1980-09 . . OUTSTATlnNI~G AGREE~ENT TT _, ?_RO AGREENENT NU~mER ~-\ '-- LAKE COUNTY COMPREHENSIVE ~~NPOWER SERVICES COMPREHENSIVE EMPLOYMENT TRAINING ACT TITLE lID AGREEHENT This agreement, made and entered into THIS 28thday of February 19 80 bv and between THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, Lake County a Political Subdivision of the State of Florida, hereinafter called the "County", and City of Clermont , hereinafter called the "Agency". \~IEREAS, the Congress of the United States passed in 1973 the Compre- hensi\'e Employment and Training Act, CETA \,'ht'reby funds are m.:1de .:1vail<tbl(' tl' statp .:lnd local governments for the purpose of providing joh trainin~ and ('r.lployr~ent opportunities which will lead to full and maxi.mum ~mployment op- portunities and enhance self-sufficiency, and \~IEREAS, the County has been designed by the State of Florida as'a Program Agent and has received a grant pursuant to the Comprehensive Employ- ment and Trai.ning Act of 1973, and WHEREAS, Title lID of the Comprehensive Employment and Trainin~ Act provldes for the establishment of and operation of public employment programs for certain eligible Program Agents contained in the Balance of State Prime Sponsor, and \.JHEREAS, the County qualifies as an l~ligible Program Agent .:lOd wishes to establish il public employment program to reduce unemployment in the area, "T}!EREAS, the Agency has positions ....hich qualify as public service em- ployment in that they provide a needed public service as defined in the act, but has no funds budgeted for said positions; NOW THEREFORE, the County and the Agency, do mutually agree as follo....s: SECTIOl'i: I This agreemoi!nt shall COITnnence on the~day of October 197 9 .:Jnd sh<111 cont inue through and includ ing the 30thday of September . 19 80 Page One (1) of Six (6) . . SECTION: 11 The County agree~ to outstation public service employment positions for the term of this agreement pursuant to the provisions of the Occupational Summary attached hereto as Attachment A, and each respective position Description attached hereto as Attachment B, and by this reference both are made a part hereof. SECTION: II T The Agency ....ill adhere to a plan of Affirmative Action ~ith reference to non-dcscrimination on basis of race, color, religion, creed. national origin, sex or age, as mandated by the Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1972 and the civil Rights Act of 1964. Further, the Agency will not hire a person into a Title II/VI funded position if a member of that person's innnediate family lS employed in an administrative capacity by the Agency; (a) For the purpose of this section, the term "immediate family" in- cludes; wife, husband. son, daughter, mother, brother, brot~er-in- la..... sister, siste~-in-la...., aunt, uncle, niece, nephew. stepparent, and stepchi ld; (b) For the purpose of this section, the term "administrative capacity" includes those who have selection, hiring, or supervisory responsi- bility for Title II/VI participants, or operational responsibility for the program. SECTION: IV All positions must be filled ....ithin ten (10) ....orking days from the com- mencement date of this agreement as stated ln Section I. Failure to do so shall result in the loss of position(s) or m~y, at the discretion