1990-16 . ~~~~ ~~, - S'n=n . 727 South 14th Street Leesburg, Flonda 34748 Lake (904) 787.1414 Sumter (904) 793.3639 Fax (904) 787.7221 qo.-o/~ March 27, 1990 Mr. Wayne Saunders, City Manager City of Clermont P.o. Box 219 Clermont, Florida 32711 Re: Engineering Contract E-1l3 Dear Wayne: This letter will confirm my conversation with you regarding a request for a fee schedule change. The original contract for professional engineering services between the City and Springstead Engineering, Inc. was signed February 28, 1977. An amendment to that contract was written and approved on May 23, 1979. The last modification to the contract was made by the City Council in their regular meeting on January 25, 1983. We have been using the 1983 fee schedule since that time. Lump sum and percentage of construction costs fees have been used for much of the work during the interim. Attached, you will find a fee schedule that we would like you to consider and if you feel it is appropriate, please present it to the City Council for their review and approval. We feel that the fees we are offering at this time are appropriate. Should they be approved, we would like the new fees to become effective April 16, 1990. I wish to take this opportunity to thank you and the City for the confidence placed in Springstead Engineering, Inc. through the years and we look forward to a ,continued relationship. ~:Ju.-~ . ~~~ 4-JD-QO Member of Amencan ConsultIng Engmeers CouncIl c . 8 March 27, 1990 Mr. Wayne Saunders E-113 I, Should you have any questions regarding any of the items in the fee schedule or wish to discuss them, please feel free to contact me and I will be glad to go over them with you. Very truly yours, 0 n W. Springstead, P.E. S:db Enclosure (E113L32390) /' 8 8 HOURLY FEE SCHEDULE FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Pri nci 2a 1 Secretary Clerical ~ ~1j VI~ØÝ Vl þ' $85..QO! '- 27.5011'0,00 17.50' I"? 50 c (,;/1lJ ,?J r;, 7,13 0 Z7.5D /'?,S"o ADMINISTRATION ENGINEERING $75.00: ý'o.oo tóo,oo 65.00i 32-Jo 1--fço 50.00: 1-1..ío 140.00 45.00 i Z5.00 I '?7.5° Professional EnGineer. P.E. Enqineer Project Engineer Engineering Technician PLANNING ENVIRONMENTAL $65,00: 35.00! 55.00 50.00 ./ 140.00 ! Planner Assistant Planner $60.0'0 : 45.00. ! 55,ð{) , 4ó.OD Environmental Specialist Assistant Environmental Specialist SURVEYING Professional Surveyor, ~. P,L.S. Surveyor Supervisor Surveying Technician Two-Man Survey Crew (4 Hrs, Min,) Three-Man Survev Crew (4 Hrs. Min) Four-Man Survey Crew (4 Hrs. Min) , Total'Station (2 Hrs. Min.) Concrete P,R.M. in place (Each) Iron Pins in olace TEach) $65.0017'5,00 :'55.{)o 52.50: Z'7.$o ,4-0.00 45.001 'Z?,oD: 375'0 I -,---- 67,50 I t¡~,so : (;z,'iO 75.00 I £0, DO i 7ð,oD 82. 59- ~7.!3.0 :_'Z7,5t¿ 25.00 1.'7.C>ð 25pD 1-:5'0 -,~!oO 150 3.50 1,7> 3.5'0 Desiqn Draftsman Draftsman I I I $45.00 'Z,'3.0() I -;(,.00 35.00 -¡1.bO 130,00 TECHNICAL SUPPORT , . .., - " : ' ï' . .';.' -: -.-, - ~, '-.' . :' , , ..- ,~: -'-,- : ;-:-~::'--:--,,;,:--;-n- :::,....'c;:-.::::-" ;:":' , , , --;-::-:-;:~-:;,"'.:', '0,":1 ,"'>'~-'::: I " / ..'.,- '- 8 1 I ;' I Page Two ,I COMPUTER . '" . .' . 8 Computer Time H.P. HASP: Digitizer-Plotter Com uter Time Micro- rocessor contingent on type of program) MISCELLANEOUS December 15, 1989 . 4()ßD / ¿¡}~ $ 0.25 0.40 0; 17 $ 0.2 os Cost Cost+15% Cost+15% Cost+25% Cost+15°o Cost+15õo ft.'? , {J ,/7 12-0 1)0 1),0 ))0 yo Dó VI>