O-393-M ,~ . . · .'Õ , · CITY OF CLERMONT MISCELLANEOUS ORDINANCE No. 393-M AN ORDINANCE UNDER THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA, PROVIDING FOR THE ANNEXATION OF A CERTAIN PARCEL OF LAND CONTIGUOUS TO THE PRESENT CITY BOUNDARIES; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Clennont, Florida has received a Petition for Annexation of a parcel of land contiguous to the present corporate limits under Section 171.044, Florida Statutes, and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Clennont, Florida, has determined that it is in the best interest of the City and of the property herein sought to be annexed that the City annex the following described property, and · WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that the area sought to be annexed is contiguous to the City and is in need of the services which the City can offer and the City has determined that such area sought to be annexed will be substantially benefited by annexation, and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that all requirements of Section 171.044, Florida Statutes, have been met. SECTION 1: NO~ THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, under the provisions of Florida Statute Chapter 171 and the General and Special Laws of the State of Florida; that the City of Clennont, Florida, does hereby annex to and make part of its corporate boundaries, the following described property contiguous to the present City boundary, to-wit: That portion of tract 61, map of the property of Lake Highlands Company of Lake County Florida, according to the plat thereof, as recorded in plat book 3, page 24, of the public records of Lake County Florida, situated in section 32, township 22 south, range 26 east, Lake County Florida, lying east of the east right of way of State Road 27, Lake County Florida. SECTION 2: That the afored~scribed property shall be and hereby is made part and parcel of the City of Clennont, Florida, and that said property shall be subject to all of the laws, ordinances, and provisions · pertaining to the City of Clennont. " . · · · .' . . CITY OF CLERMONT MISCELLANEOUS ORDINANCE No. 393-M Page - 2 - .' SECTION 3: All property aforedescribed shall henceforth be subject to ad valorem taxation by the City of Clennont, and any other general or special taxes or assessments, SECTION 4: Should any section or part of a section be declared invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, such adjudications shall not apply or affect any other provision of this ordinance, except to the extent that the entire section or part of the section may in separable in meaning and effect from the section to which such holding shall apply. SECTION 5: This ordinance shall be published as provided by law, and it shall become law and take effect upon its second reading and Final passage. First Reading on the 14h day of March 2000. Second Reading on the 28th day of March 2000. PASSED AND ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, LAKE COU!'ITY, FLORIDA THIS 28th DAY OF MARCH 2000. .. HAROLD S, TURVILLE, JR. Mayor ATTEST: ~ ~~E. VAN · · · , , . . February 28, 2000 .' Spring Valley Ltd, 2909 West S.R. 434 - Ste. 121-131 Longwood, FL 32779 To Whom It May Concern: Re: Proposed Annexation -Property generally located at the northeast corner of Tract 61 approximately ,25 acre of Lost Lake Reserve. Dear Property Owner: As an owner of property within 150 feet of the above described property, it is our duty to inform you that a petition for annexation has been received by the City of Clermont and will be considered, A public