of the . County, rcsul t in the unilateral tenllinat ion of the agreement for non-compl i- 3nce as provided for in Section XIV of this agreement. The Agency further agrees to fill any public service cmployment position(s) hcrein provided ....hich becomes vacant during the duration of this agreement within ten (10) working days from the date said vacancy occurs, or be subject to the termina- tion of the agreement clause set forth in Section XIV. - Page Two (2) of Six (6) - . . SEeTIP::: \' Th" '\~l'ncy sh:111 c,)opf'r:1to' \,..irh tIll' \'.)I\'ltv thr,lll~',11 ir~ d!"'si).:n:lt('d 1""l'r,'- ~;"nt.1tiVt! SO th,1t :1 1'::ntinlli:,I' .,\,:t1L11ti,111 I,r lhi~ prL'f:r:1:11 \"i11 h" rl'~:sil'll', sr.crlO::: VI The Agl"ncy shall s\lbl:1i t to tht! Count y sllch repl'rt~ :IS the County ('r th.' St.Jle of Florida, by rules and regul.1tions, may requIH' the Agency tl) makL' III the performance of dut ii~S pllr;-;\:.1nt to this agreement. For th~ purpose 0f this .:1grcemcnt, oniy duly .111tt1C"ri:>:I':i and si~:npd tim!"' c!lr<l~ IJil1 h(' r('(Jllin'.t. SECTIm.: VII Thf' Agency :1grcr!~ that it sh.,ll he solely r,>sponsibli' to the p:1rti,'" vith ....hor.! it shall deal in carrying out thl' tC'rms of lhis '\grcl~ml"nt and sh:lll be rf'!:ponsiblc for th!" contran~ it m:IY make \"ith third 1':lrtif..'!: or for thl's,' obli):'.Jtions incurrt'd by tl\1' :\I"'IlC\' to such third parti('~ In C:1rrytng <.'uI th.' (!~ :O",S 0 f th i~: A~rpt.'rnellt. s ~:cr10:: : \'T 11 The (c'L1n!~: .11:r,""s to i rl~IJ r";,, :111 r:1rt i r i l'':lllt s fl'r l'.':: t s of ....:1f,\'S :lml frii:..., ','I:,,(it<: uj'on sllbl.litt:Jl o( th(~ .:d.'rcm,"ntion,'d tim.' cards fl)r tht' dllr- itr il'l. pf tl\(' "grl'('mt'llt period, I'rlwidcd s.1i,1 ^~l'I1CY sh:,l I dll(;UIIII'nt :JIlt.! SII"- st,:tnti.I~l" timf' cards ill accord.J:l':c ....ith thl' County's rl"l'lircm('nt~ Jnd stan- d3rds. s~id imbursement shall be made to the participant on 3 bi-weekly basis. The Ar,pncy sh~ll submit tim~ card!: for payment to th~ County in :1 timl: fr,1me g\larantl'ed to lnS\lrt' Ih,1t timl' cards arc rcc~iv(>d by t1l(' County Ill) lJtr'r than thp schedule hl:'r,'with att.'cllt~d. J(1 so shall rpsldt in dl:'lay in pay'1TlC'nt. (Attachment C.) Failure to sr.CTI(\~: IX The County, the State of Florida, or :my of their duly authorizl'd rc- pr,'sl'nt,1tiv('!: sh:lIl h3VI' !lCCi'SS (t) Iltll'ks, dl'cum.'nts, P:If"'TS all.1 r('c.lrd,; l,f th,' A~cncy 1.lhich .1re pl'rt i IH'nl ('11 or r,' 1.1t.'rl r.) rh is A)'r""liH'nt. - P::}'...' Thr,',' (1) Ill' Six ((1) - . . SECTION: X It is agreed that neither party hereto has made any stJtpment, proml~C' or a~reement or taken upon itself any ~n~agement whatev~r, verbally or In writing, In conflict with the terms of this agreement or that in :lllY W3Y modifies, varies, alters, enlar~es or invalidates any prOViSlons hereof. SECTION: XI This AF.rcem~nt 11: not ;JssignJble by either party \"ithollt thl' l~xprl'ss written consent of the other party. This Agreement is binding on the parlit~s hereto and their prMp,'ctive' successors and assigns. SECTION: XI I Tht' Agency assures that Puol ic Service' Er.1ploym~nt pro~:rams under the' Ad shall, to the C'xtent feasible, be designed to enable .111 illdivi(!u.1ls 1',) ,l!ll'Vt' from such employment prograns into unsubsidi7.d full-timr j"bs in