1982-21 oC -- c. ~ 'T'/ 82--2-( ~ 'J' ,)RM 722-'0 10 --PAGE lOF'1 STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF ROAD OPERATIONS UTILITY RELOCATION AGREEMENT (At Municipal Expense) COUNTY SECTION UTILITY JOB NO. STATE ROAD NO. COUNTY NAME PARCEL a. R/W JOB NO, e THIS AGREEMENT, made and cntcrcd into this 22 day of June 198--2-, by and between thc STATE OF FLORlOA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, hereinafter referred to as the DEPARTMENT, and the CITY OF ClE~ONT a municipal corporation, here.inafter referred to as the CITY. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the DEPARTMENT is constructing, rcconstructing or otherwise changing a portion of the State Highway System designated by the DEPARTMENT as Job No. 11070-fi515 -.RoadNo. SO between 1.4fi ml1p~ wPc:t of 5~ &;61 a>>xJx tn C\~ ~6' , which shall call for the relocation of the CITY'S facilities (owned by the CITY, whcther within the corporate limits thereof or not) along, over and/or under said highway, via: Any and all city owned or operated watcr mains, fire hydrants, sanitary sewers, gas mains, fire and police call systems, telephone, electrical, telegraph and TV -cable systcms, including poles, pole lines and underground facilities thereof, and any othcr CITY owncd or operated utili tics and facilitics within such right of way, AND WHEREAS, thc plans for thc said construction, reconstruction or other changes to hc made, as above descrihcd, havc heen reviewed hy the DEPARTMENT and the CITY, said ahove descrihcd utility relocation to hereinafter be designated as "Relocation Work ," e NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants hereinafter contained, it is agrecd hy the parties as follows: . ", :,., ";:;~t~~:..~ ,. ) FORM 722-10 1-10 PAGlr: 2 OF I " , e 1. The CITY agrees to make or cause to he made allarran~enwntsfor necessary adjustment or chan~cs of its facilities wlwrl: locatl~d on public property at CITY'S own expenst~ and in accordance with the provisions of Rule 014-46.01 "Utility Accommodation Guide," Florida Administrative Code, dated May 4, 11)70; any supplements or revisions thereof as of thc date of this Agreement',which, by reference hereto, arc made a part of this Agreement; and the plans, dcsigns and specifications of the DEPARTMENT for the construction or reconstruction of said portion of the State Highway System, prior to the advcrtising for bid on said project. The CITY further agrecs to do all of such work with its own forces or by a contractor paid under a contract let by the CITY, all under the direction of the DEPARTMENT'S enbrineer. 2. The CITY further agrecs that said adjustments, changes or relocation of facilities will be made by the CITY with sufficicnt promptncss so as to cause no delay to the DEPARTMENT or its con- tractor in the prosccution of such c'onstruction or rceonstruction work; provicicd,' however, that the CITY shall not bc rcsponsible for delay beyond its control; and that such "Relocation W orl(' ,Will be done under the direction of the DEPARTMENT'S engineer; and thc CITY furthcr agrees that in the event thc changes, adjustments or relocation of such facilities or utilities arc donc simultaneously with the construction project, that it will be directly responsible for handling of any legal claims that the contractor may initiate due to delays caused by the CITY'S negligence; and that the CITY will not procecd with the "Relocation Work" with its own forces nor advertise nor lef a contract for such work until it has rcecived the DEPARTMENT'S written authority to proceed. 