meeting to consider the annexation request will be held before the City Council on Tuesday, March 21, 1999 at 7:30 P,M, for final enactment. This meeting will be held in Jenkins Auditorium located at 691 West Montrose Street. All interested parties will be given an opportunity to express their views on this matter, You are inviíed to give written or verbal comments regarding this request. If you have any questions you may contact the Planning Department at 394-4083, Sincerely, Jane C. McAllister Planning Technician . . PURCHASE ORDER · 5519 f>~L , TO LAKE:- ~&trr t1J6 L. ADDRESS SHI P TO .' ADDRESS .' ¡¡ REQ. NO. I FOR DATE r~ ,¡ ,;l-.:J«-t'O U f':OATE REQUIR~O HOW SHIP TERMS t ì , ., ~f:'''''''''''- ' ~~:~.'::;¡;;;;'~:I~.''''----~¡ I ' 2 i , 7ò tE& fi"lNV .3 -7 -oo¡ 3-/1-00J ..3-;)/-00. · 3 4 5 , 6 7 8 9 10 11 ,\€JtJ/...£ I1/IJAJf:jC, \ . 12 . -, -..'~.......~.,~--- ' l . ......"" " ¡ .?~~,~~o~'tr~,'[M€~~c"'~'i,~¡P?t.. "-EASE SEND eo< COR6 OF YOUR INVOICE '.... u'.p\"E.AS·¡¡.N5.'TIFVd $CliWJ' Ebl'A.T.E.L"I~F.. ~~' I ~( U Aflt¡ ¡¡,TO'!; IP ¡:PMPI£'TE. ,;OAOEI'I'i',ØA ,$~~If D,:'i"::'< ., " . f", ' ";,~·,h,.".-,:.:,.~"\,.:_.,_\.t,·:),..,~.,,,/,, PU CHASING AGENT ,-~_._-_'.-:.:':""._'~.J..:"';~ ,'·'-.11·(,·.,........_ , ' , _--,:,,~~ REI),,,,,,"- OR INAL 1L 141/01141 " · . . , . " . . · · · . . LEGAL NOTICE The City Council of the City of Clermont will consider the enactment of the following proposed ordinance at the regular scheduled meeting to be held Tuesday, March 28, 2000 at 7:30 P.M, at Jenkins Auditorium located at 691 West Montrose Street. All interested parties will be given an opportunity to express their views on this matter. ORDINANCE NO, 393-M AN ORDINANCE UNDER THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA, PROVIDING FOR THE ANNEXATION OF A CERTAIN PARCEL OF LAND CONTIGUOUS TO THE PRESENT CITY BOUNDARIES; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION, LEGAL DESCRIPTION That portion or tract 61, map of the property of Lake Highlands Company of Florida, according to the plat thereof, as recorded in plat book 3, page 24, of the public records of Lake County Florida, situated in section 32, township 22 south, range 26 east, Lake County Florida, lying east of the east right of way of State Road 27, Lake County Florida. See map below This ordinance is available for public inspection in the office of the City Clerk, #1 Westgate Plaza, Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. Please be advised that, under State law, if you should decide to appeal a decision made with 'respect to this matter, you will need a record of the proceedings, and may need to ensure that a verbatim record is made. Joseph E, Van Zile City Clerk March 7,14,21,2000 Lake Sentinel , , , · . ' . - .' ----,"-- · . . .." . ~ '. . .' .~ .' ." - . - - . . · .' . City of Clermont 352-394-4083 Phone Ext. 310 352-394-3542 Fax · MEMORANDUM Date: To: From: Subject: February 24, 2000 Lake County Property Appraisers Office Jane McAllister, Planning Tech II Print out of property records ~ We need a property record card printout for the following property: Tract 52 west of the highway, Lake Highlands, Sec. 32-22-26 ~c¡ <"2.7- U /~o We also need a copy of the Sub Lot Block numbers, which will help us look up properties on your web site, '3 L. _ '1. 