1987-09 , -' 87 - DO&J 8 8 AGREEMENT roR ENGINEERING SERVICES ~s Agreement , made this 3rd day of March , 19 87, by and between the City of Clermont, hereinafter referred to as the avN- ER, and Spr~ Erçineering, Inc., City Erçineer, hereinafter re- ferred to as the ENGINEER: mE aiNER in't:ems to construct a Flow-Equalization Basin and ap- proximately 15,000 feet of force main in Clermont, Iake county, State of Florida, which the ENGINEER agrees to perfonn the various profess- ional enginee.rin;J services for the design and construction of said system . WI'lNESSEIH : '!hat for an in consideration of the DUtual covenants and premises be- tween the parties hereto , it is hereby agreed : SECl'ION A - ENGINEERING SERVICES '!he ENGINEER shall furnish engineering services as follows: 1. '!he ENGINEER will attend conferences with the aiNER or other interested parties as may be reasonably necessaJ:y. (M12901AGR) -1- . , . 8 8 2 . After the OWNER directs the ENGINEER to proceed, the ENGINEER will perfonn the necessary design surveys, accamplish the detail- ed design of the project, prepare oonst.ruction drawings, specif- ications and oontract documents, and prepare a final cost esti- mate based on the final design for the entire system. It is also understood that if subsurfaøe explorations (such as borings, soil tests, rock ~ and the like) are :required, the ENGINEER will fumish ooordination of said explorations without additional charge, but the costs incident to such explorations shall be paid for by the OWNER as set out in Section D hereof. 3 . '!he documents fumished by the ENGINEER umer Section A-4 include but are not limited to contract documents, including Gen- era! COnditions, SUpplemental General COnditions, contract Change Orders, and partial payment esêmates . All of these documents shall be subj ect to approval by the aiNER. 4 . Prior to the advertisement for bids, the ENGINEER will pr0- vide for each oonst.ruction contract, not to exceed 10 copies of detailed drawings, specifications, and oontract documents for use by the aiNER, appz'Opriate Federal, state, and local agencies fram (Ml2901AGR) -2- , . . 8 8 whan approval of the project must be obtained. '!he cost of such drawiDJs, specifications, and contract documents shall be included in the basic ~tion paid to the ENGINEER. 5. '!he ENGINEER will furnish additional copies of the drawin;Js, specifications and contract documents as required by prospective bidders, material suppliers, and other interested parties, but may cha%ge them. for the reasonable cost of such copies. Upon award of each contract, the ENGINEER will furnish to the aiNER five sets of the drawin;Js, specifications and contract documents for execution. '!he cost of these sets shall be included in the basic CO'IDpe11Sation paid to the ENGINEER. oriqinal dOOI1IJIATlts, sur- vey notes, 't.raciJçs, and the like, except those fumished to the ENGINEER by the aiNER, are and shall remain the property of the ENGINEER. 6 . '!he drawin;Js prepared by the ENGINEER urñer the provisions of Section A-2 above shall be in sufficient detail to pennit the act- ual location of the p:oposed inprovement:s on the grcœñ. '!he EN- GINEER shall pœpare and furnish to the CHmR without ar'¥ addi- tional ~tion, three copies of a mapes) shc:1.dn:J the qeneral location of needed construction easements and pernanent ea~ and the land to be acquired. Property surveys, property plats, property descriptions, abstracting and negotiations for land (M1290lAGR) -3- , . . 8 8 rights shall be accanplished by the æNER, unless the CMNER re- quests, and the ENGINEER agrees to provide these services. In the event the ENGINEER is requested to provide such services, the ENGINEER shall be additionally ~1iþt:llSated as set out in section D hereof. 7 . '!he ENGINEER will atterñ the bid operrlnj and tabulate the bid proposals, make an analysis of the bids, and make :r&..:aLIlL-=OOations for awarding contracts for construction. 8. '!he ENGINEER will review and approve, for confomance with the design concept, any necessary shop and working drawings furn- ished by the contractors . 9 . '!he ENGINEER will interpret the intent of the drawings and specifications to protect the œNER against defects and defic- iencies in oonstructi.on on the part of the contractors . '!he EN- GINEER will not, hcwever, guarantee the perfomance by any oon- tractor. 