1982-05 -e -e .4 rc2 -oS- AGREEMENT CITY OF CLERMONT and LEECON, INC. THIS AGREEMENT, made this d G +h day of J ~ ~ , 19&-'2, by and between CITY OF CLERMONT, a municipal corporation, hereinafter called "OWNER", and LEECON, INC., General Contractors, Leesburg, Florida, doing business as a corporation. hereinafter called "CONTRACTOR." WITNESSETH: That for and in consideration of the payments and agreements hereinafter mentioned: ARTICLE 1: The CONTRACTOR will commence and complete construction of Broome Street between Fourth and Fifth. The CONTRACTOR has carefully examined the plans and specifications, the General Conditions of the contract and other related contract documents and having made a thorough survey of the site of the proposed work satisfying themselves as to the conditions under which the work under this contract must be performed, hereby propose to furnish all of the necessary labor and materials and miscellaneous services called for in these contract documents. ARTICLE 2: The CONTRACTOR will furnish all material, supplies. tools, equipment. labor. and other services necessary for the construction and completion of the project described herein. ARTICLE 3: The CONTRACTOR will commence the work required by the Contract Documents within ten (10) calendar days after the date of the Notice to Proceed and will complete the same within sixty (60) calendar days unless the period for completion is extended otherwise by the Contract Documents. The CONTRACTOR must provide proof of performance and payment bond on the forms attached to the agreement before . . ARTICLE 4: ARTI CLE 5: x x x x x a Notice to Proceed can be issued. The CONTRACTOR agrees to perform all of the work described in the Contract Documents for the sum of TWENTY-SIX THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED TWENTY-SEVEN AND 05/100 DOLLARS ($26,927.05). The term "Contract Documents" means and includes the following: Advertisement for Bids Change Order Information for Bidders x Standard General Conditions Bid Fonn Affidavit Bid Bond Partial Release of Lien Notice of Award Final Release of Lien Agreement x Technical Specifications dated April. 1981 Payment Bond x Leecon, Inc. Letter dated October 7, 1981 Performance Bond Notice to Proceed Certificate of Owner's Attorney Drawings as prepared by SPRINGSTEAD & ASSOCIATES and LEECON, INC. Entitled: ARTICLE 5: (Continued) Specifications prepared or issued by CITY OF CLERMONT, dated ADDENDA: . No. 1 , dated December 14. 1981 , dated No. No. , dated ARTICLE 6: The OWNER will pay to the CONTRACTOR one (1) payment for the total contract amount once this project is completed and approved by the CITY OF CLERMONT. All payments by OWNER shall be made in lawful monies of the United States to LEECON, INC. ARTICLE 7: This Agreement shall be binding upon all parties hereto and their respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed, or caused to be executed by their duly authorized officials, this Agreement in three (3) copies, each of which shall be deemed an original on the date first written above. ~pIJ. r::-~ ~k"d& f) ~"i CITY OF CLERMONT BY'~~-7LL~~ J S M. OSKINSON. ayor OWNER LEECON, INC. ~ ~df- BY: " '\ ..c-.;:...&~, CONTRACTOR . . ,I,'CITY OF CUERMONT ADDENDA NO.1 December 14, 1981 1. The curb and gutter shown in the plans is deleted. 2. The street will be inverted at a grade approved by the City Public Works Director. 3. The width of the street is 25 feet. . . LEECON, INC. General Contractors LHSBURC. FLORID^ 32748 P. O. Box 660 . 1420 W. Sumter Street. Telephone: 904/787-8888 October 7, 1981 ':'~ ~lr. I~. C. Benedum, r.E. Public Works Coordinator 416 West Nain Street Tavares, Florida 32778 RE: Broome Street Clermont, Florida Dear Mr. Benedum: ~'~~~~ot,." ~~\"~1 ~; '~ ~ ~~ 0, '. ~ 'HC.' As per our discussion concerning Broome Street, we have worked up the follow- ing prices for your'consideration. ITE~1 QUANTITIES UNIT PRICE ftJ.IOLNT --- Cl caring & Grubbing 1 LS $2,875.0.0. $ 2,875.UU Excavation 1 LS 1,215.0.0. 1,215.00. 8" Stabil ized Subgrsde 1,895 SY o..Sl ) I r; ~4 . 