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01.08.2025 - City Council MinutesCity of Clermont MINUTES CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP January 8, 2025 CALL TO ORDER The City Council met in a workshop session on Wednesday, January 8, 2025 in the Clermont City Council Chambers. Mayor Murry called the workshop to order at 4:00 pm with the following Council Members present: Council Members Howard, Strange, and Petersen. Absent — Council Member Myers Other City officials present were Interim City Manager Van Wagner, and Deputy City Clerk Wisniewski. AGENDA ITEMS Item No. 1 - Ordinance No. 2025-001, Land Development Code Amendment for Square Footage in the Central Business District Change Discussion Development Services Director Henschel explained that the proposed ordinance changes the square footage requirement for a Conditional Use Permit from 3,000 square feet to 6,000 square feet in the Downtown Business District. The ordinance also removes the parking section, this is a duplicate and is already in another part of the code. Discussion ensued on the square footage of the buildings in the district. There is a smaller percentage of buildings over 6,000 square feet than 3,000 square feet. The height requirements in the Central Business District were discussed; 45 foot is the maximum for habitable and 55 foot is the maximum for commercial. The ordinance will not change the height requirement for the district. There are specific uses that will warrant the need for a Conditional Use Pen -nit that will not change with this ordinance. Council Member Howard stated that he brought this forward with the thought of updating language to remove the layers of additional government and make it simple. The purpose behind this ordinance is a roadmap to get the city to increase the density downtown. This would make it easier to develop and increase the density by way of residential, professional office and retail, which would bring people downtown during the week. Discussion ensued on the square footage Council is comfortable with allowing without a Conditional Use Permit and if there should be language regarding a footprint size with height versus a blanket 6,000 square feet. Council Member Strange stated that she supports the vision of the item but would like to see the full comprehensive vision. Mayor Murry agreed with creating a simpler process for developers but is not in agreement with a 6,000 square foot building not needing a Conditional Use Permit. City of Clermont MINUTES CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP January 8, 2025 Council Member Howard explained that this would allow existing buildings to go vertical without triggering a need for a Conditional Use Permit. Council was informed on the process of obtaining a Conditional Use Permit. Council Member Strange spoke about the boundary and the whole area affected by this change. Mayor Murry opened public comment. Patrick Bianchi, Clermont Main Street — spoke in support of the ordinance. This would give the smaller structures the encouragement to go up. Jeff Powell, 713 W. Montrose — spoke about his lot downtown and the potential of going vertical. Discussion was had regarding regulations on the footprint and height of buildings versus a blanket square footage and the current structures in the downtown area. Council Member Howard stated that this ordinance was brought as a starting point. The square footage can be higher or lower dependent on what Council feels is a sufficient square footage to not have to warrant a Conditional Use Permit. This was brought forward aimed at the Central Business District and based on the entirety of that area. Council Member Petersen stated that he is in support of the ordinance as written. Bryan Bain, 245 Nautica Mile Drive — spoke in support of infill, keep the square footage manageable. He would like Council to decide on square footage and state that before this returns to the Planning and Zoning Commission. Council Member Strange is in support of 6,000 square feet as a footprint, willing to go to three stories approved with rooftop activation. Mayor Murry stated that he would like to see the square footage be 5,000 instead of 6,000 square feet. Discussion ensued regarding factoring width and how many stories a building would like to be into when a Conditional Use Permit is needed. Valerie Schuett, 931 W. Montrose — spoke in support of the item. Vincient Niemiec, Regency Hills — spoke regarding rooftop activation, there are residents in the downtown area. 2 City of Clermont MINUTES CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP January 8, 2025 Item No. 2 - Ordinance No. 2025-002, Land Development Code Amendment for the Central Business District Parking Discussion Development Services Director Henschel stated that this ordinance has three core changes. The first change is to eliminate parking requirements for a sub set area of the Central Business District for retail and office use. This would only be applicable to single story buildings on the first floor of any structure within the sub set area. The second change would make it that if any new development within the Central Business District is unable to provide the required parking onsite, they would have the option to pay $3,000 per space into a downtown parking fee. This payment would go into a dedicated fund designated for parking in the downtown area, and may be increased through a resolution passed by City Council at any time. This would eliminate the need to seek a parking variance before City Council and allow the development to proceed with the payment of the parking fee. The third change is an increase in the required parking for specific land uses outside the Central Business District. A moderate increase in multi -family parking is being proposing the percentage of increase ranges from 20 to 34 percent. In the hospital, clinics, assisted congregate living facilities and nursing home land use, the assisted congregate living facilities land use is separating into its own category indicating two parking spaces per four beds, one per each doctor and two per every four employees. The final parking adjustment would be for boarding houses, there would be an increase from one parking space to three parking spaces per bedroom. Council Member Howard said he brought this forward to help with increasing the density downtown by absorbing the parking and putting those funds towards a parking structure so the City is not reliant on leased parking lots. There can be a structure built that is unique and tie walkable pedestrian paths for people to move around downtown. This will bring more businesses into the downtown area. Council Member Strange does not feel government should subsidize businesses and is in support of the property owners paying to contribute towards the parking solution. Discussion ensued on a parking garage, the amount per parking space being a sufficient amount and the businesses it will attract to the downtown area. Mayor Murry opened public comment. Marie Suarez, Kings Ridge — spoke about the need for public transportation around the city. Patrick Bianchi, Clermont Main Street — spoke about exemptions in place for infill development. David Colby, South Lake Chamber of Commerce — spoke about the need of support from government, businesses will contribute with the help from the city. City of Clermont MINUTES CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP January 8, 2025 Darrow Loucks, 2127 Braxton Street — spoke about the walkability from a parking garage to the downtown area. Council Member Strange would like to do a charrette regarding parking in the downtown area. Discussion was had regarding a parking garage, the current need, where it should be located and the cost to build. Council Member Howard informed Council of the ordinance in front of them and it being the first step in getting a parking garage for the downtown area. Discussion ensued regarding the language in the ordinance and the boundary of the area. Item No. 3 - Other No further comments. ADJOURN: With no further comments, this workshop adjourned at 6:19pm. ATTEST: Tracy Ackroyd Howe, MMC City Clerk APPROVED: Tim Murry, Mayor 4