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12.17.2024 - City Council MinutesCity of Clermont MINUTES CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING December 17, 2024 CALL TO ORDER The City Council met in a special meeting on Tuesday, December 17, 2024 in the Clermont City Council Chambers. Mayor Murry called the Special Meeting to order at 6:30 pm with the following Council Members present: Council Members Strange, Howard, Myers and Petersen. Other City officials present were Interim City Manager Van Wagner, Interim City Attorney Waugh and City Clerk Howe. AGENDAITEMS Item No. 1- Interim City Manager Contract Interim City Attorney Waugh reviewed the details of the draft contract Council was presented for Interim City Manager Van Wagner. Discussion ensued regarding the pay schedule and Interim City Manager Van Wagner's relationship with Family Christian Center Church. Council Members talked about Interim City Manager Van Wagner taking a leave of absence from the Church and if there is a conflict with him holding both positions. Interim City Attorney Waugh stated that there would be a conflict on a permanent basis, with this being interim there is no conflict. Council discussed the term in the contract which is indefinite. Mayor Murry stated that the motion at the previous meeting approved Mr. Van Wagner as the Interim City Manager for 90 days. The way the language in the contract reads is that there is no sunset date so if this contract is approved then the term would be indefinite. The consensus was to have the term of 90 days with the option of renewing in 90 day increments. Interim City Attorney Waugh stated per the agreement the contract can be terminated by Interim City Manager Van Wagner by providing a fifteen -day written notice. Interim City Manager Van Wagner would be an employee of the City and be compensated $16,000.00 per month for all services. Council discussed the section regarding Interim City Manager Van Wagner using his personal vehicle for City business and would like the City to be listed as additional insured. The City will provide a cell phone, laptop and desk top for his use. Discussion ensued on time off, accruing sick/vacation leave and general provisions which included following the public records law. Mayor Murry opened the public hearing. Matt Modica, 2005 US Hwy 27 - spoke in opposition of appointing Mr. Van Wagner as Interim City Manager. Joe Fumasi, 2693 Jumping Jack Way - spoke in support of Mr. Van Wagner as Interim City Manager. Paula Hoisington, 564 E. Desoto Street - spoke in opposition of appointing Mr. Van Wagner as Interim City Manager. Samii Yakovetik, Hartwood Reserve - spoke in support of Mr. Van Wagner as Interim City Manager. City of Clermont MINUTES CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING December 17, 2024 Vincent Niemiec, Regency Hills — spoke in support of Mr. Van Wagner as Interim City Manager. John Tidona, 3611 Briar Run Drive — spoke in support of Mr. Van Wagner as Interim City Manager. Larry Oskin— 3500 Windansea Court — spoke in opposition of appointing Mr. Van Wagner as Interim City Manager. Sharon Keys, 644 W. Osceola Street — spoke about the conflict of interest. John Remson, 618 Kensington Drive — spoke in support of Mr. Van Wagner as Interim City Manager. Otis Taylor, 3686 Caladesi Road — spoke in opposition of appointing Mr. Van Wagner as Interim City Manager. Rebecca Van Wagner, 4228 Fawn Meadows — spoke in support of Mr. Van Wagner as Interim City Manager. Mayor Murry closed the public hearing. Council Member Howard stated his support for Interim City Manager Van Wagner and feels he is invested in the City and believes this is a good fit until a City Manager can be hired. Council Member Strange and Council Member Petersen expressed their support. Council Member Strange moved to adopt the contract subject to the following changes: Section 2A, 90 days with an auto renewal for another 90-day period unless terminated per paragraph 2B, Section 3B will be revised that Mr. Van Wagner will be paid bi-weekly�at such times determined by the City. Section 3C will read that Mr. Van Wagner shall maintain his own automobile insurance and add the City of Clermont as an additional insured on the policy and shall indemnify and hold the City harmless for any damages arising out of or related to any accident involving his personal vehicle, seconded by Council Member Howard. Interim City Manager Van Wagner expressed his commitment to the City and stated that he is here to serve the community. Mayor Murry expressed his opposition to appointing Mr. Van Wagner as Interim City Manager. Council Member Myers stated that Council needs to move forward and conduct the business of the City. Passed 4-1 with Mayor Murry opposing_ Item No. 2 — Interim City Attorney Contract Interim City Attorney Waugh stated that the contract is a copy of the previous City Attorney contract with the same terms. The contract would be retroactive to December 11, 2024. His office will be an independent contractor and will work with the previous City Attorney on the transition. Council Member Howard moved to accept the Interim City Attorney contract, seconded by Council Member Strange. Mayor Murry opened the public hearing. There were no comments. Mayor Murry closed the public hearing. 