10. The ENGINEER will establish baselines for locatin;J the work together with a suitable number of bench marks adjacent to the work as shown in the cx:mtract documents . (M1290lAGR) -4- , ' . 8 8 11. '!he ENGINEER will provide general EDJineerinq :review of the work of the contractors as const:ruction progresses to ascertain that the contractor is confonnin:j with the design ooncept. 12. Unless notified by the CHŒR in writing that the CHŒR will provide for resident inspection, the ENGINEER will provide resi- dent const:ruction inspection . '!he ENGINEER'S unde.rt:aking here- under shall not relieve the caItractor of contractor's obligation to perform. the work- in conformity with the drawin:Js am specifica- tions am in a workmanlike manner; shall not make the ENGINEER an insurer of the contractor's perfœ:manoe; am shall not :inpose up- on the ENGINEER any obligation to see that the work is perfcmœd in a safe marmer. 13 . '!he ENGINEER will cooperate am work closely with aiNER' S representati vas. 14 . '!he ENGINEER will review the contractor's applications for progress am final payment am, when approved, submit same to the CHŒR for payment. 15 . '!he ENGINEER will prepare necessary contract change orders for approval of the CHŒR, on a timely basis. (Ml2901AGR) -5- , , . 8 8 16. '!he ENGINEER will make a final review prior to the issuance of the statement of substantial ocmpletion of all construction and submit a written report to the CHmR. 'Prior to suJ::anittjn;J the final payesêmate, the ENGINEER shall submit a statement of completion to and obtain the written acceptanoe of the facility from the permittin;J goverrmental agencies and from the CHmR. 17. '!he ENGINEER will provide the CHmR with one set of :record drawing prints at no additional cost to the CHmR. SUch drawings will be based upon construction recœ:ds provided by the cxmt:rac- tor durinJ constmction and reviewed by the resident inspector and from the resident inspector' s constmction data. 18 . '!he ENGINEER will be available to furnish en:JineeriDJ ser- vices and consultations neœssary to oorrect unforeseen proj ect operation difficulties for a period of one year after the date of statement of substantial ocmpletion of the facility. This ser- vice will include instruction of the CMNER in initial proj ect 0p- eration and maintenance. SUch consultation and advice shall be fumished without additional charge except for travel and subsis- tence costs. '!he ENGINEER will assist the CMNER in perfœ:ming a review of the project duriDJ the 11th 1OOJ1th after the date of the certificate of substantial ocmpletion. (M1.290lAGR) -6- , , 8 8 19. Iß1e ENGINEER further agrees to obtain and maintain, at the ENGINEER I S expense, such insurance as will protect the ENGINEER from claims under the Workman I s Cc:Itpensation Act and such canpre- hensive general liability insurance as will protect the œNER and the ENGINEER from all claims for bodily injury, death, or proper- ty damage which may arise from the performance by the ENGINEER or the ENGINEER I S employees of the ENGINEER I S ftmctions and services required under this Agreement . 20. Upon the execution of this contract by the œNER, the EN- GINEER will canplete final plans, specifications and contract doc- uments and submit for approval of the CMNER and all State regula- tory agencies within 150 calemar days from the date of authoriza- tion unless otherwise agreed to by both parties. If the aboVe is not' aoccmplished within the time period speci- fied, this Agreement may be terminated by the CMNER. Iß1e time for completion will be extended by the CHmR for a reasonable time if completion is delayed due to unforeseeable causes beyond the control and without the fault or negligence of the ENGINEER. (M12901AGR) -7- 8 8 SECp:ON B - çr:HPENSATION FUR ENGINEERING SERVICES 1. '!he CHJER shall oanpensate the ENGINEER for design and contract administration ergineerirr:J services in the anomt as shown in Attach- ment 1. (a) When Attachment 1 is used to establish compensation on each contract for the design and contract administration services, the actual construction costs on which compensation is determined for each contract and shall exclude legal fees , administrative costs, enqineerirr:J fees, land rights, acquisition costs, and interest ex- pense incurred durirr:J the construction period. 