2005-21. ~~ ~~~ . ~~ U~. ~.~ ~~ to • t t ~ li : FA7C ~ 1 352 343 8495 PAGE 2i ENGINEERING PROPOSAUAGREEMENT FOR CITY OF CL.ERMONT CLERMONT/MINN~OL.A POTA6LE WATER SYSTEM INTERCONNIrCT ENGINEERS: EARNER, SAR~.EY 8~ ASSOCIATES, INC. 350 North Sinclair Avenue Tavares, Florida 32776 (352) 343.8481 - PH (3S2) 343-8495 - FX CLIENT: TAMARA RICHAR~SON CITY OF Cl_ERMONT 655 W. Montrose Street Clermont, Ft- 34751 (352 249 7335 (352} 394-2379 __~ .._ . _.,~ ,,., iv vv tv • 1G 1L FAX~1 352 343 8495 PAGE 3i PRO.I1rCT: Ct~RMONTIMINNEOt.A POTA~(_E WATER SYSTEM INTERCONNECT CI.IENY: GTY OF CI.ERMONT PATE: March 7, 2U05 revised June 15L 2605 • PROPOSAL/AGREt=MENT TASK 1 SURVEYING: Earner, Bariey ~ Assodates, Inc_, (FBA) will conduct a route survey of the route for the proposed potable water interconnect between the City of Minneola Eastridge WTP and the nearest adjacent City of Clermont water line, in order to locate existing improvements and impediments to construction, both above and below grade. In addition, F8A will research existing easements along the proposed route, and will prepare easement sketches and legals for the proposed route. FEE: S3,5Qa.00 ..Nola: The Gty of germont will be responsible for determining the recommended route for the proposed v~rater line and wil! be responsible-for contacting al! property owners impacted by Ills proposed easements. The City wiU provide this information to FBA for our use in preparing easement sketches and legals. TASK tl ENGINEERING DESIGN 8. PERMITTING FBA will prepare detailed design drawings for the proposed water system interconnection • between the City of Clermont and the City of Minneola with a bidirectional flow meter arrangement and lodcabla valves io allow an emergency backup to the water systems of both Cities. All design will meet the requirements of FDEP Chapter 62-555, Florida Administrative Code. The scope of these services shall include the following general items: 1. Review of existing Eastridge WTP PlantAs-Built Drawings and City of Clermont and Gty of Minneola water distribution systems. 2. Preparenewwatersystempipinginterconneddesign,indudingnewflowmeterand valuing. 3. Prepare the FDEP water supply system permit application and brief Engineer's Report. 4. Review the system pressures in both the City of Minneola and the City of Clermont water systems at the point of connection to verify that an interconnection wiU function properly based upon system hydraulic grades in order to determine whether or not a booster pump will be required to provide the interconnection. (Note, this scope does not include the cost for design of a booster pump system) FEE: 58,QQ4.00 TASK 111 CONSTRUCTION f31Q DOCUMENTS Services to include preparation of construction contract bid documents and specifications. Farner, Barley t3< Assoaates, lnc., shall coordinate with all qualified bidders during bid process and prepare final bid evaluations with recommendations to client. Farner, Barley 2 .~~ ~rv..wL w~iJ U~ 1b:1L lll~ FA7C:1 352 343 8495 PAGE 4~ PRCJt=CT: CLERMONTIMINNEOLA PQTASI~E WATER SYSTEM IM'ERCONNECT C1.IEIYT: CITY OF CLEfZMONT DAT>~: March 7, 2005: revised June 15, 2005 _ _ • 8~ Associates, tnc., shall also prepare final contract documents between Owner and Contractor, as requested. FEE X2,250.00 TASK IV PRo,IECT aaMINISTRAT1oN The scope of services shalt include administrative services necessary to coordinate alt aspects of the project through the planning, design and permitting phase. These services shall inGude project scheduling with all regulatory agencies and public utility companies during the