1992-15 {£e~~!;~I~¥INi à! T -E' 0 ~ ";'~~:R ~å :RAT E. ~ E SOL UTI 0 N ~:~=, - ;~- ;,'--: ,,"0 ~:::-~~~1ΕΎ.Ij'Q-,~IZ;ING"'FUND~'~T~A-~$FER AGREEMf;NT :-1~r~.::~ ~,;': ~~/~::i!~~:'~~~: ~:,'~i.~1:.: "'. '-: ""'.':'~" - " -,", ,- - -' :;-~::':-:,'"í.~3~~~~~~:r~~g~'I!~;'~~~'r~t:~~~ of Ci~ C?f ~~~t '= ("Customer") ., ':J-: ' :~.: 8 :Ç~IP~~;~¡on-, ¡n~~=rpor~~c.:t under the laws of th,~ ~~~.te I?~, -,:" F:O:~da ,_:. :'-: ::\ ~~~tfP.~<ìft~~ ßC?arct o{Di¡:~ctors of the Customer,' d~ìÿ hèl~ 0':' 'July 14 , 19.22.-, at which a ':' , . -'-,":-.~ ~;"'9~~r~~~'(8S 1~!Jt~~flt 8~d. acting throughout, the f,?lJo,^!!ng respl\J.tlons Were adopted and have not been rescinded, revoked, ,','- ~!l".:-.-OJ¡f't\ódl~Ij;!~fljutarestllllnfullforceandeffect;, -~:c":::;>/';'.' .. .,."-",...&",_.".-,,-<,, '- ",-'~",-""" - :._~:~]~~L~::':;'WH~:~ÅS:'frOrTI-.-_'ime, tc? time, thi~ CQrp~r.atiqn'-(!!ë~;tqt;~:r~isJ-í.e~ to. ¡'~ques~ Sun Bank N.'A. .. ' ~"'.~-..~:::'~ ':"-:..~'!~~rk~!) '"by wn!ten mstrl:lctlon,' tl,1lephone, Qr :terml!)~I'ç..9r:nrn}.lnI.Catlon device, to ,transfer funds ~o other financial "" - :('-t.~"F;;:~: ~-!n~tl,u~lon~ or t.9'Pt~er ílçc~unts at ~a!1k, for,creçJit to ~cc9Y "l~s d~~!9na~~d by the authorized representatives of Customer; ','-"-"-_"~"':"";""-'-'-¡""'-:::<-<.--'-"', - '--:..:"._",~,;,,":i-_-::.-:~;'.--,.: '- ':;'~~~/;'-'i-::>NO\I\IÇTHEft~F9RJ;; BE IT RESOLVED, that any (one),(twòtof.the officers liste~ below (is) (are) hereby authorize~ , .':<!...:o -:~_:.::- to'~xçcL!~e)h!l.'F.unds Tr{ln~fer Agreement attached heret9 ~n behalf of Customer with Bank upon the terms and cond.- :-i, ::l:.. ;i_~::,{}jcWs~'~~J fpj1h;irl~~a!q. ag,r~ern~nt, and to ílppoint persoos, fr9!11 time _to ti'!1e, who may request such transfers on behalf of - g;,' ;""F,<:P.;;'iJ~~ C~s.t~IJ1)-~r.-lÌ).B£corda!:,ce ~Ith such ~~r~em !nt, ~nd- t9 rlP<!ok~ su~h apP~I.ntments; ?:i-.~;~~<7:Ji.::-,~_:!~~~J~~~, .:-<,-~~:~~~.~':' - . -c,', :~:'.. ~'.';_Z~~~:-;.:: :::.:~ \---::O<¡'-.~;;:-': ¿J}:~'~<i/t :-çJ-:.:II=-;,T!:-US -BOX-IS 'èHèç (Éb,.i~E~AÜTHåRI,TY'GRANTED HEREBY IS LIMITED TO THE '-~'j};é~l~i~~~:t.':fJ,~:~~È?Gi~o~t ;tHfli~&}t ~JL~. ". . , ;:i~;-,~-;l/:'~~_f:I;fJ.J\TJi.