3. The CITY further agrees that it will maintain and keep in repair, or causc to be maintained and kept in repair, all of such adjusted, changed or relocated CITY owncd or operated faeiliti'es or utilities within the right of way of said portionRdf the State Highway ~ystem; and to comply with aU provisions of the law, including Rulc 014-46.01. 4. The D EP AR TMENT agrees to furnish the CITY with all necessary highway construction plans tha t are required by the CITY to facilitate thc CITY'S "Relocation Work." i5. The DEPARTMENT furthcr agrces that the CITY may relocatc its facilities upon tllcState's right-of-way, according to t1w terms of the I'tandard permit required by the State Statutes for occu- pancy of public rights..of-way, and all publishcd regulations lawfully adopted by the DEPARTMENT as of th<; date of this Agreement. 6. 'It is lIlutually agrccd that the CITY'S plans, maps or sketchcs showing any such facilities . or utilities to be adjusted, ehanged; or relocated are madc a part hcrcof 'by refcrence. e 7. The CITY further agrees to indemnify, defend, and save harmless and exonerate the : DEPARTMENT of and from all liability, claims, and demands for contractualliabil.lty risi~g ~)lit of the work undertaken by the CITY, its employees, agcnts, rcprcsentativc8, or its subeontractors due in ,.. ~ '-10' 'PAGE II OF 1I e 8. - '-' .., wll"II', or ill pari, 10 c:oIlClilions, adions, or omiSSions dOIl(~ or (:oUllllitkcJ hy the CITY; or its sllhc:olltradors, its employees, agc~nts, representatives, or its suheontraetol's. It is specifically understood and agreed that this indemnifieatioq agret:mcnt docs not cover nor indemnify the DEPARTMENT for its own negligence or Lrcach of this contract. 9. This Agreement, when executed by all Parties, will cancel and supersede that Agreement dated February 11, 1982. Paragraph #8 was added prior to execution of this Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused these presents to be executed by their duly authorized officers, and thcir official seals hereto affixed, the day and year first above written. STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTl\1ENT OF TRANSPORTATION (SEAL) ATTEST: CITY OF CLERMONT , FLORIDA By,0~~~- (Title: Mayor ) ATTEST'4.tiW 71. '&(1'nd-E (SEAL) Approved;tS to Form, Legality and Ext~eltlion STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION BY: Assislant A Horney !. RECEIVED J U L 9 1982' Department of Transportation BOB GRAHAM GOVERNOR Paul N. Pappas Secretary P.o. Box 47 DeLand, FL. 32720 July 8, 1982 e Mr. Preston Davis, Superintendent Utilities Department City of Clermont No. 1 Westgate Plaza Clermont, FL. 32711 Re: Section 11070-6515; State Road 50; W.P. #512690 County Lake; Parcel #l-R; R/W-N/A Dear Mr. Davis: The enclosed Utility Relocation Agreement and supporting documents have been approved by the Department. You may consider this your authorization to proceed with the work under the direction of our District Engineer. All relocation work must be performed in accordance with Department regulations. Relocation of utilities in ad- vance of highway construction is to be encouraged as co~- ered by the terms of this Agreement. Yours truly, ;1wH~~n;e III R. W. TfJi District U ility Coordinator RWT . Enclosure cc: State Utility Engineer e FORM 722-60 7-77 PAGE I OF I STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF ROAD OPERATIONS CITY RESOLUTION UTILITY INDEMNIFICATION AGREEMENT COUNTY SECTION UTILITY JOB 11.