design and permitting phase of the project. FEE X1,250.00 TAI; Y GONSTRtlCTION ADMINIf;TRA'r'tON SERVICES Famer, t3acley & Associates, Inc., wilt advise and consult with Owner and act as its representative during construction. Famer, Barley 8~ Associates, Inc_, wilt make weekly visits to the site to opserve the. progress acrd quality of the executed site work and to • determine in general ifithe work is proceeding in accordance with the construction drawings. Famer, Barley & Associates, Inc., will review and approve shop drawings, results of tests and inspections and other data that the contractor is required to submit. -Based upon the on-site observations and field survey as-builts to be provided by Contractor, Famer, Barley Z~ Associates, inc., shall prepare and submit cert~cations of completions to the following State and local agenaes as required: a. Florida pepactment of Environmental Protedion.~ b. City of Clermont c. City of Minneola FEE 51,50Q.00 r: 3 ~~~~ ivv.aoc voile ~u~ ~e:1~ !ll: FAX:1 352 343 8495 PAGE 5/ PROJECT: CL.ERMONT/MiNNEOLA POTABLE WATER SYSTEM INTERCONNECT CLIENT: CITY OF CI-ERMONT DATE: March 7 2005 revised June 7 ~ 2005 FEE SUMMARY TASK f $ 3,500.00 TASK It $ 8,000.00 TASK III $ 2,250.00 TASK IV $ 1,250.00 TASK V $ 1,500.00 TOTAL $ 16,500.Q0 The above scope of services does cwt include the following: • 1. EnvironrYtental Site Analysis. . 2. Geotechnical Engineering -Sal Borings. 3. Architectural Design Services ~. Application Fees. 5. tZe+mbursibles 6. Roaster Pump Station Design 4 . ~~ , Y~ . ~~~ „~,• ,.;, u~ to : i ~ 1 ll : FAX ~ 1 352 343 8495 PAGE 6i PROJECT: Cl_ERMONT~MINNEOIA POTABLE WATER SYSTEM {NTERCONNECT CLIENT: CITY OF CLERMONT DATE: March 7 2005, fevised June 15, 2005 • HOURLY RATE SCHEpULE (2005) Professional Services shat! be charged at the following rate schedule: 1=NGINEERING PROFESSIONAL. ENGIN(=ER PRINCIPAL $160.00/HOUR pROFESSIONAI_ ENGINEER $115.00/HOUR PROJi"CT ENGINEER $105.00/HOUR 1=NGINEER TECHNICIAN ! $90.OOIHOUR ENGINEER TECHNICIAN ll $70.00/HOUR PLANNER $90.OO/HOUR PLANNING TECHNICIAN $70.00/HOUR SURVf=PING • PROFESSIONAL SURVEYOR PRINCIPAL $160,00/HOUR PROFESSIONAL SURVEYOR $105.00/HOUR 3 MAN FIELD CREW $135.00lHOUR 2 MAN FIEIp CREW $120.00/HOUR CREW UTILIZING G!_Ol3AL. POSITIONING SYSTEM $150.40/HOUR SURVEY TECHNICIAN I $85.00/HOUR 5 FILE No.582 06115 '05 16:12 ID: FAX:1 352 343 8495 PAGE 7i ~ PROJECT: CLERMONT/MINNEOLA POTABLE WATER SYSTEM INTERCONNECT CLIENT: CITY OF CLERMONT OATS: Match 7, 2005. revised Jur1e 15, 2005 All printing for this project shalt be billed out at the following rate schedule. MYI.ARS/SEPIA COST BLUE PRINTS COST COPIES COST FAX $1.00/COPY FEp F,JC (~ COST CONCRETE MONUMENTS $7.50/EACH RESAR $2.00/EACH MIt.EAGE /M PROJECTS ONL $0.30/MII.E • s FILE No.582 06115 '05 16:12 ID: FAX:1 352 343 8495 PAGE 8i PRO.JI=CT: C~~ONT/MINNEOIA POTABLE WATt=R SYST)rM iNl'ERCONNECT CRI ENT: CIT<' OF CI.ERMONT PATE; _ March 7.2005, revised June 15, 2005 • !. GENERAL CONDITIONS A. TERMINATION: The agreement may be terminated by either party upon thirty (30) days written notice. R. REQUEST FOR SERVICE: Any request to replace or repair existing. work such as survey control pants shall be complied within a reasonable time period of twenty-four (24) hours. C. DOCUMENTS: All origins! drawings, computations, details, design calculations, and electronic media that result from Famer, t3ariey & Assodates, -Inc., services are the property of Famer, Barley & Assogates, Inc. Upon. payment ff full for services completed, client may at his expense, obtain copies of any documents or repnodudble