~ß :~~~Q.{Y~Jj, ~híl~ thE! a.lÌ1t1òritv è~f~r.r~~~"/:I~e!?y ~h¡jll.cQntirtue' in full for«~ and effect u.ntil written notice --.-;<--::-;.'-:. '.~~-;'C.~:gt:mQ~Jf~~!J}lQ '~r."r~v02at!on of this' r~sQlutlC?n by :tÞ~ '~q~,r9 .Qf plrec~ors of Customer shall be received by the Funds , - -:- '-:~.~' f~~~\-¿""r.~rsfe.r~-'P~rt,m.~Q.t- 'of~..,hlJ ~ank. The B~nk'.~hi!1! J?y-~r9teçted - 10 actlOg upon any form of written notice which it in . ::~r?~:,~~l ~~:f..q~gg'r.\!!-~~peJ~y,~~~,to.~,~~ ~~~,~,ll1e ~n~, ¥ýh,\ It ~u..r~?r!~'W ~~:" ~~'>.- '~': ' -. '. -' - - - -, : .~~;~~~~~t';,¿~~ t~~h~r:~ir1ifý~ih~t~~h'fI?Q~it!on~ referréd ~~ i.11 t~~-fdr~góing_~~S,olution are now held by the following person(s), whose >;~~.~~ ~i':;~:~~~,:b~'1¡1~~~~{~{;~ hl'Ih" n':, '~~Tl~ál%~~'~~: """. . ~.~ - ,..~-,- '":,::~rtIA,,,'PQol ," ..',-, Mayor... .-.> .,-£::,.",:.-,-,>.;,:,,:,-:;,~~-~ ,: ~k~~, '\.~,'-"f,~\~~-~~'c. TY~~d Na~e'and :fitle . "';~<,':'-;:;:¡~~>.-~¿~Þ<>:'-'1c ."',. Authprized Signature ;~I~::~~~f~¥?~Wf~~~: ~~i1ttT;~;J~;: :~ : ',~~uthO'i¡'d s,~ oat " ;:"";~~~~:Þ:-!'J~~~~}-'-~"::?c-:-"-:<".:Cþu~cll ~;::":-::;::~:.:'t. -_.;',:---.=t".::: .-. I- -' P""", ;;;t~.£o '. ~ . TYfledJ;..hl!J.1e ~nd 'fltll!-- _:: -'~;,">¿,i:::-)..: :~:¡",~~5":;;., .^~c;.., ';;:. ~""", .-' ,~f\\honZeq Signature : ~t~if¡r.'::~::":~:'¡:'iC' ci>uncU ~~;~~~~i}~ ~. kJ ~/-<-J .' '. :~?:::-:¿.r~"::'.:;'::i:1:~'~;',,"-:::-S ~,- .:ryped_~8me and Title; '.J. ("'á<,< ~~:~, ,~.:' . .. Aut~o~ed Signatur f ~\~Ji~ lf~~~ 1. ',: /'~ =cil~'(i~r:,::, ' . : ,::",{E~~;{~\N ~Tt'J~ss ,~HEREO~I ! have h~r~unt~ S?~ my ~~n~:ä_r)ft~~ ~eal ~f s~id corporation this ~'~ ~ì: 1~~ç~~<~} {.\ j,- . .' 9 ~ '<~ ~ :~:~ ::: " ~-~'.-" ~;,{t""~A~-' ,¿;". ~;:"~ - ~"~-'~/ /f~~~~.è~ ~Ë: ~~~ ,".~: ': ,--- ,.,~.,.; - '""~t~p~}?~t¿ ;": . .,..;,~.--. ,--",,-~~,'i:-"-" , ',':~ <'--....~~~-":.-'>~ ':/ ,-.~:~ ....,~",~:-:::- ': "",- :c- 'Þ:-:;-~".;~;:-~.'~~'~,~ :,;~.': '",' l~ - --1' ,-:.(>~...",~~J;."'~-¿:Þ.~\~,: ;-, ,- ~':. ~J~":?;f~;i~~.:~"\~',.~"1'~~~J1If~~~'?/:'" , hereby certify that at a , - .' \. . -, c' ¡ ..' L..:..~ -- - - . " -".,.--',"--..' ',~.. ~~-_."~- ~..- -~- ~ -- - - -_.._~- ~--