1990-24 oj, ... 0 8 . THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS I qO- 0.21 AlA Document 8727 Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Architect for Special Services 1979 EDITION THIS DOCUMENT IS FOR USE WHEN OTHER 8-SERIES DOCUMENTS ARE NOT APPROPRIATE THIS DOCUMENT HAS IMPORTANT LEGAL CONSEQUENCES; CONSULTATION WITH AN ATTORNEY IS ENCOURAGED WITH RESPEG TO ITS COMPLETION OR MODIFICATION AGREEMENT ,r- . ( I , ) made as of the Twenty Sixth Hundred and Ninety day of July in the year of Nineteen BETWEEN the Owner: CITY OF CLERMONT Post Office Box 120219 Clermont, Florida 34712-0219 and the Architect: STROLLO ARCHITECTS INCORPORATED 58 South Ivanhoe Boulevard Orlando, Florida 32804 For the following Project: (Include detailed description 01 ProJect locatIon and scope) SEE ATTACHMENT "A". The Owner and the Architect agree as set forth below. Copynght 1972, @ 1979 by The Amencan Institute of Architects, 1735 New York Avenue, N W.. Washington, D.C 20006. Repro- duction of the material herein or substantIal quotation of Its prOVISions without permission of the AlA vIolates the copynght laws of the United States and will be sublect to legal prosecution. AlA DOCUMENT 8727 . SPECIAL SERVICES AGREEMENT. JUNE 1979 EDITION . AIA~ . @1979 THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVE., N W , WASHINGTON, D.C 20006 8727 -1979 1 '. 8 8 ARTICLE 1 ARCHITECT'S SERVICES (Here lISt Ihose servICes 10 be p(ovlded by ¡he Archllecf under Ihe Terms and Cond/llons 01 Ih,s Agreemenl Note under each servILe fISted Ihe method and means 01 compensallon 10 be '(}sed, If applIcable. as provIded In Arl/cle 10) SEE ATTACHMENT "A". AlA DOCUMENT 8727 . SPEOÂL SERVICES AGREEMENT. JUNE 1979 EDITION. AlAe. @1979 THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS. 1735 NEW YORK AVE., N.W., WASHINGTON, D.c. 20006 8727 -1979 2 TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN OWNER AND ARCHITECT ARTICLE 2 . THE OWNER'S RESPONSIBILITIES 2.1 The Owner shall provide full information regarding requirements for the Project. 2.2 The Owner shall designate, when necessary, a rep- resentative authorized to act in the Owner's behalf with respect to the Project. The Owner or such authorized representative shall examine the documents submitted by the Architect and shall render decisions pertaining thereto promptly, to avoid unreasonable delay in the progress of the Architect's services. 2.3 The Owner shall furnish required information as ex- peditiously as necessary for the orderly progress of the Work, and the Architect shall be entitled to rely upon the accuracy and completeness thereof. ARTICLE 3 DIRECT SALARY AND DIRECT PERSONNEL EXPENSE ( 3.1 Direct Salary Expense is defined as the direct salaries of all the Architect's personnel engaged on the Project, but does not include the cost of contributions and bene- fits related thereto, whether mandatory or customary, as described in Paragraph 3.2, and included in Direct Per- sonnel Expense. 3.2 Direct Personnel Expense is defined as the direct salaries of all the Architect's personnel engaged on the Project, and the portion of the cost of their mandatory and customary contributions and benefits related thereto, such as employment taxes and other statutory employee benefits, insurance, sick leave, holidays, vacations, pen- sions, and similar contributions and benefits. ARTICLE 4 REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES 4.1 Reimbursable Expenses are in addition to the Archi- tect's compensation and include actual expenditures made by the Architect and the Architect's employees and consultants in the interest of the Project for the expenses listed In the following Subparagraphs: .1 expense of transportation and living expenses in connection with out-of-town travel authorized by the Owner, .2 long distance communications, .3 fees paid for securing approvals of authorities hav- ing jurisdiction over the ProJect, .4 reproductions, .5 postage and handling of documents, .6 renderings and models requested by the Owner, .7 data processing and photographic production techniques when used in connection with Addi- tional Services, .8 expense of overtime work requiring higher than regular rates, if authorized by the Owner. ARTICLE 5 PAYMENTS TO THE ARCHITECT 5.1 Payments on account of the Architect's services, and for Reimbursable Expenses as defmed in Article 4, shall be made monthly upon presentation of the Architect's state- ment of services rendered or as otherwise provided in this Agreement. 5.2 An initial payment as set forth in Paragraph 10.1 is the minimum payment under this Agreement. 