2007-19CITY OF CLERMONT, FLOI~I~A SCOPE OF SERVICES City of Clermont -East Side Wastewater Treatment Facility Gopher Tortoise Relocation Assistance Services May 11, 2007 EastSide ~4%Rf' I'0-17.doc I ~~~~E Task Order No. 17 Scope of Services City of Clermont -East Side Wastewater Treatment Facility Gopher Tortoise Relocation Assistance Services This Scope of Services is Task Order No. 17 pursuant to the Engineering Consulting Services Agreement dated August 12~h, 2003 between the City of Clermont, hereinafter referred to as "CITY", and Boyle Engineering Corporation, hereinafter referred to as "ENGINEER". A. BACKGROUND Discussion The City of Clermont has undertaken the expansion of the East Side Wastewater Treatment Facility. Gopher tortoise burrows have been found on the project site. Gopher tortoise (Gopherus polyphemus) is listed by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC} as a Species of Special Concern and are afforded special protections under the la~v {Rules 68A- 25.002, 68A-27.005 F.A.C.). The FWC requires that developments that may harm gopher tortoise or their habitat submit a management plan for approval prior to any site development. The CITY elected to procure an Incidental Take Permit {ITP) that allows for the development of gopher tortoise habitat and the incidental entombment of gopher tortoises that may be in their burrows during construction. However, the CITY wishes to capture and relocate the gopher tortoises in the construction area to a temporary holding area located on site in order to minimize impacts to this species. The ENGINEER will not conduct the relocation or be responsible for the success of the relocation, but only aid CITY staff in this endeavor. B. SCOPE OF SERVICES Task 1. Gopher Tortoise Relocation Assistance 1.1 Define a gopher tortoise preservation area on the project site plan during site plan development that can potentially support the captured and relocated gopher tortoises during construction. 1.2 Coordinate with the CITY to have the on-site gopher tortoise recipient area enclosed prior to the capture of tortoises. 1.3 Set bucket traps on day one to capture the gopher tortoises in the constriction area. Demonstrate to CITY staff how to check and re-set traps as needed and how to excavate a starter burrow in the recipient area. 1.4 Conduct three additional site visits to aid the CITY's gopher tortoise relocation upon request of CITY staff (limited to 4 hrs/ visit). EastSide_~~'RF_r0-17.doc 2 F3l.~'Sr~LE C. CITY'S RESPONSIBILITIES The CITY will provide the following information and services: Pay all permit application, mitigation, relocation fees to the FWC prior to the start of any relocation effort. 2. Supply or install materials needed to corral gopher tortoises on site during construction. 3. Provide shovel, 5 gallon buckets, and newspaper for use as gopher tortoise traps 4. Provide any supplemental food for gopher tortoises if necessary. D. SERVICES NOT INCLUDED The following tasks are specifically excluded from this scope. The CITY may direct the ENGINEER to add the excluded sections to the scope of work. Additional compensation for the excluded sections will be determined at that tune. 1. Other field investigations or applications not specifically detailed in the scope of services 2. The supply or installation of materials needed to corral gopher tortoises on site during construction. 3. The supply of supplemental food and water for gopher tortoises if necessary. 4. Daily inspections and repair of bucket traps. 5. The relocation or release of gopher tortoises. 6. Monitoring of gopher tortoises captured or released on site. E. COMPENSATION This Scope of Services establishes a time and materials fee not to exceed $5,458.00 for the Task 1 services described above. Fees were determined based on the assumptions presented herein. A budget showing the estimated number of hours and other project fees are presented in the Project Budget (Attachment A). F. SCHEDULE It is the ENGINEER's understanding that the CITY wishes to begin the relocation as soon as the FWC permit allows. The ENGINEER is not responsible for the amount of time the F WC takes to review and approve permit applications. The ENGINEER understands the need for expeditious service and will be available to set bucket traps upon reasonable notice not to be less than 48 hours in advance. Services pursuant to this Scope of Services wilt commence upon ENGINEER's receipt of written authorization from CITY. ENGINEER shall not be responsible for delays that occur as the result of action or inaction by regulatory agencies. F..astSide 1VRF To-17.doc 3 ~®~LE G. AUTHORIZATION FOR This Task Order serves as an. Exhibit to the Consultant Agreement dated August 12, 2003, between the City of Clermont and Boyle Engineering Corporation, and is hereby incorporated into this Task Order by reference. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,,nBOYLE and CITY have executed this Task Order this 2 ~(~~ day of Y 1 ;, , 2007. "BOYI.E" BOYLE ENGINES G CORPORATION By: A. Thomas Brown, PE District Vice President "CITY" CITY OF CLERMONT ,. ,, "- By: .~ Harold S. Turville, Jr. Mayor EastSide_wRF_TO-17.doc 4 ~®ar'LE ATTACHMENT A PROJECT BUDGET F,a,tSide l~'RF T'0-17.doc ~~ 1 k f i CC'. . r.~ .~ ..~~ Y 0 L fJ r U :~ O in U 0 G vs G l- O ~ G O G O G ~. r „~ .~1 G ~ ~ O C- Q }~ ~D ~ N ~ V: - y~ ~ Y> ~ `~ Vf aL ~ ^ ~ ~ :J Z J. a o'o v.J d ~ c ~ ~ J o ~ V ~ U E 7 G L 'J N m G iC cUa F M f Y U .Q L a V U t+ ~ y a.+ ~ ~ ~ '4: ~ ~ N ~ y ~++ U ~ r ~ d _~ ~ ~ O Z ~ i ~ ~ O 'b V E " y ^r3 L o Cll r ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ O y.W~