1977-12 r ,. .' ~~, 9ad:F~ &J~ -e~.9'dk ~ P. O. BOX 8 MOUNT DORA. FLORIDA 32757 (9041 383.6300 P. O. BOX 98 EUSTIS. FLORIDA 32726 (904) 357 -3 1 4 1 P. O. BOX 400 CLERMONT. FLORIDA 3271\ (904) 394-3256 H. J. GREENLEE. JR. C. P. A. RICHARD A. PAUL. C. P. A. WILLIAM M. FURNAS. C. P. A. .OTHY A. KURRAS. C. P. A. RRY D. BROWN. C. P. A. Clermont, Florida May 26, 1977 MEMBERS AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS FLORIDA INSTITUTE OF CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS To The Honorabilie Mayor and City Council City of Clermont, Florida Clermont, Florida 32711 Gentlemen: This letter outlines our understanding of are to perform for you during the coming year. will be continued thereafter on the same terms party. the accounting services we We understand that services until terminated by either We will p:vovide such auditing services as you require, on;.an annual basis, and more often when needed by you. These services will be performed in a manner designed to permit our expression of an opinion upon your year- end statements, and to fulf~ll the auditing requirements of Federal and state agencies, that may from time to time require special audit reports from you. All auditing services will be performed in accordance with a applicable generally accepted auditing standards. Any restrictions upon our annual audit which would cause us to render other than an unqualified opinion, will be discussed with you prior to the completion of our work. As is common auditing practice, we will not make a detail examination of all your transactions, nor will our work necessarily discover fraud, should any exist, although a discovery may result. Should any irregularity be found, it will immediately be called to your attention. In some instances, state and/or Federal agencies require that certain information, we would not ordinarily.) disclose to third parties, be disclosed direct to them by us. Your permission to make such disclosures will be assumed by your approval of this letter. We will make every effort to complete your reports in a timely manner, and will deliver your year-end report to you within sixty (60) days following notification to us by you that your books are completed for the year, unless unforeseen problems arise in your work. If any delays become anticipated, this will be discussed with you at an early date. In this regard, we will begin work on your audit no later than the day following your fiscal year, and will plan, with your permission, to begin at a time earlier than that when our work schedule permits. . I Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Clermont, Florida May 26, 1977 Page 2 Our work will be billed to you at our regular hourly rates, which will be furnished to you at your request from time to time, plus out- of-pocket expenses. Hourly rates in effect at the time this letter is wri tten are: Partner Professional Staff Clerical $25.00 17.00 5.00 where partners are used for work ordinarily performed by a staff accountant, appropriate fee reduction will be made. If you find these terms agreeable, we would appreciate your signing one copy and returning it to us ln the enclosed envelope. HJG/csl Approved by: City of Clermont, Florida By (]I ~ ( Yours very truly, GREENLEE, PAUL, FURNAS & KURRAS '" tt~E SE ~'. . I RI=T RN ,11, l r I r;, ..,p., "I !fAR . "--~~;-~, !.. , . r . ,I REFER AL.L MAnERS OTHER THAN PAYMENTS TO OUR W~"NCH OFTICE S(RVING "fOU rn Litton MO~~OfE o9Q BOX 9000R MOflRISTOWN. N J 07960 The Calculator Company DUNS 194-4164 FED 1.0.22-1124150 ....~ ~.;~.:~o ".~iiJ:r:Ji~[;r;J\Jltm f@ ;' , . _. - ~ ,~', ' . .'< - .'; . .'".. t:,~L~:~!:~-,,:;~.': ,.1' '.,". ' , S,)IO I() C I TV OF CLERMONT lW GATE PLAZA CLERMONT FLA 32711 ',.) L ~ .,. ~ ......:J fl,JU!.1SC.q PAGE 1 06/03/77 8691000002 ALWAYS REFER TO THIS INVOICE BY THE ABOVE DATE AND NUMBER I I I. - .~T1E"~TJor.~ OF RECEIVED J l'~' 1 0 19n REMIT TO: MONROE DIVISION ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE P.O. BOX 9000R MORRISTOWN. N:J. 07960 * SEE f/EVERSE SIDE FOR MAINTENI\NCE C.UM?I\NTI E COVIf1I\GE TERMS: NET 30 DAYS. NO DISCOUNT 'I,:: .TR . _.l , R. MODEL NUM8ER SERIAL NO. LOCATlONeREMARK'5.TAXES GUARANTEE PERtOO rROM TO BRANCH AMOUNT 1405 F9&9845 05/30/77 05/30/78 04-182 42.00 ri ,v I. S. THAT TRUE. RRIS JERSEY } S. S. :-c SWEAR '.; A:-;COUNT IS JUST THIS 7.~~<..~.. j ..m.~.IhLt!a{& PUBLIC OF NEW JERSE;'G 'JOYCE M. LOMBAR I NOTARY PU lIC OF NEW JE SEY My Commissi n ryni'~c; Jan. 19 1982 TOTAL TAX AMOUNT TOTAL ...ACHINE A...OUNT S[LLeR H.....S. FUl.l" CO""lPll[D ,^nHTHf '^lH t. "'nOR '~"'T^'.ClARns AC.l Of" 1'11A .\c:, "'....1'..1), D PRINT[O IN USA 60~".1I REV 7 /75 ORIGINAL INVOICE CHARGES OR CREDITS rOR OTtt[R THAN A rtJll YEAR ARE 84S[0 ON A 30 DAY MONTH AT 1/360 or TN!: YfARLY CONTRACT RATE PER OAY :, : A, A'wl), j'. T PLEASE PAY 42.00 I' t.: ( ':~