5.3 If the Project is suspended or abandoned In whole or in part for more than three months, the Architect shall be compensated for all services performed prior to re- ceipt of written notice from the Owner of such suspen- sion or abandonment, together with Reimbursable Ex- penses then due and all Termination Expenses as defined In Paragraph 8.4. If the Project is resumed after being suspended for more than three months, the Architect's compensation shall be equitably adjusted. ARTICLE 6 ARCHITECT'S ACCOUNTING RECORDS 6.1 Records of Reimbursable Expenses and expenses pertaining to services performed on the basis of a Multiple of Direct Salary or Direct Personnel Expense shall be kept on the basis of generally accepted accounting principles and shall be available to the Owner or the Owner's authorized representative at mutually convenient times. ARTICLE 7 * SEE ARTICLE 11. ARBITRATION All claims, disputes and other matters in question be een the parties to this Agreement a"rising out of or relat to this Agreement or the breach thereof, shall be decide by arbitration in accordance with the Construc- tion Ind try Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitra- tion Assoc tion then obtaining unless the parties mutu- ally agree 0 rwise. No arbitration arising out of or re- lating to this reement shall include, by consolidation, joinder or in any ther manner, any additional person not a party to this Agr ment except by written consent con- taining a specific re ence to this Agreement and signed by the Architect, the ner and any other person sought to be joined. Any con t. to arbitration involving an additional person or perso shall not constitute consent to arbitration of any dispute t described therein or with any person not named or des 'bed therein. This agree- ment to arbitrate and any agree nt to arbitrate with an additional person or persons dul onsented to by the parties to this Agreement shall be sp Ifically enforceable under the prevailing arbitration law. 7.2 Notice of the demand for arbitration all be flied in writing with the other party to this Agree nt and with the American Arbitration Association. The and shall be made within a reasonable time after the clai dispute or other matter in question has arisen. In no ev t shall the demand for arbitration be made after the date hen institution of legal or equitable proceedings base on such claim, dispute or other matter in question would barred by the applicable statute of limitations. AlA DOCUMENT 8727 . SPECIAL SERVICES AGREEMENT. JUNE 1979 EDITION. AlAe. @1979 THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 173S NEW YORK AVE., N.W., WASHINGTON, 0 C. 20006 8727 -1979 3 8 7,3 The award rendered by the arbitrators shall be final, and Judgment may be entered upon It in accordance with applicable law ,n any court having Jurisdiction thereof ARTICLE 8 TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT 8.1 This Agreement may be terminated by either party upon seven days' written notice should the other party fail substantially to perform In accordance with ItS terms through no fault of the party initiating the termination. 8.2 This Agreement may be terminated by the Owner upon at least seven days' written notice to the Architect in the event that the Project is permanently abandoned. 8.3 In the event of termination not the fault of the Architect, the Architect shall be compensated for all ser- vices performed to the termination date, together with Reimbursable Expenses then due and all TerminatIOn Ex- penses as defined in Paragraph 8.4. 8.4 Termination Expenses are defined as Reimbursable Expenses directly attributable to termination for which the Architect is not otherwise compensated, plus an amount computed as a percentage of the compensation earned to the time of termination, as follows: For Services provided on a Multiple of Direct Salary or Direct Personnel Expense basis, 20% of the total expenses incurred to the time of termination; 8 For Services provided on a Fixed Fee basis, 10% of the Fixed Fee earned to the time of terminatIOn. ARTICLE 9 MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 9.1 Unless other\'Vlse speCIfied, this Agreement shall be -governed by the law of the principal place of business of the Architect. 9.2 As between the parties to this Agreement: as to all acts or failures to act by either party to this Agreement, any applicable statute of limitations shall commence to run and any alleged cause of action shall be deemed to have accrued In any and all events not later than the date payment IS due to the Architect pursuant to Article 5. 9.3 The Owner and the Architect, respectively, bind themselves, their partners, successors, assigns and legal representatives to the other party to this Agreement and to the partners, successors, assigns and legal representa- tives of such other party with respect to all covenants of this Agreement. Neither the Owner nor the Architect shall assign, sublet or transfer any interest in this Agreement without the written consent of the other. 