Contract 2020-003A ExpCDEWONT Choice of Champion February 15, 2024 Patrick Wright, Manager Mister Softee Strong of Central FL, LLC 15360 County Rd. 565A, Suite C Groveland, FL 34736 FREDDY L. SUAREZ Procurement Services Director Procurement Services Department 352-241-7350 fsuarez@clermontfl.org Re: Contract Expiration Notice for 2020-03 / Hancock Park Concession Services Dear Mr. Patrick Wright: The current above referenced contract is due to expire on April 5, 2024; all renewal options under the contract term have being exhausted. At this time there is no plan to issue a new bid for the continuation of concession services for Hancock Park. I thank you for the contractual services you have provided to the City of Clermont. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Sincerely, Freddy L. Suarez, MPA, CPPB Procurement Services Director 685 W. Montrose Street Clermont, FL 34711 www.ClermontFL.gov