9S 6" Limerock Base 1 , 760. SY 4.12 7.2Sl.Z() 1" Type II Aspha1 t IJ690. SY 2.')7 3,498. 30 Inlet, Typp. E 1 EA 1,225.00. 1,225.0.0. IS" AC01P 20.0. LF 17.00 3,400.00 1 S" ~L E . Section 1 EA 395.00. 395.00. Inlet, Type C 1 EA 667.0.0 667.0.0 Cone. Fl wne & Baffle 1 EA 190.00. 190.00. Overflow Structure 1 LS 635; 00. 635.00 Borro'" 260 CY 4.60 1,196.00. Grass 1,800 SY 0..30 540.00 Sod 780 SY 2.07 1,614.60 Dressout 1 LS 690.00 690.00 TOT ^ L : $26,927.05 The only i tern that may ch:lIlge would be the IS" pipe quantity, depending on where the easement is established. '~e hope these prices are satisfactory to you and look for\\'aT<t ta. hearing from ; . . , PROVIDED, FURTHER, that the said surety, for value received hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the contract or to work to be performed thereunder or the specifica- tions accompanying the same shall in any way affect its obligation on this bond, and it does hereby waive notice of any such change. extension of time. altera- tion or addi tion' to the terms of the contract or to the work or to the speci fi- cations. PROVIDED, FURTHER, that no final settlement between the Owner and the Contractor shall abridge the right of any beneficiary hereunder, whose claim may be unsatis- fi ed . one of which it shall be deemed , 19 ?2. r~ counterparts, (number) an original. this the ~0+h each iN WITNESS WHEREOF. this instrument is executed in day of Ja/Y\,Uan'V1 cr LEECON, (s) <:: ~s.\c!::' e...'o-~~ Secreta ry 0,_ ~'-~'<""~ ( SEAL) t4~ ~ ~~ Witness as to PrinCl 1) -Ve:.:;...\- ~~c...c..... ~'{... ~<..eo (Address) L~\"'~,-....,.c.. ~\o,,',Q,,-- .~d-"'l,\"S' \ \ P. O. Box 660 (Address) Leesbu~g, Fl 32748 .", " SEABOARD SURETY COMPANY Surety ATTEST: (Surety) Secretary (SEAL) ~~~A~ ~Witness as to Surety . O. Box 1335 (Address) Leesburg, Fl 32748 By Agent & Drawdy NOTE: Date of Bond must not be prior to date of Contract. If Contractor is Partnership, all partners should execute bond. C.. "-J." EO:, ,....., J' r:- ;.,-", -, t- .,' u\ " '" I' 'I __ ..., \ J"'\ i '.. t...) ~ LJ : "". ,'''".. ''',.{ . '.0... :' ~'" r ' ""-' ~ '.. I...,.~. . -- ~'~. '" 11 r:)j\ i'\. , '\1 ( .' '.J' i \, Iii -" i".1 ) RIDl'P FOH PJ.:m'O]U1NIC1: /j Pl\Y~!r:rlT BOllD }~lJ~.J],T(~ V:01"\1, - r3'l'l\'i'}': ()I' l'J.,Oj{II1l\ AGREEMENT made this 7.. (}+h____ day of ,JQrr~3 19 15' d-, between -;:"eecon, Inc. .<hereinafter co l~ed the "PRINCIPl\I.") and S~aboard Sure_ty Company (hereinafter called the., "SUHETY") and City of Clermont (hereinafter called the "Q\'JNER") '^lHEP.EA~, on :J (; fh the parties hereto entered whereof is hereto attached day of J W~r , 19?:L', into a Performance and paymenV Bond, a copy and incorporated herein by reference, and \'7lIEREl\S, said parties have agreed to add certain terms to said,'''' Performance and payment Bond to conform with Florida Statutes 255.05; NON, THEREFOP~, it is agreed that the said Performance and Payment Bond is ~ereby changed so as to provide that: No suit or action ,for labor, materials or supplies shall be instituted hereun(1c t:' ngains t the 1""r1 ncipal or the Surety unless both of the following notices have been 9iven by any claimant: ,rA claimant, except a laborer, who is not in privity with the Principal and who has not received payment for his labor, materials or supplies, shall, with 45 d~ys after beginning to furnish labor, materials or supplies for the prosecution of the work, furnish the Principal with a notice that he intends to lool: to the bond for protection, and. A claimant who is not in privity with the principal and who has not received payment fo~ his labor, materials or supplies, shall within 90 days after performance of the labor or after complete delivery of materials or supplies, deliver to the Principal and to the Surety written notice of the performance of the labor or delivery of the materials or supplies and of the nonpayment.' No action shall be instituted against the principal or the surety on the bond after one (1) year from the performance of the labor or completion of delivery of the material or supplies." . It is the express agreement that all other terms, conditions and stipulations contained in the said Performance and Payment BOnd\sh~ll remain in.full force and effect and without any change or moJj~~6~~ions whatsoever, except only as t6 the additions, as' above provid0d~' ..