9.4 This Agreement represents the entire and integrated agreement between the Owner and the Architect and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations or agreements, either written or oral. This Agreement may be amended only by written instrument signed by both Owner and Architect. AlA DOCUMENT 8727 . SPECIAL SERVICES AGREEMENT. JUNE 1979 EDITION. AlAe. @1979 THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 173S NEW YORK AVE, N.W., WASHINGTON, D.C. 20006 8727 -1979 4 8 8 ARTICLE 10 BASIS OF COMPENSATION The Owner shall compensate the Architect for the services provided, in accordance with Article 5, Payments to the Archi- tect, and the other Terms'a'nd Conditions of this Agreement, as follows' 10.1 AN INITIAL PAYMENT of N/A dollars ($ 0.00 shall be made upon execution of this Agr~ement and credited to the Owner's account as follows: 10.2 COMPENSATION FOR THE ARCHITECT'S SERVICES, as described in Article 1, Architect's Services, shall be com- puted as follows: (Here insert basIS 01 compensatIon, including IlXed amounts, multiples or percentages. and Idenldy the services to whIch partIcular methods 01 compen- sation apply, il necessary) SEE FEE SCHEIJULE CONTAINED IN ATTACHMENT "A". 10.3 FOR REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES, as described in Article 4, and any other items included in Article 11 as Reimburs- able Expenses, a multiple of ONE ( 1 ) times the amounts expended by the Architect, the Architect's employees and consultants in the interest of the Project. 10.4 Payments due the Architect and unpaid under this Agreement shall bear interest from the date payment is due at the rate entered below, or in the absence thereof, at the legal rate prevailing at the principal place of business of the Architect. (He,e insert any rate 01 interest agreed upon.) INTEREST RATE SHALL BE IN ACCORD WITH STATE STATUE REQUIREMENTS. (Usury laws and requirements under Ihe Federal Truth in Lending Act. Slmdar state and local consumer cred,t laws and olher regulations al Ihe Owner's and Archllect's prinCIpal places 01 business, Ihe locallon 01 Ihe Project and elsewhere may affect Ihe va/¡d,ry 01 Ihis p,ovlsion Specd;c legal advice should be obtained wllh respect 10 de/el/on. moddlCalion or olher ,equrrements such as wrlllen dISclosures or waivers) AlA DOCUMENT 8727 . SPECIAL SERVICES AGREEMENT. JUNE 1979 EDITION. AlAe. @1979 THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVE., N.W., WASHINGTON, D.c. 20006 8727 -1979 5 8 8 10,5 The Owner and the Architect agree in accordance with the Terms and Conditions of this Agreement that: 10.5.1 IF THE SCOPE of the Project or of the Architect's services IS changed materially, the amounts of compensa- tion shall be equitably adjusted. 10.5.2 IF THE SERVICES covered by this Agreement have not been completed withm TWELVE ( 12) months of the date hereof, through no fault of the Architect, the amounts of compensation, rates and multiples set forth herem shall be equitably adjusted. ARTICLE 11 OTHER CONDITIONS 11.1 Dispute resolution. Unresolved dispute between the parties arising out of or in connection with this agreement or project should be decided by litigation, rather than by arbitration. The venue of all such actions shall be Lake County, Florida. and the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover reasonable attorney fees. 11.2 The Owner agrees. at completion of the work described in Article 1. to enter into negotiations with the Architect to provide Architectural Services for ,the project programmed as a product of the services described in Article 1. This Agreement entered into as of the day and year first written above. ~d " ' ~ ARC Robert A. Pool. Mayor CITY OF CLERMONT STROLLO ARCHITECTS INCORPORATED 58 South Ivanhoe Boulevard Orlando. Florida 32804 Post Office Box 120219 Clermont. Florida 34712-0219 AlA DOCUMENT 8727 . SPECIAL SERVICES AGREEMENT. JUNE 1979 EDITION . AIA~ . @1979 THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 173S NEW YORK AVE, N W . WASHINGTON, 0 C 20006 8727 -1979 6 ~i l - STROLLO ARCHITEGS INCORPORATED ARCHITEGURE PLANNING INTERIOR DESIGN CONSTRUGION SERVICES 58 S. IVANHOE BIYD. ORLANDO. FLORIDA 32804 (407) 423-5355 (407) 422-5994 (FAX) 8 ATTACHMENT "A" 8 '-f::) July 5, 1990 Mr. Wayne Saunders City Manager City 'of Clennont P. O. Box 120219 Clennont, Florida 34712 RE: City of Clermont Police Station Improvements and Addition Planning Phase I Predesign Scope of Services Proposal SAI Project No. 9009 Dear Mr. Saunders: We have prepared the enclosed scope of services and fee proposal regarding the above referenced project. You will notice that the scope of work is limited to pre-design services which includes those tasks necessary to establish the City of Clennont's programmatic needs, site analysis, budget and schedule requirements and/or limitations for this project. A work plan is presented to assist the Owner and Users in accomplishing this mission as outlined: Data Acquisition and Documentation Facilities Planning and Programming/Space Needs Analysis Site Analysis Conceptual Building