till' privat(' or publ ic sector, and sh311 emphasize the developments of new careers .1nd career dt'velopment oppMtunitirs (Sections 201 and 205 of thr CETA R('glll:1tiollsl. The Agency shall have tht' ~oal of accomplishing on an annual basis at least one of the following: (a) Placing half of the cumulative participants in unsubsidized private or public sector employment; or, 0,) Placing participants in half the vacancies occurring in suitable occupations in an eligible applicant, program agent, br sub~rnnt~e"s permanent work forcr ....hich art' not filled by promotion from within the agency. SECT10~: XIII The ag~ncy shall abide by all rules and regulations adopted by the Countv and all apl'licllblf' federal, sUit,. and loc.11 la....s in ttw performanc~ and intt'r- pretation of this contract. '...I' FOllr (4) ('If six (6) - . . SECTION: XIV Either party mJV t, rminatp this contract for CllOVI'IlIl'nCl' by ~ivin~ tlH' other notice' of said termin.ltioll 1n ,..:riting signed by .1n .1uthorized a~ent of th~ A~ency or County at le:Jst thirty (30) days prior to the eff~ctiv(' dntp of such termination. (a) If, through any cause, the Agency shall viol:Jte any ('f thl? co\'en- ants, agreements, or stipulations or assuranc('s and certifications of this contract, the County shall have thf' ri~ht ....ithout li:lhility to terminate this contract by ~ivin~ written n0tice to the Agency of such termination. The County sh:Jl1 be thE' sole judge of ....hetht'l. the Agency has complied ....ith tht! terms and conditions governing this contract. The termin.lt ion for calise shall bpc0me effect iVl' Ur(11l not i fication to the A~('ncy by the COllnty. (b) Not,,'ithstandin~ tht, ahovr, the Agl'n(;y shall not he Tl'lirved of liability to the County for dam:Jges sustained hy the tounty by vi nile of all)' hrl'.1ch pf contract by the Agency. SECT ION: XV The County's fin:tncLll llbli~3tion to the A~ency shall be limitf'd solely to the terms of this contract, TIle A~cncy agrees to hold harmless and if necessary d('fend and inde'mnify the County from all claims, li.lbilities, suits of any n.lturc whatsoever ariSIng out of, because of, M dllt' to the breach of this contract by the Agency, its delegates, or employees or participants hercunder or due to any act or occurrance of omission or commission of the Agency. SECTION: XVI IT IS MUTUALLY U~[lERSTO()[l AND ACREEO TlI/\T TIlts AGREEMENT IS CONTINGENT UPON RECEIPT OF TilE GHA~n Flf~I)S llY TilE COm-ITY. The Foregoin~ .1grl'l'r.1eIH \~ 11l'r,'b~' accepted upon the t('rms .:md condition:; nampd hf'rein. - flagl' Fiv(' (5) of s,ix (6) - J . .' Ot'TSTATIONING AGREENf.NT IH Tf : II-12-80 'AGREEMENT NUMBER tAKE COUNTY COMPREHENSIVE MANPOWER SERVICES COMPREHENSIVE EMPLOYMENT TRAINING ACT TITLE lID AGREEMENT NmlBER OF POSITIONS: ATlTST: :\\ IT : 1uJJ ,\ TTEST: 1-/1 /980 I '- -~ _ I:: ~-,.../.d. . /"'t!.L/'" BY: CHAIRMAN, LAKE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SEAL: BY: t!-EJ~fcG-. MAYOR - I'a~(' Six (6) of Six (6) - _: I = , . ::;, ~I -Ji ~ '-"~ -. ji I -:1 -, Iii -, ) , I !~ ~ ~ ..rs u ~ o ,jJ -..-i U >- to- =: o V o..D .-i C I .-i o I If) ~ I o..D o ~ o ex:' o := t ~ !-< % 8 , ll'1 . ~-! - o .....- .oJ E :.:..: .... ~ ...; III 0 :- 0 ::.. &: - c: c: 0 :: 0..... o .oJ M -0 c:.. 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