-~~~..:.~ ~ LEECON. fNC. __..._.. .~~_,~__._.~..__..~-----..r-----'.__._--- : j :.:~~ ,~;:~ ~t:'~. -~:.- (p l;i-J.i c i pa l,J~'~::~ BY c: \, S;k....,..:\ TI'rLE ' . ^cccptc(l:. '1' 1'1' j, I ': No. 8275 ~E.\H().\Hn ~{'HETY C()MPANY NEW YOHK, NEW YOHK Certified Copy POWER OF ATTORNEY KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: Th;\t SE:\I\O:\RD SUnETY CO:'\rPANY. a corporation of the State ,,1 :\cw York, has madc, constituted and appointed and by these prescnts docs make, constitutc amI appoint :John P. Duane, Jr. or Jack P. Drawdy-------------------------------------------------~--- tlesbUrg, Florida I and lawful .'\ttorney-in-Fact. to make, execute and deliver on its behalf insurance policies, surety bonds, under- ta gs and other instruments of similar nature as follows: A,ny and all bonds, undertakings, recog- nizances and other written obligations in the nature thereof; and any and all consents required by the Department of Transportation, state of Florida, in- cident to the release of retained percentages and/or final estimates. ~~ithout Limitations. Such insurance policies, surety bonds. undertakings ami instruments for said purposes, when duly executed by the aforesaid ..\ttorney-in-Fact, shall be binding upon the said Company as fully and to the same extent as if sign cd by the duly authorized officers oi the Company and sealed with its corporate seal; and all the acts of said Attorney-inFact, pursuant to the authority hereby gi\'en, are hereby ratified and confirmed. This appointment is made pursuant to the following By-Laws wbich wcre duly adopted by the Board of Directors of the said Com- pany on December 8th, 1927, with Amendments to and including April 6, 1978 and are still in full forcc and effect: ,.\RTICLE VII. SECTION l: "Policies, bonds, recognizances, stipulations, consents of surety, underwriting undertakings and instruments relating thereto. Insurance policies. bonds, recognizances. stipulations, consents of surety and underwriting undertakings of the Company. and releases, agreements and other writings relating in any way thereto or to any claim or loss thereunder. shall be signed in the name and on behalf of the Company (a) by the Chairman of the Board, the President, a Vice President or a Resident Vice President and by the Secretary, an Assistant Secretary, a Resident Secretary or a Resident Assistant Secretary; or (b) by an Attorney-in-Fact for the Company appointed and authorized by the Chair- man of the Board. the President or a Vice President to make such signature: or (c) by such other officers or representatives as the Board may irom time to time determine, The seal of the Company shall if appropriate be affixed thereto by any such officer, Attorney-in-Fact or representative." IN YVITNESS. WHEREOF. SEABOARD SUR.ETY COMPANY has caused the,se pres~nts to be sign.ed by ,onc o~~h Vice- PreSidents, and Its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed and duly attested by one of Its ASSistant Secretaries, thiS ........................ day of ..........P.~~.~.m?.~.r....................., 19...7..7.. :~ 'O-~ -_*- ~~ ~~;,.~ :', 1927 ~l . ,~\. (Seal,': .......~~~.~.~....~.~....~~g.~.~.~~....................... v;.~. . Assistant Secretary 5:J ATE OF NEW YORK ~ COUNTY OF NEW YORK 5 ss. : On this ....~.t.~.................... day of ...............................)!~~.~~!;:?~.~......................................, 19..??,..... before me personally appeared ......................R,....'r..,....G.).jP..dg.:t;'.$.~r.\......................................................... a Vice-President of SEABOARD SURETY COMPANY, with whom I am personally acquainted, who, being by me duly sworn. said that he resides in the State of .......N.~~'i...X:Qh.