Footprint and Elevation Studies Schedule and Budget Feasibility Studies Recommendations, Report, and Presentations Owner and User participation is anticipated through a series of workshops, intèrviews and meetings to properly identify specific needs, functions and policies. We also request that the Owner furnish pertinent data such as department statistical growth projections, aerial photograph of the site, topographical and physical site survey with plot plan, area maps, utility plans, and geotechnical soil information and report, and existing facility as- built drawings. We understand that the next phase of work would be the actual building design and administrative services to be negotiated separately. Thank you for selecting SAI and allowing us to present this proposal. We are very excited about this project and are looking forward to finalizing these negotiations and starting the work. Please let us know if we can answer any questions or provide additional information. J. at Str 110 Architect/Principal cc: Joseph J. Sorci Project Architect JPS/jb STROLLO' ARCHITEas INCORPORATED ARCHITECTURE PLANNING INTERIOR DESIGN CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 58 S. IVANHOE BLVD. ORLANDO. FlORIDR 32804 (407) 423-5355 (407) 422-5994 (FAX) 8 8 PREDESIGN SERVICES PROPOSAL FOR THE CITY OF CLERMONT POLICE STATION IMPROVEMENTS SAI Project No. 9009 July 5, 1990 Introduction Predesign services includes, those tasks necessary to establish for the City of Clennont programmatic, financial, time requirements and limitations concerning the improvements and addition to the Clennont Police Station, project located at 885 West De Soto Street. This Phase of work includes a space needs analysis facilities planning and programming, site analysis, economic feasibility, project scheduling, and conceptual design services as outlined in the following material. Predesign work is necessary to bring the project to a point where it is clearly derIDed and variables known and understood. Quality, time, cost...what, when, and where are essential detenninants which begin to define this project. The objective of this phase of work is not only to derIDe these variables but also to bring them into balance with each other along with specific functional requirements for project feasibility. Several' external variables include an off site vehicle maintenance facility considerations, the existing Fire Station and City Council Chambers as they relate to the overall phasing and UninteITUpted use of the Police Station project. The products of predesign work will be an overall program and conceptual guideline for the details of final design including considerations of phasing requirements of the project due to external variables. They will incorporate the policies and procedures implemented by the Police Department and the City of Clennont, as well as specific functional requirements, technical, and aesthetic considerations. This fmal document called the "Project Development Program" will include all recommendations, repons and presentations critical to the efficient and successful completion of this project. This process is necessary to ensure that the planning and design efforts for the Police Station meet all specific needs, without interfering with other city services and continued operations. The next phase of work will be architecturalJengineering design services based on the guidelines and conclusions documented during the pre-design phase of work. These services would include building and site design, contract documents, construction administration, post-occupancy evaluation, and other supplemental services as may be determined necessary. This next phase of work will be negotiated separately upon completion of predesign services and are not included in this proposal. .' 8 8 PREDESIGN SERVICES PROPOSAL FOR THE CITY OF CLERMONT POLICE STATION IMPROVEMENTS SAI Project No. 9009 July 5, 1990 Page Two PHASE I I PREDESIGN SERVICES Facilities Planning and Programming: Develop a program statement of what the facility should accomplish, and outline the various levels of performance sought in the project. This mission statement will in some way and at some level address the human, physical, and external factors influencing the success of the project. The programming process will translate these factors into a design guide for the next phase of work. The program will reflect the Police Department and The City of Clermont's needs and aspirations, goals, organization, policies and procedures. The Project Development Program will consist of four main parts: Data Acquisition I Evaluation I Documentation Space Needs Analysis Site Analysis and Conceptual Design Project Schedule and Budget Studies Data Acquisition I Evaluation I Documentation: 1.01 A series of interviews. meetings and workshops with Chief Prentice Tyndal, Wayne Saunders City Manager John Springstead City Engineer