\0. STATE ROAD NO. COUNTY NAME PARCEL Be R/W JOB NO 11 070 6515 50 Lake 1-R N/A A RESOLUTION MJTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AN UTILITIES AGREEMENT FOR THE ADJUSTMENT, CHANGE OR eELOCATION OF CERTAIN UTILITIES WITHIN TilE RIGHT.OF-WA Y LIMITS HEREAFTER DESCRIBED, AND PRO- VIDING WilEN THIS RESOLUTION SHALL TAKE EFFECT, RESOLUTION NO. 400 ON MOTION OF Cummissioner (Councilman) Thomas , seconded by Commissioner (Council- lTIan) Con lev , the following Itesulution was adopted: WII EB,EAS, L111: State of Florida Department of Transportation has located and proposes to eonstruet or rt~4:onslrllcl a parI of Slalt: Itoad #50 AN D WII EREAS, in ordcr for the State of Florida Department of Transportation to further and complete said projeeL, it is necessary that certain utilities and/or facilities within the Right-of-Way limits of said State Road #50 , be adjusted, changed or relocated, AND WHEREAS, the State of Florida Department of Transportation having requested the City of CLERMONT , Florida, Lo I:XI:(:1I1e and delivI:r to till: State of Florida Department of Transportation a U tilities Agreenll~nt, agrt~c:ing to llIake or (:aIlSI~ to Ill: llIade slIch adjustments, changes or relocations of said utilities and/or facilities as sel out in said Agreement, and said request having been duly considered, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of CLERMONT Florida, that the Mayor and Clcrk (City Manager) be and they are hereby authorized and directed to make, executl: alld deliver to the SLate of Flurida Department of TransportaLion a Utilities Agreement for the adjust- ment, change ur relocation of certain utilities within the Right of Way limits of said State Roarl #50 Section 11 070-6515 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a certified copy of this Resolution be forwarded to the State of Florida Department of Transportation at Tallahassee, Florida. CITY OF CLERMONT COUNTY OF LAKE I III':IU:B Y <: EB,TI FY 111<11 1111: foregoillg is a trlW allll correet copy of a Itesolution adopted by the City Council of the City of CLERMONT at a meeting of said City Council , held on this 22 19't.~.~, , Florida day of June .A.D. WITNESS my hand and seal on lhis 22 day of By June , ! ,A.D.19j{~ /I~ 0, Pi4dL ' Clerk (City ManagerL ~ the City of ClEPMONT . Florida. - (SEAL) . P'O"M 7aa~. ." '711 . ~AGE , OF , STATE OF FLORIDA OE;>ARTM':,..T OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION o~ ROAD <l>PERATIONS UTILITY/RAILROAD ,RELOCf'TION SCHEDULE COUNTY IiECTION UTlLITV JOB NO, STATE ROAD NO, COUNTY NAME PARCEL a. R/W JOB NO, FAP NO, 11 070 6515 50 Lake l-R N/A /tJ/~ ALENey , HPl512690 CITY OF cLERNONT e B, 1 :. :\, _I~~,~~~~!.ic:~_!!~:_ol~'i! {!!,:Iail ~_.!..'..!....!~l.!.!.~ and Loc~~ic.,_!'): Sewer cast iron force main 6" starting sta. 1165.35 ending sta. 1173.0, Pond PVC pump line 6" sta. 1167.93, Sewer manhole sta..- 26.58-sta. 1180.74 -sta. 1180.85" ~7ater main AC 6' sta. 28.12, Sewer cast iron force main 6" sta. 1180.74 - sewer drain VC8" sta. 1180.85 gCJ~~~I..0!!__~~!E~_::.~~jl'alt'd (Ik:-;c~~i!~c aIIlU~~atc'lcl_I~~t~llioll.OIl Proj('l'.!l Sewer C.LF.M. sta. 1165. 35 to sta. 1173.0 move out to edge of R.O.W. under Hwy. 50 at sta. 1168.20 with 12" ' casing, Pond pump line at sta. 1167.93 - lower, Sewer manholes sta. 26.58 - sta. 1180.; 74 - sta. 1180.85 - adjust to finish grade, Sewer F.M. and sewer drain at sta. 1180.74: and 1180.85 - extend casing. -\!!'