copies of drawings.. in doing so, client agrees that no additions, deletions, changes or revisions shalt pe made to same without the .express written approval of Famer, Barley & Associates, Inc. D. FEE RENl;GOTlAT10N: The hourly rates given in this contract for addltlonal services requested by the client outside the scope of the contract tasks are applicable through December 31" of the year • the contract was executed, and are subject to renegotiation on January 1, each year, thereafter. Contract prices shall remain as quoted for two {2) years after execution of contract after which, cx~tract prices shall be renegotiated for any remaining tasks. E. REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS: The fees quoted herein are quoted based on all regulations, state and or local that are presently in effect as of this date. If regulations change during the permitting and design phase of this project, Famer, sacley & Assoaates, Inc., reserves the right to renegotiate fees for services that may be affected by regulatory changes. F. PERMIT ACQUISITION Famer, Barley & Associates, Inc., cannot guarantee the acquisition of all permits/approvals. However, we will strive toward this end. Geent is responsible for payment of all consulting fees due Farner, Barley & Associates, Inc., regardless of agency/governmental actions. II. COMPENSATION A. ADDITIONAL SERVICES: Famer, 13artey & Associates, inc., will be compensated for additional services, such as: • 1. Changes in scope of services defined in this contract at the client's request. 7 • FILE h1o.582 06115 'd5 16:12 ID: FAX:1 352 343 8495 PAGE 9i PROJECT: Ct_ERMONT/MINNEOIA POTABLE WATER SYSTEM INTERCONNECT CLIENT: G1TY OF CLERMONT PATE: March 7, 2005. revised June 15, 2005 2. Revisions caused by changes of governmental requirements after the date of this agreement. 3. Redesign per Giant after preliminary design has been submitted to the approving agency. l3. OUT-OF-POCKET EXPENSES: In addition to the fee schedule and any additional services, Famer, Barley & Associates, Inc., shall be reimbursed for out-of-pocket expenses for actual cost, such as: blueprints, copies,. plots, aerials, express deliveries, specialized postage, and travel outside of the Central Florida area. C. ACCEPTANCE: . n U Billing shall be sent on a bi-monthly basis and each shall reflect the percentage of work completed during the billing period. All invoices shall be paid within fourteen (94) days. All unpaid .balances .after fourteen (14) days shall be subject to a finance charge of 1.5%a interest. Famer, 13a~1ey & Associates, Inc., reserves the right to withhold submittal of applications until such time that au unpaid balances have been satisfied. The undersigned will pay all cysts and expenses, induding a reasonable attorney's fee, incurred or paid by Famer, Barley 8, Assoaates, Inc., in the collection of this obligation by suit or otherwise. Famer, Barley & Associates, lnc., reserves the right to stop work on the above agreed scope of services if any invoice remains unpaid in its entirety for more than 60 days. Any and all outstanding balances shall be paid or brought current before submittal of Firtal Improvement. Drawings and or Final Plat for approval by state and local agenaes. Thank you for your time and consideration. -THIS PR AGREE ACCEPT)=D TH16 ~ DAY O 2005. ,`-- BY ., 7lTLE~ °• Robert A. Em, Jr., P.E. Director of Engineering, Tavares office Famer, f3ariey & Associates, Inc. H:1am~/lWadF'eAed6.41ptoposals R PA_t1dYY OF CL~R6rONTrClennoat Ngnneola Pat WdlerSys kKatCOtnaCtlPropoL~1 revise0 8-75-0S.wpd 8