1980-03 tit . AGREEMENT 80,,3 EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT by and between the CITY OF CLERMONT, Clermont, Florida, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as "City", and LEONARD H. BAIRD, JR., attorney at law, made and entered into this iOf-k day of ~~ ' 1980. 1. EMPLOYMENT. The City hereby employs LEONARD H. BAIRD, JR. as City legal officer, hereinafter referred to as "City Attorney", pursuant to Article IV, Section 30, Charter of the City of Clermont. 2. DUTIES. The City Attorney shall perform the following duties: a. ATTEND COUNCIL MEETINGS. Attend all City Council and Planning and Zoning Commission meetings in their entirety for the purpose of giving the Counci I and Commission any legal advice requested by its members. b. ADVISE COUNCIL. Advise the Councilor its committees or any City officer when thereto requested or when deemed necessary by the City Attorney, upon all legal questions arising in the conduct of the City business. c. PREPARE ORDINANCES. Prepare or revise ordinances and resolutions when so requested by the Council, or any Counci I member or any committee thereof. d. PREPARE LEGAL INSTRUMENTS. Prepare for execution all contracts and instruments to which the City is a party and shall approve, as to form, all bonds required to be submitted to the City. e. PROSECUTE OFFENDERS AND DEFEND OFFICIALS. Prepare, when authorized by the Counci I, all charges and complaints against, and shall appear in the appropriate Court in the prosecution of, every person charged with the violation of a City ordinance or of any regulation .adopted under authority of the Charter. Represent City officials in the appropriate Court or before the appropriate agency in actions or proceedings concerning their duties and responsibilities as City officials. f. MAKE REPORTS. (1) Report to the Council all business transacted on behalf of the City; (2) Immediate report of decision. Immediately report the out- come of any I itigation in whieh the City has an interest to the Administrator and Counei I; (3) Annual report of pending I itigation. Make an annual report, to the Administrator and Couneil as of the elose of eaeh ealendar year, of all pending I itigation in whieh the City has an interest and the eondition thereof. g. CONTROL LEGAL SERVICES INCIDENTAL TO COUNCIL ACTION. Have eharge of all legal serviees auxil iary to Couneil aetion in eonneetion with the appropriating of property to publie use and in levying of assessments. . KEEP RECORDS. (1) Suits. Keep a eomplete reeord of all suits in whieh the City had or has an interest, giving the names of the parties, the Court h. where brought, the nature of the aetion, the disposition of the ease, or its eondition if pending, and the briefs of eounsel. (2) Opinions and Titles. Keep a eomplete reeord of all written opinions furnished by him and of all eertifieates or abstraets of titles furnished by him to the City, or any department or offieial thereof. 3. RETAINER FEE. The City Attorney shall reeeive the sum of $500.00 per month or sueh sum as Couneil may designate from time to time as eom- pensation for his serviees, whieh shall inelude the fol lowing: a. Attendanee at regularly seheduled City Couneil meetings, Planning and Zoning Commission meetings. b. Preparation of ordinances, resolutions, eontraets and other legal instruments at the request of the City Couneil, or individual members thereof. . e. Formal and informal legal opinions regarding the business of the City requested by the City Couneil, Planning and Zoning Commission, and other offieers of the City. 4. ADDITIONAL COMPENSATION. The City Attorney shall reeeive the sum of $40.00 per hour for serviees rendered in eonneetion with the fol lowing: a. Civil and eriminal litigation in State and Federal Courts in whieh the City is a party or has an interest therein as requested by the City Couneil. b. Formal legal opinions requiring extensive researeh in State and Federal statutes, ease law, regulations and researeh in the publie reeords as requested by the City Couneil. . . e. Representation and appearanees before administrative ageneies and regulatory boards on a Federal, State or County level, at the request of the Ci ty Counei I. d. Proeeedings in eonneetion with the finaneing of publie improve- ments, levying of assessments, general revenue bonds and speeial bonds, unless eompensated otherwise therefor. 5. TERM OF EMPLOYMENT. This agreement shall terminate on Deeember 31, 1980. CITY OF CLERMONT By: {!z s:v~ .,J5:;;.- CLAUDE E. SMOAK, JR. - Mayor ATTEST: OfuD~J !d, ~A4~< DOLORES W. CARROLL - City C erk ~ Lt. ~ LEONARD H. BAIRD, JR. HOVIS and BAIRD 1 Westgate Plaza Drive Clermont, Florida 32711 '-i,/--