1979-06 ~. l-B leMA RETIREMENT CORPORATION RECEIVEDJUN 2 1 1979~ 1101 Connecticut Avenue Northwest Suite 1009 Washington DC 20036 Area Code 202 293-2716 T olllr99 800 424-9249 To: CITY CLERK CITY OF CLERMCNT #1 WEST GAT~ PLAZA CLERMONT, FL 32711 012708 Employer B . CITY MANAGER CITY OF YANKTON P. O. BOX 176 YANKTON, SO 51078 007205 Employer A Employee: George D. Forbes Subject: Tripartite Agreement for Transfer of Deferred Compensation Funds. The above plan with (above). employee has participated in the ICMA-RC deferred compensation employer A (above) and is curreritly a participant with employer B A primary purpose of the ICMA-RC plan is to provide portability of retirement benefits for mobile public servants. To simplify the administrative procedures related to the plan, it provides for the transfer of deferred compensation funds from the ownership of one employer to another, subject to the conditions imposed by the Internal Revenue Service which are incorporated into the enclosed tripartite agreement. You are requested to sign the enclosed agreement at the appropriate place and return it to us, retaining a copy for your records. Please note that this signature should be properly attested. Upon receipt of an executed agreement from all three parties we will effect the transfer. P ffit ~. ,s Mum !peter L DeGroote' / ( General Manager 1U6/5/f77 te I The ICMA Retiremenl Corporallon is the administrator of a deferred compensation retirement plan lor state and local government under the sponsorShip of: International City Management Association. Municipal Finance Officers Association. International Personnel Management Association. National Instltule 01 . Municipal Law Officers. Natoonal League of Cities. United States Conference of Mayors. National Association 01 Counlles . American Society lor Public AdmlnistratlO~ . American Institute 01 Planners. Amer.ican Society ot Planning .officials. American Public Wor1<s Association. Amellcan Public Power ASSOCiation . BUilding OffIcIals and Code Administrators International. Amencan ASSOCiation 01 Airport Executoves . Internatoonal Inslltute 01 MunICipal Clerks. Amencan Public Gas Association. l'lternational Association 01 Assessing Officers ... ICMA RETIREMENT CORPORATION 2 1101 Connecticut Avenue NOr1hwest Suite 1009 Washington DC 20036 Area Code 202 293.2716 Toll free 800 424.9249 ICMA RETIREMENT CORPORATION TRIPARTITE AGREEMENT The following definitions and facts apply to this agreement: . Date of This Agreement: EMPLOYER A: City of Yankton, South Dakota who has entered into a Trust Agreement with the ICMA Retirement Corporation. EMPLOYER B: City of Clermont, Florida who has entered into a Trust Agreement with the ICMA Retirement Corporation. EMPLOYEE: George D. Forbes Previously employed by Employer A. DEFERRED COMPENSATION AGREEMENT A: An agreement between Employer A and the Employee for which Deferred Compensation Account A numbered 72-72 has been established. DEFERRED COMPENSATION AGREEMENT B: An agreement between Employer B and the Employee for which Deferred Compensation Account B numbered 127-40 has been established. AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day between Employer A in whose employ the above named employee has previously served and Employer B, and between the Employee and Employers A and B. WHEREAS, Employer A has entered into Deferred Compensation Employment Agreement A with the Employee, and Trust Agreement A with the ICMA Retirement Corporation; and, WHEREAS, Employer A has maintained Deferred Compensation Account A with the ICMA Retirement Corporation, and has ownership, dominion, control and right of withdrawal of the funds of said account together with the assets and accumulations thereof, pursuant to said Trust Agreement; and, The ICMA Retirement Corporation is the administrator of a deferred compensation retirement plan for slate and local government under the sponsorship 01: International City Management Association. Municipal Finance Officers Association. International Personnel Management Association. National Institute of 'Municipal Law Officers. National League of Cities. United Slates Conference 01 Mayors. National Association 01 Counties. American Society lor Public AdmInistration. American InstItute of Planners ..American Society 01 Planning Officials. American Public Wor1<s Association. American Public Power ASSOCiation · Building OfficialS and Code Administrators Inlernational . American Association of Airport Executives. International Institute 01 Municipal Clorks . American Public Gas Associallon . International Associallon 01 AsseSSIng