~...........; that he is a Vice-President of SE:\BOARD SURETY COMPANY, the corporation described in and which executed the fore- going instrument; that he knows the corporate seal of the said Company; that the seal affixed to said instrumcnt is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said Company; and that he signed his name thereto as Vice- President of said Company by like authority. SEABOARD SURETY COMPANY, By R. T. Gundersen ............................................................................................ Vice- President _' , ~~ate of New York N~. OlQU8468870 Qualified in Richmond \,. ,,,' . c,ejrt. fi led in New York County '(~~mmiSSion Expires Uarch 30, 1982 County ............................................................................................ Margaret M. Quinlan Notary Public CERTIFICATE 1. the undersigned Assistant Secretary of SEABO:\RD SCRETY CC)?lIPANY do hereby certify that the original Power of Attorney of which th" for"going is a full. true and corr"ct copy. is in full force :lnd effect on the dalt, of this Certificate allll I dlJ further certih' that the Vice President \\'hu ('xeCUled the said Power of Atturney \\'as one of the Officers authlJrized hy the l\lJard uf Directors to appoint an attoriley-in-iaet as provided in :\rticlc \'11. Section I. of the By-l.aws of SI.:ABOARD SeRETY CO~II'.\~Y. This Certificate may he signed and scaled hy facsimile under and hy anthority of the following resolution of the l30ard of Directors of SEA- BO:\I~D SeRETY CO?lIPA:\Y at a meeting dnly called and 11<'ld on the 2Xlh day of June 1978, "RESOLVED: (2) That the me of a printed facsimile of the corporate ,eal of the company and of the s;gnatuf<' of an Assistant Secretary <.n any certification of the correctness of a copy of an instrument executed hy the Presidellt or a Vice-Presi,ll'nt pursuant tlJ Article VII, Section 1. of Ihe By-l.aws appointinJ,: and aUlhurizing an attorney-in-fact to sign in th~ nallle a III I un hehal f of the cOlllpany surety hOlllls. un,lerwritil1J,: undertakings or other instruments descrihe!1 in said Article VII, Section I. with like effect as if such seal a III I such siJ,:nature had heen manually _".'\ ,,,d ,""~I"~ h",h, " '''"',,,,''''\ ",,' "",<o",d." I N WITNESS WHEREOF. I have hereunto set 111Y hand and afTixcd thc corporate seal of the COIllP;\l1Y to these presents this .. ................................................ day of .............,...................................,...,.,.....................,19............. hie '" !lk~~ ....,..~,."....................... !'/'C . ssblant Sn,'L'~' ".........,... /~~~~.~.~!.~?;..~ ~.~~.. ..." "~'\ : <if: .' '. -<) \ [oq[ 19'>7!!iP ..~. '- sX \. "'! \, ~ ./ :< " .r,. .... .... ~ ....~~~~ 'O;'M~'fl'<:> ................ Form '-)57 (J{cv. o.;'ti I -~ ,-"" .. . ,. e PAYMENT BOND KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: that Leecon, Inc. (Name of Contractor) P. O. Box 660. Leesburg. Fl 32748 (Address of Contractor) a eor0oration . hereinafter called Principal. and (Corporation. Partnership or Individual) Seaboard Surety Company (Name of Surety) P. O. Box 1335, Leesbur~ Florida 32748 (Address of Surety) hereinafter called Surety, are held and firmly bound unto City of Clermont ( Name of Owner) Clermont, Florida 32711 (Address of Owner) hereinafter called Owner, in the penal sum of Twenty Hundred Twenty Seven and 05/100 Six Thousand.Nine Dollars. ($ 26,927.05 ) in lawful money of the United States, for the payment of ~ich sum well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, successors and assigns. jointly and severally, fi rmly by these presents. *" THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION is such that whereas, the Principal into a certain contract with the Owner. dated the :2.(;'-1-)., J~r.