7. - -z-t- tØt?tf:3 - tzV - øct&O Thanks for all your help. . . ~K~' COUNTY PROPERTY REccI"cARD ALTERNATE KEY: 3565819 . Run: 2/25/2000 3:24PM Page: 1 SPRING VALLEY LTD PARCEL 32-22-26-000300000600 NBHD 6600 ALT KEY 3565819 MILL GRP 0003 PC 54 LOC NOTES 32-22-26 2909 W STATE ROAD 434 STE 121-131 LONGWOOD FL 32779 ~GAL DESCRIPTION ------------------------------------------------------------- BE 1/4 OF SW 1/4, NW 1/4 OF SW 1/4 OF BE 1/4 SW'LY OF US 27 ORB 1620 PO 2471 LAND LINE 1 DATA USE FRONT 5400 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------- DEPTH NOTES o # UNIT 42,65 TYPE AC RATE DEPTH LOC SHP 1550.00 1,00 1.00 1.00 TOTAL PHYS 1. 00 CLASS VAL 9383 9383 JUST VAL 66108 66108 MISCELLANEOUS IMPROVEMENTS --------------------------------------------------------------- NBR TYPE X NUMBER UNITS TYPE LENGTH WIDTH YEAR GRADE LIFE RCN VALUE DEPR VALUE ---- TOTAL DEPRECIATED VALUE: 0 SALES HISTORY --------------------------------------------------------------- O. R, 0, R, SALE INSTRUMENT TRAN QUAL VAC SALE APPR CHG BOOK PAGE DATE CODE UNQUAL IMPR PRICE VALUE DATE 1620 2471 6/11/1998 WD WARRANTY D3 M MULTIPLE SV 1 66,108 6/29/1998 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ EXEMPTIONS CD VALUE 8 56725 YEAR 1999 RENEW peT o 1. 000 AMT APP 56725 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL VALUES BLD-RCN-VAL BLD-DEP-VAL o 0 --------------------------------------------------------------- MIS-DEP-VAL EQUIPMENT-VAL o 0 LAND-VAL 66108 MARKET ADJ o TOTAL-J-VAL TOT-EXPT-VAL TAXABLE VAL PREV-TX-VAL PREV-JUST NEW-CON-VAL 66108 56725 9383 9383 66108 o . . · · · . . Page 1 of I Wednesday, February 23, 2000 Property Records Search Results Alternate Key: 1648441 SEIDLE WILUAM D ET AL C/O BILL SEIDLES NISSAN 2900 NW 36TH ST MIAMI, FL33142 Legal Description: LAKE HIGHLANDS 32-22-26 TRACT 61--LESS HWYn Land Data Line Use 1 1000 Parcel: 09-22-26-140006100000 Alt Key: 1648441 Mill Grp: 0003 Lac Notes: ORB 618 PG 1330 Front Depth o # Unit 8,4 Type AC Totals: Class Value o o Just Value 262500 262500 Notes o Building Characteristics Section Type Section Number Ext Wall Type Number of Stories Floor Area Sales History O.R. Book O,R. Page Sale Date Instrument Qualified/Unqualified Vac Impr Sale Price 618 1330 01/01/1976 v 40000 MI Q Total Just Value Total Exempt Value Total Taxable Value 262500 o 262500 . May Refiect Save-Our-Homes Limitations Sketch It ~ The site designed and hosted by Welsco Computers Inc. Problems with this site? E-mail the Web master. ©Copyrlght 1999 Lake County Property Appraiser. All rights reserved, · · · . February 24, 2000 Mr. Robert Shaker Jaymark Builders and Developers Inc. 230 Mohawk Road Clennont, FL 34711 Re: Hearing date for annexation - William D, Seidle Et Al Dear Sir, . Your request to annex the above described property into the City of Clennont will be considered by the City Council at a public hearing to be held Tuesday, March 28, 2000 at 7:30 p.m. in the Jenkins Auditorium located at 691 West Montrose Street. If I can be of any assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Jane C, McAllister Planning Technician cc: William D. Seidle Et Al c/o Bill Seidles Nissan 2900 N,W, 36th Street Miami, FL 33142 .. . . ~ . . CITY OF CLERMONT CHECK LIST FOR ANNEXATION APPLICATION COMPLETION The following required information shall be submitted when applying for an ANNEXATION, 1. /' V' V General application form (pages 4 and 5), LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Copy of the latest TAX RECEIPT or recorded WARRANTY DEED' showing who the current fee simple title holders are (owner), Petition of Landowners for Annexation (pages 2 and 3). 2. 3. 4. /' Authorization for agent/owner representation (page 6). 