Off'cers WHEREAS, Employer A is now fiscally independent of the funds, assets and accumulations in Deferred Compensation Account A with the ICt~ Retirement Corporation and has no reason to believe that there is or will be in the foreseeable future any necessity for it to use said, funds, assets and acc:..:mula tions for the payment of claims of its general creditors; and, WHEREAS, the Employee is no longer employed by Employer A and is now employed by Employer B; and, WHEREAS, Employer A desires to avoid the continued expenses of maintaining records of Deferred Compensation Account A and of examining and filing annual reports thereto wit~ the ICMA Retirement Corporation, and further desires to be released from its contractual obligation to pay deferred compensation to the Employee upon his retirement, permanent disability or death, in consideration for which Employer A is willing to transfer absolute ownership, dominion, control and right of withdrawal of the funds, assets and accumulations in Deferred Compensation Account A; and, 1\\ WHEREAS, Employer B has entered into Deferred Compensation Employment Agreement B with the Employee and Trust Agreement B with the ICMA Retirement Corporation, and has opened Deferred Compensation Account B with the ICMA Retirement Corporation with respect to which Employer B has the ownership, dominion, control and right of withdrawal of all funds, assets and accumulations therein, pursuant to said Trust Agreement; and~ WHEREAS, Employer B is willing to maintain all records and examine and file all reports with respect to Deferred Compensation Account A with the ICMA Retirement Corporation and is fucther willing to assume all contractual obligations of Employer A to the Employee under the Deferred Compensation Employment Agreem~nt A in exchange for the transfer to Employer B by Employer A of the ownership, dominion, control and right of withdrawal of the funds, assets and accumulations in Deferred Compensation Account A with the IC~~ Retirement Corporation; and, WHEREAS, the Employee, as an accomodation to his past and present employers, is willing to release Employer A from any and all obligations under Deferred Compensation Employment Agreement A and to substitute and accept Employer B as the obligor and debtor under said Agreement. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the above, the parties hereto agree as follows: l. Employer A will direct the IC~~ Retirement Corporation to transfer the ownership, dominion, control and right of withdrawal of the funds, assets and accumulations in its Deferred Compensation Account A to Employer B's Deferred Compensation Account B with the ICMA Retirement Corporation, or to a new combined numbered Account if the rules and regulations of the Retirement Corporation so require. Thereafter, Employer A will not claim or exert any ownership, dominion, control or right of withdrawal of such funds, assets and accumulations. 2. Employer B agrees: (a) To maintain records and examine and file all reports with the 1 f\ ~. ~.5. . 2 ICMA Retirement Corporation with respect to all funds, assets, and accumulations presently in Deferred Compensation Account A; and, (b) To assume all contractual obligations of Employer A to the Employee under Deferred Compensation Employment Agreement A. 3. The Employee agrees to release Employer A of all contractual obligations under Deferred Compensation Employment Agreement A and to substitute and accept Employer B as the obligor and debtor of such obligations under said Agreement. 4. It is understood that Employer B shall have the absolute ownership, dominion, control and right of withdrawal of said funds, assets and accumulations transferred by this Agreement and that the Employee shall have no interest or claim by way of trust, escrow, annuity or otherwise, in and to such specific funds, assets and accumulations. It is further understood and agreed that nothing contained herein shall accelerate the Employee's right to receive deferred compensation under his Deferred Compensation Employment Agreement A and that said deferred compensation shall be due and payable to the Employee or his beneficiary only upon the earlier of the Employee's retirement, permanent disability or death. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set forth their signatures and affixed their seals on the day and year first above-written. EMPLOYER A City of Yankton, South Dakota BY: TITLE: SEAL ATTEST: TITLE: EMPLOYER B City of Clermont, Florida SEAL BY: J1~9~ 9rbf TITLE: ~~ C!eJ.) ATTEST: \.. J'R- ) ,;\.... . TITLE: ~ P-1/"v)cL( EMPLOYEE: j;p~-<. f). F~_