~ ' 19~, a copy of which is hereto attached and made The construction of: construction of Broome Street between Fourth and Fifth entered day of a part hereof for ~iOW THEREFORE, if the Principal shall promptly make payment to all persons. firms. subcontractors, and corporations furnishing materials for or performing labor in the prosecution of the work provided in such contract, and any author- ized extension or modification thereof. including all amounts due for materials, lubricants, oil, fuel, repairs on machinery, equipment and tools. or any other i~ms. consumed or used in connection with the construction of such work. and all insurance premi urns on sa i d work. and for all 1 abor. performed in such work ~ether by subcontractor or otherwise, then this obl,igation shall be void; o~erwise, to remain in full force and effect. -- . .~ . . ) _0' -J PROVIDED, FURTHER, that the said surety. for value received hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the contract or to work to be performed thereunder or the specifica- tions accompanying the same shall in any way affect its obligation on this bond, and it does hereby waive notice of any such change. extension of time, altera- tion or addition to the terms of the contract or to the work or to the specifi- cations. PROVIDED, FURTHER, that no final settlement between the Owner and the Contractor shall abridge the right of any beneficiary hereunder, whose claim may be unsatis- fied. JL counterparts, each (number) J an original, this the ;;),(;+"" day of &f'.JJLlJ"O IN WITNESS WHEREOF. this instrument is executed in one of which it shall be deemed . 19 9'2 . ~ Witness as to Principa os..~ O~~,--e. ~ \',,\"'00 (Address) '--e..~""c. ~\- :3 -J-i,-\'X - ... \, ATTEST: -- (Surety) Secretary 'SEAL) .l~~~ ~tness as to Surety tl:S...t{J, 8//}L / 5 3 ~ ~Ss) ~ I +~ 3d-.7~Y LEECON. By P. O. Box 660 (Address) Leesburg, Fl 32748 ; ::-----?'- - -,/ .., SEABOARD/SURETY COMPANY Surety By Agen ttorney-in- act O. Box 1335 (Address) Leesburg, Fl 327~8 \JTE: Date of Bond must not be prior to date of Contract. If Contractor is Partnership, all partners should execute bond. I' ,,1".:'" " " ..' , "....' ~. > ;t>)Dili,~. "~:1 ;~ ;' .) . '.. ;,,- .....: . "1 .~ ... ~ ..' .. "'.~ ;,..:;;,.\. " .' .', ~ -;:".. ,;" ....t'" ;' .' "" .. ~'-;. ',.' . C... Ef.\ .1:::"0- l' r,-' 'D' ~ LJ 1';-""I'~'~"'",1'1 C' ~ '~J\ t5.' 1-\ r< : ',0 M"~ :::.. ~ ) . '...() h/lP i\i\l Y, RIDEr, FOH PEH1:'OlU~M1CI:&P^Y~mN'.l' BOJJD PU!3l.rC v,!ORK - G'rN:i.'E OFFJ..OJUD^ AGREEtJI,ENT mb.dethis" 9.G1+A ",. . 4ay of Jih./M'd; , , 19 '" ,f?)., between Leecon.' Inc. _ereinaf.ter called. the "PRINCIPAL"} ancj.. .' 'l . Seaboard. sureb"Cqmpany, ': ;.. '. , .l".' .," '. .:' ,.' , . ,(hereinafter called the. I~SU.RETyu,l.,and '.' . ,......' Ci ty of Clermoii;t' , " ,'; , " '~' ,'" . . ,,' <li:;:' ". ,", .J J! ,;... ,::i:l_, ~):i:.... .'! ,~,,:,-::, !/.. ",. (hereinafter called the, 11 OtWER" ) . into aperfor~:~c~fan~~t Bond,' al~cS~' and ,~nc6rp6rated hereinby,reference, and " r: ~l , . '>lliE~EAS, on,.' J Gth the parties hereto entered whereof is hereto attached r" WHEREAS, said parties have agr~ed t~ ~dd cert~in terms to said performance and Payment Bohd to conform with Florida statutes.2SS.0S; NON, THEREFORE, it is agreed that the said Performance and Payment Bond is hereby changed so as to provide that: , ' No suit or action for la~oi, materi~is Or suppli~sshall' beinsti~uted' hereunder against the Principal or the Surety unless both of the following, I, notices have beeh given by any claimant~ '. ,. rAclaimant, except a laborer; whO is not in privity with , the' prin6ipal and who has not received piyment for his laboi, materials or supplies shall, with AS days after beginning to furnish, labor, materials. or suopl,ies, for the prosecution of. th'e wor'k.; 'furnish the Ptincipaiwith a notice' that he,~ intEmds': to look to.the bond for ~rotection~and~ ' ,< " : / '". " .. '.' . , , . ' It is the express agreement th~t all other ~erms, conditio~s~and stipulations contained in the said performance and Payment Bon_Q --l?hall' remain in.full force;and effect and without any change or m00i~,ica~~~n~ w.hatsoever, 'except only, as to .the additions; : as" above providccl.:'''': . "," r;" .:;,1 .,,' ',' .... ,:' '. ':.'"'""