2 . '!he compensation for enqineerirr:J services, design and contract ad- ministration services shall be payable as follows : (a) A smn which equals seventy percent (70%) of the total compen- sation payable in IOOnthl Y install1Dents reflecting percentages of CO11'pletion from time to time, umer Section B, l(a) for the prep- aration of construction drawings, specifications, cost esêmates and contract documents . (b) A smn which equals eighty percent (80%) of the compensation (M1290lAGR) -8- , , 8 8 payable in nart:hl Y installments reflec:ti.rg percentages of cœple- tion to the 'ême when contracts are awaI.'ded. (c) A sum equal to fifteen percent (15%) of the Cû1~tion will be paid on a nart:hly basis for general erçineerin) review of the contractor I s work durin) the construction period on percen- tage ratios identical to those approved by the ENGINEER as a bas- is upon which to make partial payments to the oontractors . H0w- ever, payment under this paragraph am of such additional smns as are due the ENGINEER by reason of any necessary adjusbnents in the payment oamputations will be in an annmt so that the aggre- gate of all smns paid to the ENGINEER will equal ninety-five (95%) of the compensation. A final payment to equal 100 percent . - shall be made when it is determined that all services :required by the Agreement have been cxaopleted except for the services set for in section A-18 hereof. SECrION C - CXMPENSATION :roR RESIDENT INSPECl'ION AS SEl' FORlH m SECrION A-12 When the ENGINEER provides resident inspection, the ENGINEER will, prior to the preconstruction conference, submit a resune of the resident inspector I s qualifications, anticipated duties am responsi- bilities for approval by the aiNER. '!he aiNER agrees to pay the EN- (M12901AGR) -9- 8 8 GINEER for such services in accordance with the schedule set out in Attachment J. . '!he ENGINEER will :render to œNER for such services an itemized bill, once each month, for c:::c.I1tp8I1Sation for such services pe:rfcmned hereurñer during such period, the same to be due am pay- able by the OWNER to the ENGINEER on or before the J.Oth day of the folla.rlnq period. Under normal construction circumstances, am forthe proposed construction period of J.80 days, the cost of resident inspection is shown on Attachment J. . SECI'ION D - ADDITIONAL ENGINEElUNG SERVICES In addition to the foregoing beirg performed, the folla.rlnq services may be provided UR>N PRIOR WR1'ITEN AUIHaRIZATION OF THE OWNER. J.. site surveys for sewage treatment works, am other similar special surveys as my be required. . 2 . laboratory tests, well tests, borings , special ized geolog- ical , soils, hydraulic, or other studies reccmnended by the EN- GINEER. 3. Property surveys, detailed description of sites, maps, draw- ings, or estimates related thereto; assistance in negotiating for (M1290lAGR) -J.O- 8 8 land and ~c:pmpnt rights. 4. Redesigns ordered by the OWNER after final plans have been ac- cepted by the OWNER. 5. Appearances before courts or boards on matters of litigation or hearir'gs related to the project. 6 . Preparation of environment inpact assesC!11'ents or environ- mental inpact statements as may be neœssazy. 7 . Perfœ:mance of detailed S't:aJdnj neoessæ.y for construction of the project in excess of the control S't:aJdnj set forth in Section A-10. 8 . '!he ENGINEER further agrees to provide the operation and main- tenance manual for facilities when required for $.§,800.00. Payment for the services specified in this Section D shall be as agreed in writirç between the OWNER prior to ccmnencement of the work. '!he ENGINEER will render to OWNER for such services an itemized bill, separate from any other billing, once each month, for com- (M1290JAGR) -11- 8 8 pensation for services performed heramder durirç such period, the same to be due and payable by CHmR to the ENGINEER on or be- fore the loth day of the follOltlirç period. (M1290lAGR) -12- 8 8 SECl'Iœ E - Du1!il<l!ST ON UNPAID SUMS If æNER fails to make any payment due ENGINEER within 60 days for services and expenses, the ENGINEER shall be entitled to interest at the rate of twelve percent (12%) per annum fram said 60th day. SECrION F - SPECIAL PROVISIONS Additional services in section D above will be billed to the avNER at the following rates : HCXJRLY FEE SŒEIDIE FOR PROFESSIONAL SERYICE'S AœINIS'IRATION