs [XX) YES r ] NO Anorexics [ ] YES [XX] NO O'I'C medications [ ] YES [XX) NO OTC vitamin. [ J YES [XX] NO Diaqnostic agents (tests) [ J YES [XX] NO Devices and ostomy supplies ( ] YES [XX] NO Injectable drugs ( ] YES [XX] NO Retin-A ( ) YES (XX) NO 11 8 8 Minimum days supply 3'0 days Maximum days supply /ðC' days 18 Generic Substitution (check one). [ ] substitution of qenerio proQuots is requireQ ~never leqa11y and clinically appropriate. [ v( Sub~titution of <¡enaric proQucts is only permissible when a 11owed by the physician signing the prescription. IV. ~NAGEMENT REPORTS The below listed comprehensive reports are available at - no charas. They are designed to maximize each client t s ability to monitor and control this benefit. Indicate those that are desired. ~ KoDtbly Reports (check those required) . Billina ReDort~ [ ~Claim Billing [ v(' Claim Billinq [ ) Claim 81111n9 [ ] Claim Billing Detail Summary Reports Reports by Brand by Generic ~inas and Cost Analysis [~aVin9S Summary Report (Comparison [~CUmulative Savinqs Summary Report r v{ Drug' Cöst Analysis [l/1 Drug Cost Analysis Detail to Retail) 12 " y 8 8 utilization Reoorts (Quarterly Reports) [ V] Gross utilization Reports [~MÅ“mber utilization Reports by Member, Spouse and Dependent Age Ranqes [ ] utilization Reports by National Druq Code (NDC) ( ) Utilization Reports Þy presoriber [ ] utilization Reports by State of Residence ( )~tilization Repo~t. by Patient Name [ vi utilization Analysis [ ] prescribing Analysis v. IMPLEMENTATIQN INFORMATION . stella Soilotro ( ] YES ( ~O [ ] Client [) Allscrips [ ~ [] NO . Allscrips Coordinator1 Customer letter required: It yes, supplied by: Due date: I / Standard starter kit: If no, please speoifys - Send kits to: [v("sponsor [ ] Participants If participants, to: [ ] Home [) Work Date at mailinqs /Z/ /~ JfÞ~ Union 1090 required on print.~terials: [ J Yes (~NO J . . . OTHER INFORMATION: 13