1980-40 ~.... . ~ ... -~ -~ . Agreement. 80-40 A-' MORELAND -1.. McKESSON _. CHEMICAL COMPANY ROUTE 3, BOX 498-A, TAMPA, FLORIDA 33619 . PHONE 813 677-8414 November 6, 1980 City of Clermont 1 Westgate Plaza Clermon, Florida 32711 Attn: Preston Davis CHLORINE CONTRACT FOR CITY OF CLERMONT Moreland-McKesson Chemical Company agrees to supply the City of Clermont liquid Chlorine in 2000# and 150# cylinders at the following price schedule. PRODUCT PACKAGE PRICE Liquid Chlorine 200011 Cylinder $240.00 TON 150# Cylinder 28.00 PER CYLINDER (NO DEPOSIT NO DEMURRAGE) This pr1ce schedule is firm for 1 year effective November 15, 1980, until November 15, 1981. With a chance for renewal at the end of the contract period. If a lower price is offered by another company, Moreland-McKesson reserves the right to meet the competitive offer. PURCHASING AGENT ~. J-- 17 SIGNATURE ~~.D' r~ C/ MORELAND-~ . BRANCH MANA ER _ /: SIGNATURE /V {... ~~/J-/~ Richard A. Ferris Sales Representative a Foremost-McKesson company .'- TERMS AND CONDITIONS MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT FOR CAL HEGSTROM OF FLORIDA EQUIPMENT In order to assist its cuslomers in maintaining their equipment in efficient operating condition, Cal Hegstrom of Florida (CHF) agrees to furnish maintenance service and install parts for the equipment described on the reverse side hereof at the rates there specified and upon the following terms and conditions. 1. This agreement shall be for an initial one'year period of service and inspections ending on the date shown on the reverse Side hereof and thereafter continues in effect for similar one-year periods unless cancelled. 2. Maintenance agreement charges are payable yearly In advance at the annual rate on the annual payment date shown on the reverse side of this <greemeni. 3. This maintenance agreement may be cancelled by either party as 01 Ihe first day of the monlh following fifteen days written notice. In the event of cancellation. charges will be prorated .1nd CHF Will refund the unearned portion of any amount prepaid hereunder. 4. CHF will provide a minImum of two inspectIOns yearly at appropriate intervals. Inspections may be made In conJunction With emer- gency service calls. Emergency service calls WIll be made during regular bUSiness hours at no extra charge 5 CHF will replace without charge parts which have broken or worn through normal use and are necessary lor machine serVICing and maintenance adjustments, except accessories. supplies. and Drums. Also excluded from this agreement are modlflcalions to the equipment and overhauls. 6. ThiS Agreement shall not apply to repairs made necessary by accident. misuse, abuse, neglect, theft. vandalism. electrical power failure, lire. water, or other casually. or to repairs made necessary by service perlormed by personnel other than those of CHF. 7. The equipment shall be in good mechanical condition on the date 01 commencement of thiS Agreement 8. This Agreement is not assignable and is automatically cancelled. with respect to the particular machine. should the equipment it covers be sold to a third party. 9. The amount of this agreement shall be incre,lsed by an amount equal to any applicable lax now or hereafter assessed. leVied or Imposed by any lederal, slate or local authority. to. Zones are defined in relation to the CHF service oUlce prOViding service lor the equipment covered hereunder. The applicable rates for each Zone appear in CHF's price lisls. Zone I Within a len (10) mile radius of the CHF service oltice or within Metropolitan area. Zone 11 Beyond Zone I. but Within a twenty (20) mile radius of Ihe CHF oltice. Zone 111 Beyond Zone 11. but Within a thirty.five (35) mile radius of the CHF oltice. Zone IV Beyond Zone 111. but Within a sixty (50) mile radiUS of the CHF Service oltice. t t. Where indicated on the reverse side, the rales Quoted in this agreement have been adjusted to reflect extended machine use: II Ihe machine is operated for two shilts. one and one-half times fhe standard rate has been charged: where operated lor three shifts. two limes the standard rate has been Charged. When after regu1ar-buslness.hours' service is required on machines covered by thiS contract, and if such service is available, regular after hours service charges will be made. 12. Service hours - Monday-Friday 8:30-5 PM After 5 PM and Saturdays - Single call rale plus 50%. Sundays and Holidays - Double the single rate. 13. This service contract is issued at a speCial pllce 111 consideration of the customer purchasing toners from CHF. II toners are furnished by another supplier we will continue to service the machine but only at our single call rate. plus parts.