and other officials as appropriate, will identify and discuss, define and document the following as a minimum: Public reception. Intake policies. Records Department requirements. Dispatch and communication operations. Patrol Section operations and requirements. Detective Section requirements. Warrant's Section requirements. Laboratory and Crimes Analysis operations. Community Affairs Office requirements. Locker and Training Area requirements. Administrative Office requirements: Chief of Police Finance . Personnel Offices Other conceptual and philosophical policies or considerations such as; interdepanmental interactions and functional requirements; CUITent facility problems and inadequacies; planned department services expansion and/or other future policy changes; other pertinent psychological, social, or political considerations symbolic and aesthetic goals and objectives. '0 8 8 PREDESIGN SERVICES PROPOSAL FOR THE CITY OF CLERMONT POLICE STATION IMPROVEMENTS SAt Project No. 9009 July 5, 1990 Page Three 1.01 Data Acquisition / Evaluation / Documentation: (continued): Collection and coordination of pertinent technical data will involve working with John Springstead City Engineer, and other officials as deemed appropriate. Owner furnished data in this phase includes; existing as-built construction drawings; Police Department statistical growth projections; description of existing services (Le. utilities, maintenance). SA! supplemental efforts will include: coordinating and evaluating Owner furnished documentation and incorporating into the fmal Program; inventory of existing spaces, furnishings and equipment through text, drawings or photographs; facility exterior conditions and related contextual information. facility related facility SA! will document all interviews, meetings, and workshops with Minutes/Action Item Correspondence for the Owner's project tracking purposes, review and comments. L02 Space Needs Analysis: Strollo Architects Incorporated will review the available project information and present the results thereof during the Kick-Off Design Workshop. These meetings should involve the Police Chief and Department Supervisors, the City Manager, and other officials deemed appropriate. TIle goals and objectives of these sessions will include the following: Defme the functional, spatial and visual relationships of the areas described in Section 1.01 above. Determine a mission statement concerning the overall design results. Describe and identify space adjacencies for security, processing or policy reasons, and interfacing requirements. Outline measures and considerations to allow for future growth and change. 8 8 PREDESIGN SERVICES PROPOSAL FOR THE CITY OF CLERMONT POLICE STATION IMPROVEMENTS SA!' Project No. 9009 July 5, 1990 Page Four 1.02 Space Needs Analysis (continued): A detailed Space Needs Report will be developed by SA! and will include as a minimum; the departments,' areas, and activities identified in Section 1.01 above, and all necessary support facilities required for , a complete and functional Police Station Facility. Area and configuration requirements. Physical access and adjacency requirements. Security and safety requirements. Description of area function, activities, and occupants (staffing). Finish and aesthetic requirements. Identify furnishings and equipment required. Mechanical, plumbing, and electrical system needs. Special considerations such as lighting needs, acoustical environments, and maintenance, etc. Other considerations such as life safety and code requirements. A written report complete with spatial relationship diagrams, matrices and/or other graphic information will be developed to communicate the specific space need requirements of the City of Oermont, Police Station. These products once approved, will be incorporated into the final Project Program document. Site Analysis and Conceptual Design: 1.03 SA! will work with the City Manager and Engineer in the collection and coordination of data required to analyze the existing site and newly acquired adjacent property. The following Owner furnished info,rmation will be essential in this process: Aerial photograph of site. Topographical and physical site survey with plot of both areas. Area maps and utility plans. Existing as-built site plan drawing. Geotechnical soil infonnation and report. ". 