1980-16 93oa.~J of COUNTY hAwrV)~ V-I qJp \ J \,~G' V /"}.J r ( ~tf '.. COMMISSIONERS .fake County T A V ARE S"" F LOR I D A . 3 2 7 78 PHONI: 904.343-9030 C. E, 1'. A. COMPUEUENSIVE MANPOWER SERVICES DEPARTMENT 315 WEST MAIN STRIET June 2, 1980 Dear Supervising Agency: Thank you for subimtting your application for summer program positions. This office received requests for approximately 350 summer positions, and is planning to serve 279 youth I during the course of the summer. Because there are more posi- tion requests than there are participant slots, a priority list was established. Each agency that submitted an applica- tion will have some, if not all, of the slots that were requested. The summer program is targeted to start June 9. Participants will be referred to each agency for an interview. It will be the decision of each agency whether or not to hire the applicant. If an applicant seems suitable for a position, he must return to the counselor who made the referral to complete the required paperwork prior to actually starting work. When the counselor completes the processing of each participant, he will give the new employee a "work clearance form" to present to his supervisor when he starts work. No participant may begin work without this form. Attached is a melIDrandum of understanding which explains the con- ditions under which program participants may be placed at your agency. Please secure necessary signatures and return to this office as soon as possible. This agreement must be on file in the CETA office before participants can be assigned to begin work. -. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at 343-9030. Thanking you in advance for your time and continued cooperation, I remain, Sincerely, \ .) l'L-L~ U. ~ DUL...t~~ u' '- : ! (Ms.) Robbie A. Hollenbeck Summer Coordinator cb llllTaICT ONI James R. Carson, Jr. . DISTaICT TWO DrsnrcT THAn DISTRICT rOUI C, A. "Lex" Deems Glenn Y. Middleton Thorns!:., Windram 1I1ST1lc:t fin Gleon C. Burbaoa I f . for secretarian insturction, as a place for religious \\Orship, or . for partisian FOli tical purp::>ses. Participants will not be used for the advantage of any private irdividual or private profit agency. The SUpervising t-brksite agrees: , 1. 'Ib provide rreaningful an:i procl\X:ti ve work for approximately 6 partici~ts who are enrolled in the S\.Il'l1ilar ycuth pI'CXJI'am. 'Ihis ~k will be in accordarx:e ~th the program quidelines. I . 2. To furnish the equiprent, tools, materials am supplies that are necessary for the \o.Ork being performed by the SU1'Irer yooth participants. 3. 'lb allow access by autb:>rized program represen- tatives at all reasonable hours for nDnitorinJ of the \o.Orksite, counseli.n:J with the participants, am coordinating other \o.OI'k activities. 4. 'Ib rraintain adequate acooW1tability far partici- pants I ti..rte and att.errlarx:e. 5. To provide reasonable regulations: for the atten- dan:e arrl continued gocrl WJrk habits of partici- pants . 6. To provide a job description of each pesi tion that will be filled by 5\ItIller youth participants. 7. To provide a contif11..1Q.1S Wl:>rksite supervision to the participants without canpensation fran the program. S. To contact the Operator prior to the release of a participant fran the worksite. . 9. '1b assure that no participant will be required to Wl:>rk ITDre than 40 hwrs per week. Ibwever, this is not intended to take iMaY the flexibi1:l.ty of the Pr.ure Sp:>nsor to establish job slots which adhere to the needs of the area and the partic!- pants to be servoo. Page 2 of 3 I! , I I I AttachJrent B . . MEKJRANDUM CR UNDERSTANDm:i ~ THE ~f1ER YCVIH El-1PIDYMENl' p~ OPERA'roR AND TKE SUPERVIS:nli K)RKSlTE nus Meroraroum of Urderstarrling entered into this 10th day of , 1980, between Lake June County Board of County Cattnissioners hereafter referred to as the Supezvising \ot)rksite, am City of C1erm:mt , hereafter referrEd to as the ~ator. It is urderst:.oci:i by . both parties that this ~1enorandllt1 of tJrxierstardinq relates tol I services to. be provided relative to the 1980 S\m11er Yooth Drployment Program which is authorized under Ti tie N of tlE . I , I Cooprehensive Brployrnent am Training Act. It is UJJierstocrl by both parties that this MeIrorardum I. , I I of Uoo.erstan:Iin:j is entered into pursuant .to the Operator' s 1980 S\I'l1lel" Youth etp10yment Program contract with the . Department of Labor & ~loynB1t security. . .1 F'urt.lEr, it is understcxx1 that the SupervisiIYJ \'mksite is either a govermental ageIx::y of a private ron-porfit organi- zation, free of discrimination because of race, sex, age, dreed, color, religion, or political affiliation, am ,that participants in the program will rot be enployed on the const.ru::tion, <?pera- , tion, or maintena.rx:e of arrj facility as is used or I to be used '; Ii" I III! Page 1 of 3 , , , 1 II .- . 10. To assure that participants who are 14 am 15 years of age will participate only in acCOI'dance with the applicable provisions of the Fair Labor stan- dards Act. (Sections 570.31 ani 570.35 of, SUbpart C of Part 570 of Title 29). 11. 'Ib assure that in accordarv:e with the Fair Labor Starrlards Act, no participant under 18 years of age will be employed in any occUpation found by the U. S. Secretary of labor, pursuant to the Fair Labor St:.ardars Act to be particularly hazard- ous for Wi viduals between 16 am 18 years of age. (Subpart E of Part 570 of TiUe 29). 12. 'Ib adhere to the roles an:i regulations goveming th~ 1980 Sumner Yooth anploynent Program. 'I11is Marorarxlum of Urderstanding will be effective fran the date first written abJve until the teImi.nation of ' the smrner program <or unlesS' terminated by either party pro- vided the cancelling party gives at least five (5) days advance I notice. City of Clermont SUpervising Agency ~~ lake Coun~ Board of Coun~ Comnissiqnc.l Ti tle IV Operator {904~3-9030 Telep Number Mayor Title June 10, 1980 Date . P.O. Box 219, Clermont, Fl. 32711 Address 904/394-4081 Telephone Nl.utber. June 10, 1980 Date nage 3 of 3