.i,:ipalc~'! .!!.~:~c!'~a_I~1 ~c~~~_i!~~~~!.L~~rrllal...~J,!:dlllc' al\(l S.da" wor~_wt'('k): 1'1'1-::\1 DA YS ESTHL\TEIl - ----00----------- I 'n ,I i III ill.; 1:,-I-:II"j III'l'Till" . ~ 1""1 60 \ 1a I .-ria I Prc 11'11 n'lIl1'lIl B ighl 111' \\'a~ Al'lJlli:-;ilioll 1 :111111'011'1 !\c'golialillll:-; (for IIlilil~ /railroad work) f 'rllC' I' COlllOlrudioll (adliallltilit~';raill'tlacl n,lcJ('atioll timt' al job silt.) I-:~TI ~I ATEIl ~I:\ \ I i\1l11\1 TOT:\ I. 30 150 )* Il il\ ~ '\ll.Il ~TFIII Tll.l'n/IL\II.HOAIl BFI.OCATION I'EHIOJ) 1 \lllIw for 1'lI11C'lII'fC'Il1 adi\'ilil':-;) E~TIi\I:\TEJ) ~lINIi\llIl\l TOTAL x ,'"'1'1' Ilil!hwa~ 1 :olllral'l ~p,'('ial I'w\'i:-;ioll:-; 30 na, ~ I I, ~J"" ia-' ~. oI_~I! i.o."J~J _~c~ .~~~Id,'d _i~J.i!~,~~\~~_~~!!.!..!.!!~~:t ~llC'cial I'rovisit,!'s: Sewer force main from sta. 1165.35 to sta. 1173.00 and water main at sta. 28.12 need to be relocated prior to excavation in these areas. These utilities serve Aspen Emerald Lakes, Ltd. I,:. Th i,.. ,\.I ; I,: \,1: '- 11I'Ul'0~~~~ I. l:c~!!".!,!"~~I~I~'_;,~c.J.!.I...l._I'~~,!,~~,,~~c~~~alltllor adjllstllll'lIt work: (Check olll') t. I prillr 10 highwa~ c'olllrad ache'l'li:-;I'IIII'1l1. alld rdtll'atioll shollld hI' _ ')f. t'omplC'lt, b~ dall' of prl'c 'C) 11:-;1 rlld iOIl c'OIl fCTI 'III 'C'. [:l l'lIll1'lIrn'lItl~ wilh I'rojc't'l acl\t'rli:,c'IIlt'1I1. [Xl C'ollc'llrrc'lIth with C'OIlIlIlC'III'C'1\1I'1I1 of hidlwav cOlIstrlldioll, I 1.111' alll'\'I' .1;11:1 i,.. l"l:,c'd 1111 c'oll:-;lnll'lioll plall:' alld :-;dll'dlllc':-; I'r('pan'd hy IIII' I)I-:I':\HT\II-:\T. alld, Ih.'r.'I','r,', i~ . Il'lIi-l...d 1"'1' iIII'. .nllal iUllal 1'111'1'0:-;1':-; ollh, Thi:-;, ; F:\I:' i:-; 1101 n':-;polIsih'" for l'irc'lIl11:-;lalll'c's LIt'~ "lid il~ lI"rlll:1I ,'olllr..1. 11,,\\1'\1'1'. IIII' :\1 ;!-:i'\(:Y willc'lIlk.J\lIr II fllll\ I'1I011'l'alc' willt Iltl' 1II':I',\H'I'\lI':;\'I'. alld il~ (~olllrad"r, ill dC':lrill" Ih.' pr..u,l'I ri~hj ..I' wav 01:-; c"lll'dilillll;,1 a:-; I ,:~iblc' '1'1 ;I':I\CY'~ Fidd I{qlrc':-;c'lItali\l':' 1';111 bl' 1'''"LII'l,'.1 ;rl: S"ewage p'lant 12th Street and Os 01 , ' 'I'I'Ic-I'IWIII' :\Illllbn: 904-394-4592 II / './1 I P Uav ,~l H\IITTFIl HII{ TIIF\CFi\CY In: 1)1-'.1'\1:'1'\11\'1'\1, ,\I'I'BO\':\1. BY: Director Ilalt': 06/10/82 JUN 25 ~~~2 /lalt': . ' , . -},. ' . I,. FORM 722-011 " 1'-79 PAGE I OF I Se. OF FLORIDA DEP~RTM~N';' OF TRANSPORT~N DIVISION OF RQAD OPERATIONS ., UTILITY/RAilROAD RElOCATION SCHEDULE .cOUNTY IiECTION UTILITY JOB NO. STATE ROAD NO. COUNTY NAME PARCEL Be R/W JOB NO. FAP NO, 11 070 ~5" 50 lake 1 N/A F-300-2(5) A(;ENCY C~f1'~~t" '1" 1" ' u} W.P.#512690 CITY OF CLERMONT 1.,0 :0 ~ f ~, e'. Facilities Involved (Dctailas to Type and Locatiolr): 6" Sewer force ma,in Sta.#1165 + 36,to-Sta. # 1171 + 80. 6" Pump Line Sta. # 1167 + 92. Wate~ arid~se~er sta. # 24 + 91.59 to 28 + 16. Relocation Work Anticipated (Describe and Relate to Location on Project): 6" Sewer Force Main Sta; # 1165 + 36 to Sta. # 1171 + 80. Sewer Sta. # 2~ + 91.59 t~ ~8+ 16. Water and B. c:. Anti(:ipakd Rdocatioll Sdwduk (Bas(~d Oil normal schedule and Soda)' work weck): ITEM I'rdi minary Engil\(~l~ring Material I'roCIlf(~nwnt Right of Way Acquisition Contract Negotiations (for utility/railroad work) 01 ht'T COllstruetion (aetual utility/railroad reloeation time at job site) ESTIMATED MAXIMUM TOTAL , DAYS ESTIMATED 90 ( 90 )* 180 Days 180 Days AD,J U~TED UTI LITY /RAILROAD