~-'~;' 'I ; ,.: \ " .,' A claimant who is not in privity wi,th the principal and who has not received payment for .his labor,. materials ,or supplies, shall within 90.days after performance' of the'labor:or after, complete delivery of materials or sppplies',' deliver to the 'Principalahd toth~ S~rety written notice of the performance o~ th~ labor or delivery,of the materials or supplies and of the nonpayment.. . No action sholl, be instituted. against the Principal or the Surety on the bond after one (1) year from the performance of the. labor or completion of delivery of the material or suppli~s." :', \..' ~ .',;' 'LEEC.oN,tNC. -. - ~'.~~~ (Pl~ i ncipal")-" BY. " . ~<~~~c9~~(>'" TI'rLE . ' ,,.,.,.. ' . '<'~:',:; , :"..;.l,.. ..a,:...."'......".i<f_,>.:H",.......J.......\.,';;O'f".. '\,~"..-.." . ' .. ,i.-,:' ~ ABY " 'I"; . .~' ...' , "',''.::,- "'I" (Sur(~l V) " ',,1 .' , ' " (O\'Jncr) " , "'.' , . . , . ' , ~ . , . cc.~J),) f',,/C}.i1;: --:..~.:. .'h '1',:,: '. ;1 .. Certified Copy S.';A. COA UD H. ;H.ETY C< ~:\IPANY NEW YOIIK, NEW YORK POWER OF ATTORNEY No, 8275 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That SE:\nO:\I~[) ~URETY COl\TP!\NY. a corporation of the State "i \cw York, has made, constituted and appointed and by these presents does make, constitute anrl appoint John P. Duane, Jr. or Jack P. Drawdy----------------------------------------------------- tlesbUrg, Florida e ancl la \Yful A ttorney-i n- Fact, to make, execute and deliver on its behalf insurance policies. surety bonds, under- t gs and other instruments of similar nature as follows: A,ny and all bonds, undertakings, recog- nizances and other written obligations in the nature thereof; and any and all consents required by the Department of Transportation, State of Florida, in- cident to the release of retained percentages and/or final estimates. 'vithout Limitations. 5uch insurance policies, surety bonds. undertakings ancl instruments for said purposes, ,,,hen duly executed by the aforesaid :\ ltorney-in-Fact, shall he binding upon the said Company as fully and to the same extent as if signed by the cluly authorized officers 0i the Company and sealed with its corporate seal; and all the acts of said Attorney-in Fact, pursuant to the authority hereby gi\'en, are hereby ratified and confirmed. This appointment is made pursuant to the following By-Laws which were duly adopted by the Board of Directors of the said Com- pany on December 8th, 1927, with Amendments to and including ..-\pril 6, 1978 and are still in full force and effect: ARTICLE VII, SECTION 1: "Policies, bonds, recognizances, stipulations, consents of surety, underwriting undertakings and instruments relating thereto. Insurance policies, bonds, recognizances, stipulations, consents of surety and underwriting undcrtaking; of the Company, and rclcascs, agreemcnts and ot!lcr writings relating in any way thcreto or to any claim or loss thereunder, shall be signcd in the name and on bchalf of the Company (a) by the Chairman of the Board, the President, a Vice President or a Residcnt Vice President and by thc Secretary, an Assistant Secretary. a Resident Secretary or a Resident Assistant Secretary; or (b) by an Attorncy-in-Fact for thc Company appointed and authorized by the Chair- man of thc Board, the Presidcnt or a Vice President to make such signature; or (c) by such other officers or rcpresentatives as the Board may irom time to time determine, The seal of the Company shall if appropriate bc affixed thcreto by any such officer, A ttorney-in- Fact or representative," I N ~ITNESS, WHEREOF. SEABOARD SUR.ETY COMPANY has caused the,se pres~nts to be sign.ed by ,one o~ ~h Vice- PreSIdents, and Its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed and duly attested bv one of Its ASSIstant Secretanes, thiS .........,.............. day of ..........Q.~!;.~.mp..~,F..:.................., 19...7..7.. . :-]).tte . :,:<-( 19~ ;',~ . ~ .~;.~:::a~:~~r,!'()P~~~ls.;~;;,;;~u... COUNTY OF NEW YORK 5 ss.: On this ....~J.~.................,.. day of ............................,..p.~~.~,~.~.