5. v Map showing general area of site for which ANNEXATION is being requested. FILING FEE: $50,00 NOTE: ALL TERRITORY ANNEXED INTO THE CITY OF CLERMONT IS AUTOMATICALLY CLASSIFIED AS BEING WITHIN THE URBAN ESTATE (UE) ZONING DISTRICT, A SEPARATE APPLICATION AND FEE IS REQUIRED FOR REZONING, PROCEDURES 1. The proposed use of the property must be assessed to determine if there will be an increase in demand on the water or wastewater systems prior to submittal of the application, Any increase in demand on the water or wastewater systems will be subject to impact fees. 2. Application shall be submitted to the Planning & Zoning Department no later than the 15th day of the month prior to the desired scheduled meeting date in order to be con!)idered for public hearing, - 3. Upon receipt of a COMPLETE & CORRECT application, the Planning & Zoning Department shall proceed with the request for a public hearing in accordance with the following: A. The owners of all property lying within one hundred fifty (150) feet of the property requested to be annexed shall be notified by mail. 4. B. A legal advertisement of the request shall be advertised in a local newspaper prior to the meeting date, Failure to provide an accurate and complete application will result in automatic rejection and return of the application and delay of the hearing date. . . . . . PETITION OF LANDOWNERS(S) FOR ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN PROPERTY TO THE CITY OF CLERMONT WE, the undersigned landowner(s) pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 59-1497 (Senate Bill No. 912), Laws of Florida, Regular Session 1959, entitled AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 9820, LAWS OF FLORIDA, SPECIAL ACT OF 1923, AS AMENDED, BEING THE CHARTER OF THE C'ITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA, TO PROVIDE ENABLING LEGISLATION FOR THE FUTURE ANNEXATION OF CONTIGUOUS TERRITORY BY PETITION AND CONSENT OF THE LANDOWNER(S) IN THE AREA SOUGHT TO BE ANNEXED: PROVIDING THAT SAID PROVISIONS SHALL BE CUMULATIVE: PROVIDING THAT THE PROPERTY ANNEXED SHALL BE LIABLE FOR ITS PROPORTIONATE SHARE OF THE EXISTING AND FUTURE INDEBTEDNESS OF SAID CITY, AND PROVIDING THAT SUCH ANNEXED TERRITORY SHALL BE SUBJECT TO ALL· LAWS AND ORDINANCES OF SAID CITY AS IF ALL OF SUCH TERRITORY HAD BEEN A PART OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT AT THE TIME OF THE PASSAGE AND APPROVAL OF SAID LAWS AND ORDINANCES, AND FIXING EFFECTIVE DATE, hereby petition that the hereinafter described real estate be annexed to, and become a part of the city limits of the Cityof Clermont, a municipal corporation in Lake County, Florida, created and existing pursuant to Chapter 9820, Laws of Florida, Special Acts of 1923, and amendatory and supplementary acts thereto, and we, jointly and severally, consent to such annexation of such area to said City of Clermont and upon annexation sought by this petition, all of the property, real and personal, within such area, and the inhabitants thereof, shall be subject to the government, jurisdiction, powers, franchises, duties and privileges of said City of Clermont, Florida and the said property shall be liable, proportionally, for all the present outstanding and existing, as well as future, indebtedness of the said City of Clermont; that all of the ordinances of the City of . Clermont and aiL laws heretofore passed by the Legislature of the State of Florida, relating to and which now or hereafter constitute its Charter shall apply to have the same force and effect in such territory as may be annexed under the provisions hereof as if all of such territory has been part of the City of Clermont at the time of the passage and approval of said laws and ordinances. . . . . . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we, the undersigned landowners, as petitioners, have hereunto set our hands and seals as of the ..;1'3 day of FdJR.LAI}f¿J ' t9:.dOOP Legal description of the property: (Type, print in black ink, or attach a copy of the warranty deed or current tax receipt). ïWAT ()ûR-\\D(\' of TR~L.'I ~ I) MAp, õt--t~ P({òp.e~+~ Df +H-£ LA,(<'L µ~n.lo...~S' COt'Y\.Pfh·1..,':S,ÒF FI DR~A-, ACe.DI<J.~ ~ -\h.e.. p\l'-+ '\-\.-L1t"- <>~} ~ P ec..æ,Qd...aI \V\. P\ttt, ßoo¡¿ -.:_ po-~e .,)'-I} Dr 'th.e, pl.Lbl,·t.,' RecoU.5, ð-{2 I-~COlJ,.t'\.~ Flo(.).l.{ft) SlTLLI'++:ec< ÌY\ 'Sec,:\-q)V'\ 3;;<. +owV\sh.\.p Q.;1. SÖlA-th) (ì(.JAV\.~e. J(P lMt-) Lf\-K..R.. CÐL<.V'\.~ noR.\clA I L~lIl1.'1 tAS't- of ~ , êt!-~-+ Q~\¡uI;- 6.\ w~ \;'1\(. <>+ stf'\--k., Rt:a...d. ~ '1 J L¡>.l<.e Co~ ÇI(j("Jp ~.¡. -c:;ø- Landowner (Petitioner) N~L hh.Q-"3/9IJ!l) Date .'i1"".... DeAnn" Gruo * * My Commission CC908067 > . ....y. ~'"' rWU...,.M,lOIl4 My Commission I::Xplres: l'ð' DeAnne Grus *ir * My Comml,slon CC900Oð7 .....,'.....'.1' Expires Febru8ry 06, 2004 .' . ANNEXATION APPLICATION - CITY OF CLERMONT . Please. type or print - use black pen only. (' OR-VI e oR.. (ì f rrRlI\:cT Lo \ /I 'f~ JVðiRiH eA.s+ PR.(),)/'~rik5 . ;y; (tc..~e /)f Lùs+ We «..~e{<.v'€- . 1. Property address or general location: 2. Owner's name: Address: p, 0, hOX I ') \ 0'-\ lo, cJ ~t£.t'V\ ötf\ + r l ,-:S 41/ \ Telephone: Home: Work: '35 J. - ,:sq LÆ - 10 ¡'lIP 3. . Applicant's name: ?òb.e.d ~S ho... 1(0- t2... Address: J 30 m () ~'\fl\Á j \f, ~ Oo<d" CJ~(êWl ò VL T rL 347)\ Telephone: Home: Work: 3'5:> - J. ~;). - 00'13 1-05+ 1-",\<.<:. R.~~¡µ';-I¡L.c. (y\AV\~EÇ\. ~: 4, Agent's name: :-\~ýY1.ftKK {~U.·l \d...e.,2S ffvv1 µeVe.lDPQfS ~c:... Address: ,j ~[) v'Y\oI.1.Awl,z ~e>:>.r1 Clt"RMbnl- FL 3q'ì\ l . Telephone: Home: Work: 3 5') - J.4':} - OD '7 3 5, App6cant is: Owner:_ Agent: ~urchaser:_ Lessee:_Optionee_ 6. Area of property: .;?S' Aèi.~ +/- s/f +/- acres 7. The property is PRESENTLY used for: \J A(' 14 v'L + Ì- An [) 8, Property is PROPOSED to be used for: P Ll 'Û . . . 9. The EXISTING COUNTY ZONING is: C 6YV\ (V1 .R vt (I ì 4l . *Property annexed Into the City Is automatically zoned UE (Urban Estate). Separate ',. application and fee Is required for rezoning. 10. Number of existing structures on the property and their present use: V\nv\~ 11. State the reason or basis for this request: -tD Ad i 0 ,. V\ f+ ppe.\flt)u-SI~ ~LlN'lAo.<;ed PI\RI'~.\ 12. State the EXACT LEGAL DESCRIPTION as shown on the Tax Receipt or Warranty Deed (or attach a copy below). Section 3d-. ,Township ¿)'J.- ,Range d (P . SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION LEGAL DESCRIPTION THAT PORTION OF TRACT 61, MAP OF THE PROPERTY OF LAKE HIGHLANDS COMPANY OF FLORIDA, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 3, PAGE 24, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF LAKE COUNTY FLORIDA, SITUATED IN SECTION 32 TOWNSHIP 22 SOUTH, RANGE 26 EAST, LAKE COUNTY FLORIDA, LYING EAST OF THE EAST RI~I:IT OF WAY LINE OF STATE ROAD 27. LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA . .' . OWNER/AGENT AFFIDAVIT (ANNEXATION) · Date: rebRu.A(l~ ;¡j)dOÒO. Bef~e me, the undersigned authority personally appeared î<'obP~+ S<'.,âl.e. (owner(s) name), who being by me duly sworn on oath, deposes and says: 1. 2. · 3. That said authority is the fee-simple owner of the property legally described in this application. That said authority desires an ANNEXATION to allow: ïhAt' {-\Di2+,^ÝÌ ¡')r i,Qv::¡d ID\ ,(-. Lo...~'!. I-h~l~<¡ -k, odJl\IÍ"\ pR-eVi/JU <1,11 f)iAR,,\.1AS"&' PA-(Z.H~.