8 8 PREDESIGN SERVICES PROPOSAL FOR THE CITY OF CLERMONT POLICE STATION IMPROVEMENTS SAr Project No. 9009 July 5, 1990 Page Five 1.03 Site Analysis and Conceptual Design (continued): The above information, along with supplemental research by SAl, will be analyzed to identify specific design opportunities and constraints regarding the sensitive use of available land, existing and new facilities with a Phased Master Plan as the end result. The following is a minimal list of considerations to be addressed and developed during Owner representative meetings: Phasing requirements of planned expansions addressing the future Fire Station and Council Chambers relocations. Area and configuration requirements based on need for exterior support spaces such as a vehicular sallyport,property storage area, etc. as related to Booking, Intake, and Release procedures. Service area needs of facility. Public and private levels of separation required based on security policies. Landscaping, site aesthetics of other contextual image 'considerations and City policies. Additional technical considerations shall be reviewed including: Relationships of other exterior spaces such as public access, approach and gathering areas. Climactic influences including stormwater management concepts. Pedestrian and vehicular circulation concepts. Existing physical site features. Regulatory requirements and approvals. Existing and proposed infrastructure (utilities). SAl will develop a Site Analysis Report complete with descriptions and recommendations. A Phased Development Master Plan will reflect the specific results of this planning process graphically and verbally. The conceptual site plan design will include a footprint of the proposed modifications to existing building area and any building area additions and site improvements. Basic building elevation studies will address the design potential of the proposed additions and modifications. These products, once approved, will be incorporated into the final Project Program Document . ... 8 8 PREDESIGN SERVICES PROPOSAL FOR THE CITY OF CLERMONT POLICE STATION IMPROVEMENTS SAI 'Project No. 9009 July 5, 1990 Page Six 1.04 Economic Feasibility Studies: Develop the fIrst (preliminary) statement of probable cost for construction as it relates to the program and site analysis/design elements of the project. The resulting project budget shall include a statement of probable cost for the total project development including all hard and soft costs. It will be understood and agreed upon that this statement shall not guarantee or warranty dollar amounts, but may be utilize4 to develop a framework for funding considerations. This information will be incorporated into the final Project Program document. Conceptual - (not detailed estimating): Area and volume take-off method. Comparable examples based on standard development costs. Statistically derived cost data comparisons for the projects location. Develop format worksheet: Basic and unusual sitework. Basic and unusual building elements. Furnishings and equipment. SUlVeys, soil and material testing. Professional fees. 1.05 Project Scheduling: A timetable indicating milestones and tasks to be accomplished shall be developed for the overall project development including pre-design, design, and construction services, as well as furnishing acquisition, set-up and occupancy tasks. Schedule and probable costs must be coordinated with program and site decisions to ensure consistency and feasibility. Conceptual project development. Ascertain key milestones in the life of the project. Determine critical occupancy dates. Establish project phasing and occupancy staging for uninteffilpted use of facility. Detennine time requirements for various phases of work or tasks. , - .... 8 8 PREDESIGN SERVICES PROPOSAL FOR THE CITY OF CLERMONT POLICE STATION IMPROVEMENTS SAf Project No. 9009 July 5, 1990 Page Seven 1.05 Project Scheduling (continued): Graphically and verbally describe critical path decisions, tasks, and required accomplishments. 2.01 Schedule of Designated Services: 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04/1.05 Data Acquisition! Evaluation! Documentation Space Needs Analysis Site Analysis and Conceptual Design Project Scheduling and Budgeting Final Program Presentation and Presentation 2 Weeks 3 Weeks 3 Week 1 Week 1 week TOTAL TIME REQUIRED FROM NOTICE TO PROCEED 10 Weeks 3.01 Professional Compensation: Refer to attached Fee Quotation Proposal Work Sheet.' v 8 8 STROLLO ARCHITECTS INCORPORATED FEE QUOTATION PROPOSAL CITY OF CLERMONT POLICE STATION IMPROVEMENTS AND ADDITION PLANNING PHAse I - PREDESIGN SERVICES Project No. 9009 July 5, 1990 Pr1nc1pal-In Charge Pro). Arch1tect Des1gner Sr. Arch. Draftsman Product1on/Cler1cal Activ1ty Hours Rate Hours Rate Hours Rate Hours Rate Hours Rate Bas1C ACt1v1ty Dollar A."1lount (ApproXl.mate) ACt1V1ty Man-Hours 1.01 Data Aoqu1S>uon! Evaluation! 20 DoCODent_tionl 80.00 44.00 10 33 DO 10 33.00 12 33.00 33.00 33.00 3, '82 58 80.00 20 60.00 15 60.00 20 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 44.00 1.02 Space Needs AnAlysio 1.03 Site Analysis and Conceptual Oosiqn 16 80,00 2,510 <l 20 80.00 28 44.00 " '28 80 1.04 Econo",,"c Feasibility 1.05 PtoJect Scheduling 80.00 878 16 80.00 674 12 Ptuent-tions 560 TOTALS $12,532 215 TOTAL LUMP SUM FEE COMPUTATIONS Basic Activity Fee Amount: Reimbursables: (Allowance) printing, travel, postage, etc. $ 12,532 1,400 TOTAL LUMP SUM FEE $ 13,932.00