~!...................,..............,..... 19..?.?...... before me personally appeared .,."............,...,R"...';L'.,...J1:uD.Q..~.t",~~~:L.,.........,...................,.........,..........". a Vice-President of SEABOARD SURETY COMPANY, with \\-hom I am personally acquainted, who, heing by me duly sworn, said that he resides in the State of ...,...N~\1...x:Q1;)~......,....; that he is a Vice-President of SEABOARD SURETY COMPANY. the corporation described in and which executed the fore- going instrument; that he knows the corporate seal of the said Company; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate 5eal; that it was so affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said Company; and that he signed his name thereto as Vice- President of said Company by like authority. " ", --'","" ./ ' '--- .state of New York ~ N~. 01QU8468870 Qualified in Richmond County \, .,:', . C,t= , t. filed in New York County '( e~~ -" ,)2 mmission Expires March 30, 1982 "f ,; ',I SEABOARD SURETY COMPANY, By R. T. Gundersen ............................................................................................ Vice- President ............................................................................................ Margaret r-~. Quinlan Notary Public CERTIFICATE 1. the lll1flcrsigned A,;sistant Secrctary of SEABO.'\RD SCRETY CO~I P:\:\Y do hereby certify that the original Powcr of Attorncy of which the foregoing j,; a full. truc and correct copy, is in full force and effcct on the date of Ihis Certilicatc ami I do furthcr certify that the Vicc Prcsident \\'h(, cxecuted the said Powcr of :\ttorney \\'as one of thc Officers authorized hy the Boanl of Directors to appoint an attorilcy-ill-fact as provi,led in :\niclc VI!. Section 1. of thc l3y-I.a\\'s of SE:\BO:\RD SCRETY CO~IP:\:\Y, This Certificate may be signcd and sealcd by fac,;imile ull,ler and hy authnrity of the follnwillg resolution of thc Board of Directors of SEA- BO:\RD SunETY CO~IIJ:\:\Y at a mCl,ting dnly callc,1 .md held 011 the 2C;th day of ,1une 1978, "RESOLVED: (2) That the use of a printed fac,imilc of the corporate ,;eal of the company an,1 of the ,;jgnature of an A,;,;i,;tant Sccretary on any certification of the correctne,;s of a copy of an instruml'nt executed by the Pre,i,lent or a Vice-Pre,;i,lent pllrsuant to Article VII, Section I. ui thc By-Laws appointing and authorizing an attorney-in-fact to ,;ign in th~ name and ul1 hehal f of the company surety hond,;, u1Hlcrwriting undertaking,; or other in,;truments de,;crihed in said Article V II, Section 1, wilh likc effect as if sueh scal ami such ,;ignaturc had heen.manually affixed allll made, hereby is authurized and approved," . IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I have hereunto set my hand and afTixed the corporate seal of the Company to these presents this ~._.... : ...::~??~~ : . """ .~\ "Q:)' .~. i~[ 19?7 ;p ~...:. ... J~ >,oJ?... ~ ...~ ....",.. ..... .... ~ . -<I, ........ ....0 .......f 011\l'" ..~.... ......... day of ............................................................................, 19............. ~ jI ... J7/~~ .... ... ~--t!....u '"'L ~~Z;;lI1t S""'C'""J ~'orm YS7 (Key, o,7a, ----- _ _ "':s ~ ~:! r-"II'::1 .~iii1i iii i iIi'L~; i~-:: _ ':".: . ------------- ------- -- ----..-. :J:9fCJ ~~;;;~~ ~;~::=:~::: :-:-=::-_~:-_::=- :~ _~:~ ~ ~ ~~~:'~"~=_'.:.'~':-=~n --'o,=~,~=o,-= _,,~ _ ____ ,___ _ _ __ ____ _, _ __ _ _ NAME AND ADDRESS OF AGENCY Manco, l;nc. P. O. Box 1335 Leesburg, Fl 32748 - OJ IWJ2 COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGES POLICY NUMBER POLICY EXPIRATION DATE COMPANY A LEITER Travelers Indemnity Co. COMPANY B LEITER COMPANY C LEITER COMPANY 0 LEITER COMPANY E ~ LEITER This is to certify that policies of insurance listed below have been issued to the insured named above and are in force at this time, Notwithstanding any requirement, term or condition of any contract or other document with respect to which this certificate may be issued or may pertain, the insurance afforded by the policies described herein