H I;:LOCATION PERIOD <Allow for eoncum~nt activiti(~s) ESTIMATED MINIMUM TOTAL ,x' S('(' Ilighway Contract Sp(~ciall'rovisions I), :~:(:ial Nolalion(~) 10 be included in Jlighway Contract Special Provisions: Se eat tache d 1e.it1)rv' for. materials, installation, adjustments added into St~~l d. ' , . M ' to be E. This A(; EN C Y proposes to com menc(~ actual rcloeation and/or adjustment work: (Check one) o prior to highway contract a.dvertisement, and relocation should be _ % complete by date of preconstruction confcn~ncc. o eoncllrrently with projeet advertisement. Q concurrently with commencement of hi!!'hwav construction. - Tlw abov(~ data is bas(~d on construction plans and sdwduks pf(~parcd by tlH~ DEPARTI\IENT, and. tlH'fl.fore. i~ furnished for informational pUT))OS(~S only, This AC ENC Y is nol rcsponsible for circumstances beyond its normal control. JlOWI:V(T, tlw ACENCY will endeavor to fully coopcrat(~ with the DEPARTMENT, and its Contrador. in e1(:arinl!..~h(: projeeL right of way as (~xpeditiollslv as possible. The ACENCY'S Field Rcprcscntati\'l's can be contacted at: 'Clty, of Clermont P.O., B 21, Clermont Fl. Telephone NlImber: 904-'=l94-4'592 DEP:\HTI\1ENTAL APPROV AI, BY: -- Date: 12 -28 -81 /-'v)-4 SUBl\llTTED FOR TilE ACENCY BY: Iy Ellgilll't:r Date: CDTV OF CluERMCINT P.O. BOX 2190 CLERMONT, FLORIDA 32711 G PHONE 904/394-4081 e December 28, 1981 "5JT~''ffi;:~'' - !;j('~".v';,.t\)J' V~~r W' .' .;j~;, I I ' , .. ~ I n . DEC 29 1981 5th DISTRICT DOT UTILITIES Florida Department of Transportati c/o Richard Taylor P.O. Box 47 Deland, Florida 32720 Dear ~rr. Taylor: Find within two (2) sets of maps, form 722-23A, Summary of Qauntities, and General Conditions. General Conditions: A. All materials and workmanship to comply 'with D.O.T. spec- ifications. B. The three 12-inch steel casings must be installed a~ the beginning of the project. Relocation of water and wastewater utilities must be complete and in service before removing existing water and wastewater utilities. 'r~ Summary of Quantities: ITEN NO. DESCRIPTION NO. OF UNITS UNIT UNIT PRICE EST. COST 1618-160-21 1618-160-20 1541-711-31 12" st1. casing Ie" st1. " . adjust manholes Maint. of traffic ~t>bi1ization Subtotal $ 5-f-6-e S.; J-C> 666 90,0 600 ~O'014 ~ <6'l.Go -u.;.. 413 <12-34-1231 , $--gar'!" q,~vO~ '", , complete the_~~-:..:~~}_::: A~r~:.::n~/'z ' "'--"C~'~~-'''' /J~ />1 (~di~") /~..y(a-'i1Jpo t-<J'f"tR /h1MU. "pil. /<>?''1-~./.. () J / ~~.. LJ)l.. U~ a.vr.l-'r.:u'l-'~7~/ \ .l/.jH.... 1-04-g2.0......__,/" '-----.._____-^. 0.2a:/h .." ...~/ r8"8 ",7 J 37 3 3 1 11 L.F. L.F. Ea. Days L,.5, LF 20 18 300 200 300. :22/' / ~ - I/,v - '), ~- / -I- . s .J!, D.O.T. Construction Engineer D.O.T. Resident Inspector Project Cost Est. 5% 15% We will be waiting to - ~J:a~~ Preston Davis Utilities Director -ymy1P' .Ill ,~ i. ' TNS L;eT AI~ tf"/ .____'.__.______ 0.-.--_.--- ."W _ .____,___ ____._ -- --.----- ! ________~__} _ S7TEL , C/JSING,r ___-11:- 8_~) I' :i '77, ~//' r ,'. ./ r'..J' , ..___~~GE-- ?5!l___L__~z:d~t2f11Y.._?q....J2eJ".L...)ecb;;/)._..J..s._./.o$~de.c{_4f.:r~L_ ~ c..=--.-.w/JJ..95~ I i / II " .1___ . . _ .. 11 IT ~ t I, i I , ,I '_~~~-~:I'_~_U ! I.. 7Xe._WPLk.-PJLL= zj{~ ~.LL~g-L;".du& r;LL:u56~d , __Hm.s.LaLl/.o!_sLeeL~s./:Of'~_L12ee:6o!_de-(:e9L/./.c.e-/]7~~&/ AS77-1 : I . , &\'{!. ".. , / . ,_____.....:,!AJ3!3_G_co.cl e, ) _,a.s_,.shI?Uln_pqJ,.{e_~6~~/y_,.D/aos_ .?7.nc:/L~~i!!.S , ,I ' , 1'. 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