Principal Secretary Clerical $65.00 19.50 12.50 ENGINEERING Professional EDjineer, P. E . EDjineer Proj eat Engineer EDJineerin:J Technician Design Draftsman Draftsman Camputer Time H. P. HASP: Digitizer-Plotter Camputer Time Micro-processor (00J'1'tinJent on type of ~a111) SURVEYING $55.00 45.00 35.00 30.00 27.50 24.00 35.00 ¡Run Professional SUrveyor, R. L. S. SUrveyor SUpervisor SUrveyin:J Technician Design Draftsman $45.00 35.00 30.00 27.50 (M1290lAGR) -13- 8 8 Draftsman Two-Man survey crew (4 Hrs . Kin. ) ~ survey Crew ( 4 . Hrs . Kin. ) Four-Man survey crew (4 Hrs . Kin. ) CanpIter Time H.P. HASP: Digitizer - Plotter CanpIter Time Micro-processor (cont.iIçent on type of program) Elec. Dist. Measurin;J Equip. (2 Hrs. Min. Time Use) concrete.P.R.M. in place (Each) Iron Pins in place (Fach) PIANNING land Planner Design Draftsman Draftsman MISl'!RT :r ANliITN Mileage - two wheel drive (per mile) Mileage - four wheel drive (per mile) Photo COpies (Each) mueprints (per square foot) Telephone (lOR) distance) Testin;J (ErXJineerirç Materials) Testin;J (Water- & Wastewater) Printin;J (By others) Aerial Photography (M1290JAGR) -14- 24.00 60.00 67.50 75.00 35.00 ¡Run 20.00 7.50 3.00 $45.00 27.50 24.00 $0.25 $0.40 0.17 0.25 COSt COSt Cost+15% Cost+15% Cost+25% . . 8 8 SECI'Iœ G - TERMINATION '!his Agreement may be terminated by either party by giving the other party seven (7) days prior written notice, in the event of sub- stantia1 failure to perform in accordance with the tEmns hereof by the other party through no fault of the terminating party. If this Agreement is terminated, the ENGINEER shall be paid in ac:x::oràance with the provisions of Attachment C for all work performed up to the date of termination. SECI'Iœ H - SUSPENSION, CANCEUATION OR AB1OOX>NMENT In the event the project described in AttaduBent A, or the ser- vices of the ENGINEER called for under this Agreement, is/are suspend- ed, cancelled Or abandoÏ1ed by the CLIENT, the ENGINEER shall be given five (5) days prior written notice of such action and shall be c::anpen- sated for the professional services provided up to the date of suspen- sion, cancellation, or abandonment. IN WI'INESS WHEREX:>F, the parties hereto have executed, or caused to be executed by the duly authorized officials, this Agreement in duplicate on the :respective dates indicated below. (M12901AGR) -15- . . , . (SFAL) 1u'~~~' 8 TYPe Name Julie M. Brandt Title Deputy City Clerk (SFAL) = ¡1A~4;;'~ TYPe Name Title Sara S. Springstead Secretary (M1290JAGR) -16- 8 ~~ By. #-~~ TYPe Name Robert A. Pool Title Mayor ~te March 3.1987 Title President ~te February 26. 1987 . .. . ' ... 8 8 ATl'AœENT I MEDIAN FEES PUR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES - SECI'Iœ "A" AS A PERCENTAGE OF NEl' CDNSTRUCI'ION cnsT FIDRIDA A. '!he fees are to be" adjusted. to suit special oorñi.tions as stated in the con- tract. Basic Fee Res . InsD . Fee Basic Fee Res. InsD. Fee Net construction Cost Table I Table I-A Table II Table II-A 50,000 12.0 5.0 9.0 4.0 100,000 11.5 4.8 8.5 3.8 200,000 10.5 4.6 7.7 3.6 300,000 9.6 4.4 7.3 3.4 400,000 9.2 4.2 7.0 3.2 500,000 8.8 4.0 6.7 3.0 600,000 8.4 3.8 6.5 2.8 700,000 8.2 3.6 6.3 2.6 800,000 8.0 3.4 6.2 2.4 900,000 7.8 3.2 6.1 2.2 1,000,000 7.6 3.0 6.0 2.0 2,000,000 7.0 2.8 5.6 1.8 3,000,000 6.8 2.6 5.4 1.6 5,000,000 6.2 2.3 5.0 1.3 10,000,000 5.5 2.0 4.5 1.0 For construction proj ects that are less than $50, 000 in size, the median compensation may be increased over that shown in the above tables. '!he en- gineer will be '-'U1l~JSated for basic ED)ineeriD;J services based on a percentage of the total actual construction costs of projects of unusually complex items such as water treatment plants, sewers, and sewage treatment plants, :rehabil- itation of existing treatment facilities as shown in Table I, and for all other proj ects as shown in Table II. '!he fee for proj act costs fallin:J between the figures shcMn in above tables shall be interpolated to nearest one-tenth per- cent. The owner will be in full agreement with the ED)ineering compensation and will understarxi the :reasons Way such COI(pmsation is justified. B. For these contracts, Table I and IA will be used for the Flow Equalization Basin Contract. Table II and IIA will be used for the Force Main and appurten- ances . ~ . S INITIAL ~/ mmœR'S ~~ ( ATrACHMENTl ) ~/1r(Ph1 I f