1981-14 ,L,. '. ,..-.:...~~..:..\y...--- .. ~ilZ''N"'~. : " r. I''; , ' ""~ '" . "1'1' ,..,,' r" .. . ":::', : '.L':L; "1., ,1'#,:... " ;'1 ,.. I "I"'."" '.'1.4'1". ..' '''.....13.1i.. .' ' [. "",," 'I" ,r 'r~' " ,. "~...,,., '. "\',1,. .~" ,'" : ';'~';"..'\ '~~;ij:i'~ft,:..l....~~:li'.~ : ,"','.' ! " ~'ll'; v~.!,#~ ::>.:li':~4t~r\, : j . ..__~..' ,_~.. '-i" '~l~::f ,..;.. j ", ~, ;, "~_,,; 4-'::~-'~4"~ ~'.l.i.J'I\~._,..Jtt..~,-~_...~...;.-.~.-,,,,".... ',' ;..,.~... ", -"')~~~ll;'.r:r;.~~r~......,~,.",."",""""",;: ~.,,,._____._._ AMENDMENT TO CONTMCT FOR SALE 81-14 Tills Agreement, by and between. INLAND GROVES CORP., C.M. POOL E. SONS, INC., ilnd till; CITY lH' CLEHMONT, I.ake ClHlnty, Flori.da, hereby amends certain provisions or thill certitill ClIllLr<lcL belwt:en the partieti dated July 29, 1980, extended by Extension Agret:llIl:llt dilled ati Lollowtl: .. I. I'aragl'aph 3. of twid Contract is hereby amended as follows: "'.I." TLil('l 60 Sllill J "l~ t:ullvt~Yt~d tu Buyer U(lOIl paym8nt uf SEVENTY THOUSAND AND NU/IUU DOI.LAJ{S ($70,000.00) to SeLLers upon execut:lon of this Amendment. Buyers shnl I IH, ellt ltied tu the 1981-82 trult crop. The remainder of Parcel 1 and Parcel 2 sllnll l)l~ c.lc.sed prior to Dt:cember I, 198:!, on lhe condition that Parcel 2 shall not be dllsed pd,or to November i, J9HI. I.f the trullsaction is clused prior to November I, ItJHl, Buyer may lease Parcel 2 at the annual rental of FIVE HUNDRED AND NO/IOO IHJI.LAI<S ($500.00) per acre, which 1:111I11 1:ihall be credited to Buyer at closing of Parcel L. 2. Paragraph 7 is hereby deleted. 3. l'al'agniph 8 is hereby <.lllIended tu read as follows: "8." Sl:.l.lers tJlla.lJ be clILil.ll:d tu Llle LtJ80-81 alld 1.981-82 fruit crop together wlLh Lhe df.\liL to enter upon the pruperty to cult.lvate and harvest such crop. In the l:VI.:1I1 l.llis l rall~Jacl.i.un shall. nol "e clutil:d bt.:l:urt: January 1, 19B2, Sellers shall be elllfLlt'd lu I ill: l~m~-3 Irult crup, Sel.l.en; ugree III abidt! by usual and customaty h'J~bdlldry 1.11 ul.her Il,n1veti in Lilt.: dl'en llWlled by Sel.lerD, ie., 2 I:Ipraytl, 2 fertili,ers, and II is,' dlld l'I11111. Ildl,'d Illi::; .._.____, day of ,JIlIII:, I.lJHI. CITY OF CLEI{}ION'i', a lllulILcipll.l corp, ATTEST: " r eLL' ';1 ')r1' : ' l \ . \ ,// I I. ',.', I ,. - _. .J.J_~.J.l __ ' '-, _.~ ~-~- BUY ER ~. iNLAND GROVES CORP. AT'1'I~ST : BY: -:~l.cb1-'Lv... c.-,,,: /:0, () (- L-~~:~L C. M. POOL & SUNS, iNC. ATTEST: -.-.. .-- _. '." - ..-.. . - ~._.~---- --------- --..---. /0. i1. /;:) \ ) BY: _i1{~\LtJ-:.U~,,~~t__.. ..- SELLERS . . . I.I:.UNAHD II HAIHD. JR, AflOHNI:Y AI l.AW, PO. DI1AWEH 10ti6, CI.ERMONr, FLORIDA 32"111 "