1981-16 ..' '. '. ~. H. J. GREENLEE. JR.. C.P.A. RICHARD A. PAUL. C.P.A. WILLIAM M. FURNAS. C.P.A. DOROTHY A. KURRAS. C.PA JERRY D. BROWN. C.P.A. JOHN S. RICE. C.P.A. ;:#~, 9ad:F~ &~ ~9u6k~ 81-16 P. O. BOX 98, EUSTIS. FL(JRIDA 32726 (9041 357.3141 P O. BOX 400. CLERMONT, FLORIDA 32711 (9041 394.3256 P. O. BOX 8, MOUNT DORA. FLORIDA 32757 (904) 383.6300 P O. BOX 1674, LEESBURG, FLORIDA 32748 (904) 787-4447 Clermont, Florida June 16, 1981 The Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Clermont Clermont, FI.oridu Gentlemen: This letter will confirm our understanding of the arrangements fOF our examination of the financial statements of the City for the year ending September 30, 1981. Our examination will be for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the balance sheets of the various funds and related financial statements. Although .defal- cations and similar irregularities may occasionally be disclosed by this type of examination, it is not designed for this purpose and should not be relied upon to disclose fraud, should any exist. The auditor will, of course, report to the City anything that appears to be unusual or abnor~al. The examination will be made in accordance with generally accepted audlting stand- ards, giving full consideration to the applicable laws of the State of Florida, and in accordance with the rules of the Auditor General of the State of Florida, and will include such auditing procedures as are considered necessary to enable the auditor to render an opinion on the fairness of the City's financial state- ments. These procedures will include tests of documentary evidence supporting the trans- actions recorded in the accounts, tests of the physical existence o~ assets, direct confirmation of receivables, certain other assets and liabilities by correspondence with selected customers, creditors, legal counsel and banks. The examination shall be made in accordance with generally accepted governmental auditing standards as prescribed by the National Committee on Governmental Accounting in "Governmental Accounting, Auditing and Financial Reporting" and by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants in the "Industry Audit Guide - Audits of State and Local Governmental Units." , \ Our fee for the services outlined above will be based on the time required to com- plete the assignment at our regular hourly rates, plus other out-of-pocket costs. Every effort will be made to keep the cost to the minimum consistent with the re- quirements of the engagement. MEMBERS. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS FLORIDA If\iSTITUTE OF CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS " . . . , The Honorable Mayor and City Council June 16, 1981 Page Two If unusual circumstances are encountered making it necessary for us to do added work, we will immediately report such conditions to the responsible City officials and both parties may negotiate such additional compensation as appears justified. At the conclusion of the audit, we will submit our report which will include the opinion and certain supplementary schedules, as required. If this letter correctly expresses your understanding, please sign the enclosed copy and return i.t to liS in the enclosed envelope. Sincerely yours, GREENLEE, PAUL, FURNAS & KURRAS HJG/gbt Approved by: City of Clermont, Florida By ~~ oate,J'1;-IS} Iff! ,