1988-34 8 ?/8-031- . , 8 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ST ATE DIVISION OF LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SERVICES PUBLIC LIBRARY STATE AID CERTIFICATION FORM FOR APPROPRIATION BY MUNICIPAL LIBRARIES CONTRACTIN G WITH COUNTIES AFFIDAVIT STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF LAKE Before me this day personally appeared WAYNE SAUNDERS , who being duly sworn, deposes and says that the City of CLERMONT has' provided the sum of $ 55,600 for free public library service for the fiscal year of OCTOBER I , 1988 to SEPTEMBER 30 , 1989. This is administered centrally in cooperation with the following counties: LAKE COUNTY Sworn to and subscribed before me this 7 day of SEPTEMBER, A. D. 1988. I " \ , a".' , . ï . \. I . J . ~ \ - I I . '1-1Ú /! YÚí2.,Vl~' . N oJary Public State of Florida at Large { \" I ( . . \ , . ; , , \-, ~r- N~r,. Pub~:, State of Florida ~~~ My Commission Expires Me,! ZS, 199J - My commission expires ~ TIIru Tro, Fa'":'.,u".c.'n£,