2 City of Clermont MINUTES CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING December 17, 2024 Council discussed the pay within the contract. Passed unanimously 5-0 with all members present voicing Ue. Item No. 3 — Discuss RFQ requirements for City Attorney and City Manager Interim City Attorney Waugh informed Council that they have to determine what they are looking for in a City Manager and City Attorney. Council Member Howard stated that he would like to hire a headhunter to find a City Manager. He would like someone who is successful with demonstrable skills, there needs to be a wide net that a firm could cast to find applicants. He spoke about the process that Lake County Schools went through when they hired the Superintendent. The process should be concise but not rushed. Mayor Murry informed Council of the process previous Council went through when they hired the previous City Manager. Procurement Director Suarez reviewed the processes of requests for proposals, requests for qualifications and having Human Recourses post a position. Discussion ensued on which process Council would like to move forward with. Council Member Howard expressed his desire to hire a firm for the City Manager and post a Request for Qualification for a City Attorney. Council Member Strange would like to post the City Manager position while they do a request for qualifications for a firm to find a City manager. Discussion was had regarding the process and the length of time it can take to hire a City Manager. Procurement Director Suarez stated that he will draft a request for qualifications for a firm to search for a City Manager and bring it back to Council. Council Member Howard stated that the request for qualifications for a City Attorney can move forward quickly. Mayor Murry opened the public hearing. Paula Hoisington, 564 E. Desoto Street — strongly encouraged the process of going through a head hunter. Samii Yakovetik, Hartwood Reserve — get the most qualified person to fill this position. Rebecca Van Wagner, 4228 Fawn Meadows — spoke about resources to find City Managers actively looking for positions. Mayor Murry closed the public hearing. Council Member Petersen and Council Member Myers were both in favor of hiring a headhunter to find a City Manager. Council Member Howard moved to approve the request for qualifications process for recruitment of a CityManager, seconded by Council Member Myers. Discussion ensued on firms that provide the service of finding a City Manager. City of Clermont MINUTES CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING December 17, 2024 Passed unanimously 5-0 with all members present voicing Ue. Council Member Howard stated that the Council could hire a City Attorney without using a headhunter. Council Member Howard moved to place a request for qualifications for a City Attorney seconded by Council Member Myers. Council discussed putting standards on the request for qualifications. Council Member Howard amended his motion to place a request for qualifications for a City Attorney that is Board Certified in Real Estate and a minimum of ten years in municipal Florida government law: seconded by Council Member Myers. Passed unanimously 5-0 with all members present voicing Ue. Item No. 4 — Outside Agency Board Appointments Interim City Manager Van Wagner informed Council that Council Member Petersen rescinded his appointment to Clermont Main Street. Council also did not appoint a liaison to the South Lake Chamber of Commerce, which Council Member Petersen showed interest. Council Member Howard moved to appoint Council Member Petersen as the liaison to the South Lake Chamber of Commerce: seconded by Council Member Strange. Passed unanimously 5-0 with all members present voicing, aye. Clermont Main Street is appointed by the City Manager. Patrick Bianchi, Clermont Main Street, explained that the bylaws state the City Manager appoints the ex- officio, non -voting member. The meetings are held on Wednesdays at 8:30am at the City Center. Council Member Howard expressed his interest. Interim City Manager Van Wagner appointed Council Member Howard to Clermont Main Street. ADJOURN: With no further comments, this meeting adjourned at 9:05pm. Tracy Ackroyd City Clerk 4 APPROVED: Tim Murry, Mayor