is subject to all the terms, exclusions and conditions of such policies, - -LE1i:E'R' I TYPE OF INSURANCE NAME AND ADDRESS OF INSURED Leecon, . Inc. P. O. Box 660 ~esburg, Fl 32748 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; I - GENERAL LIABILITY A IKJ COMPREHENSIVE FORM IX] PREMISES-OPERATIONS o EXPLOSION AND COLLAPSE HAZARD o UNDERGROUND HAZARD IXJ PRODUCTS/COMPLETED OPERATIONS HAZARD IX] CONTRACTUAL INSURANCE IXJ BROAD FORM PROPERTY DAMAGE iii INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS IXJ PERSONAL INJURY 650-323F956-A-TIA 1/1/83 Chicago Insurance Co. Limits of Liability in Thousands (000) oCCG~~~NCE AGGREGATE BODIL X INJURY $ $ A AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY IiJ COMPREHENSIVE FORM IiJ OWNED o HIRED IX] NON-OWNED 650-323F956-A-TIA 1/1/83 PROPERTY DAMAGE 500 $ 1000 500 $1000 EXCESS LIABILITY B IXJ UMBRELLA FORM o OTHER THAN UMBRELLA FORM 55C00228l4 1/1/83 BOOIL Y INJURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE COMBINED $ $ A WORKERS' COMPENSATION and EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY OTHER UB-323F955-8 1/1/83 PERSONAL INJURY $ 100 --_ no_ "vn OF OPERATIONS/LOCATlONSNEHICLES BODILY INJURY $ 500 (EACH PERSON) BODILY INJURY $ 500 (EACH ACCIDENT) PROPERTY DAMAGE $ 100 BOOIL Y INJURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE $ COMBINED BODILY INJURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE $ 5,000 $ 5,000 COMBINED STATUTORY City of Clermont - construction of Broome Street between Fourth and Fifth Cancellation: Should any of the above described policies be cancelled before the expiration date thereof, the issuing com- pany will endeavor to mail ---:I:,G- days written notice to the below named certificate holder, but failure to mail such notice shall impose no obligation or liability of any kind upon the company. City of Clermont NAME AND ADDRESS OF CERTIFICATE HOLDER: Clermont, Fl 32711 ~~ 0-79) LEECON, INC. Post Office Box 660 LEESBURG, FLORIDA 32748 OJ~lJlJ[EOO @[f lJOO~~~[Kj{]DlJlJ~[b RlEtEPJED JAN 2 0 lS0L (904) 787-8888 DATE . . .IJOB NO, January '19. 1982-'. --. . "H .... ATTENTION Mr. George Forbes RE: Broome Street TO City of Clermont Clermont. Florida 32711 eTlEMEN: WE ARE SENDING YOU IX Attached 0 Under separate cover via o Shop drawings o Copy of letter o Prints o Change order o Plans o Samples the following items: o Specifications o COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION 2 Executed Contracts with Performance and Payment Bonds attached 1 Certificate of Insurance THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ~ For approval 0 Approved as submitted ~ For your use 0 Approved as noted 0 As requested 0 Returned for corrections 0 For review and comment 0 0 FOR BIDS DUE 19 o Resubmit_copies for approval o Submit_copies for distribution o Return_corrected prints REMARKS o PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US Please note that I have left the contract dates blank. Please fill in for us the correct date. . COPY TO FORM 24()-.2 ~ Available from /Ni!Hlll/ Oroton, Mass. 01450 SIGNED: ~ Q_,.. ~ 5.1.. ~.~ It enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. . . LEONARD H. BAIRD, JR. ATTORNEY AT LAW POST OFFICE DRAWER 1066 CLERMONT, FLORIDA mnl1-l066 REAL PROPERTY LAW REGISTERED GENERAL PRACTICE WILLS.. ESTATES AND ESTATE PLANNING January 26, 1982 Mr. George D. Forbes Ci ty JvIanager City Hall P. O. Box 219 Clermont, Florida 32711 RE: BROOME STREET IMPROVEMENTS Dear George: Enclosed are original Contract Documents for the Broome Street improvements. Please n~~~ ~~~_~~~. must complete the following: ~-~-~ -..... -~~--._-. -- -- ~~ ~--._. 1. Execute and date the Contract. 2 . ~?c.~~1,1t:Eh-~n.<;L(la,t.e__t.b.~_,,~_9.r:!~e To Proceed. 3. Date the Ce-it'ifrc-ate--of. Owne'i's--Attorney. 4. Date- the-' Performance Bond. 5. Date the Surety Bond. 6~ Date the Payment ~ond. All instruments should be dated as of the date the Contract is executed. Very truly yours, ~f-\ ~J LEONARD H. BAIRD. JR. City Attorney LHB/rpe Enclosures TELEPHON E (904) 394-2114