\ ()ú_H'\eJ. lot¡ \ ,."t LAKe R~5e¡(V( (S-e~ I't.,\ q.l <Desa'-(JttM) ---.) L.,c. T~t said authority (owner) has appointed (agent's name) 't<.oVwiRT ghli \<.a..k' to act in its- behalf to accomplish the above, and before me the undersigned authorized agent personally appeared and being by me duly sworn on oath, deposes and says: A. That he/she affirms and certifies that he/she understands and will comply with all Ordinances, Regulations, and provisions of the City of Clermont, Florida, and that all statements and diagrams submitted herewith are true and accurate to the best of his/her knowledge and belief, and further, that this application and attachments shall become part of the Official Records of the City of Clermont, Florida, and are not returnable. B. That the Submittal requirements for the application have been completed and attached hereto as part of that application. 1...005+ LAK~ Q<?,SeP-v'e.....J L.Œ.. ~- c:=:- ~ S~~K ßl1..~\d..,(...s AtooljjN..lope.es * - v ~~ 'A-..s Yh~~~~:,;:--r _ .0 ner's"8i nature ~ ~~IIj) Sworn to and subscribed before Sworn to and subscribed before me this ...so23...day of Fév,RullR.,\, me th, is ~~ day of P'l'hRU,rv¿,,\, 1S9.Q?m¡Q. --J ~~. ""... DeAnne'alus o;¡; ~ .'..., DeAnne Grus 4w -6'- ~~*. MyCommisslonCC908087 ' ~ ~ir*MyCommI'sicnCCt080417 ¡f, f ~ 0 "..,,'/ E><pi... February06,2004 fA ~ "0.:" E><piresFebruary06,2004 Notary/PUblic, State of FL otary P 1 c, State of FL My commission expires: My commission expires: *Note: Owner must sign affidavit. When agent is representing case, both agent and owner must sign affidavit. · 6 II\å tóUIn'Ù,u CO~OIl _ ttltf.'m~.~II/~I.I:t. :1"J222b1400-06 -(10000 - , NOTICIii Of AÕ'I7ÂÜJR&rtiìdm AlCPt.",P VAIbRiPtÌ AQÜSM~tg" ", o ~'!"'\.1~'\.~~\\"!~. ~1 "~:~"III:IY!''''j''MI''HCj''o 'J' 1 1 262.5901 I 262,500] OCJ03 J ;ETOL£ WILLIAM D ET AL :~' ILL SEIDLE5 NISSAN .~ NW 36TH sr II I FL 33142 OCJ-22-26 LAKE HIGHLANDS 32-Z2-2b TRACT &1--LESS HWY-- ORB &18 PG 1330 W(...·11..¡I-'rl..· 'h...,..ri\~~M~Xft.f!.'''1J!.''''''~I''U""",,;,,\.l d ~ 1I'1'.I;J.....II:i'II;c. :N1 LAKE COUNTY GENERAL STORMWATER MSTU CH LAKE COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD CURRENT CAPITAL OUTLAY 1& ST JOHNS RIVER WM DISTRICT OCJ OKLAWAHA BASIN WATER CONS DI5T 10 SOUTH LAI~E CNiY HOSP DISTRICT 4.7330 .1000 6.7420 2.0000 .4820 .5000 1 . 0000 1,242.41 26.25 1 .76<;1. 78 525.00 126.53 131.25 262.50 TOTAL~ '1":; , t;t;7n AOYAI.OMII TAlœiÌ) I I . ,,' tH»WIP VIlLORI!ftt AHUaM/Iff'ftI ~ Illn£: "\ "A',~ n.. 4 nf\'Ot 7.." í . f WH.~".·'.uõl.1~n..· AMOttNT ..... . '.':' ~,~ .... . .....,. ,". ....., . ,"" ."".... .~:.;,.. *,. ............ PIa&ae Retain Ihis Pof1IOn for your Røoords .- " : :':"".~. .-. ~ " '...... .,.... ~, , ....:..... ...'..... . ..... . . .' '.;:::!~.;._::':.':~:'" ....,...'" _.' NON.\DV.u.o_TAQI I 'IIINED TAXES AND A8SSe8""att$ ·r·~-":,:. á 6~'Ot' 7'7 Sèe ~Y- aide fot Important tntormatlon ) Pe1d By I Nav 30 lqqq Dec 31 199~ .Jan 31 2000lFeb 29: 2000 I Mar 31 2000ì4:IFPAIDBV 'sse Pay 3.CJ20,,~~... .J."~.1...21 4 OO~.05 4,I'JA?F\F\ 4,nR1.7V - r~~cou.ecrOfl 1C011C&0I' iIf.I&oW~ _.oN .10 VA~!-Ø't~O(J( ACCOUtJT NUMBEfI I [SCO:~~'ICD I ASSESSED V{.LlIE i EXEMPì,OJ'JS I TAXABLE VALUE )AII..AI:lO!'J" ???6 1.400-nl. -ooono I I ?I.? , ...on I I?r.? , 1;'1(1\ (1(103 J IDLE WILLIAM D E1 AL Q BILL SEIDLES NISSAN 0(1 NW 36lH 51 AMI FL 33142 0'9-22-2(" LAKE HIGHLANDS 32-22-26 TRACT 61--LESS HWY-- ORB 618 PG 1330 , II! ':#,,, IN v... PV,," TO 1I01lllUKA IAKt! COUNTY TAX COILIECTOR . I'.D. IIOX la?, rAVAIIU, Pi. 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'If) 11' "" ~~ :;..-- \~G1 ..~~ '6 ~ :z:. t¡ Ly '!< 1": ..L... ~ ~ ~ -t- ~ 10. ~ ~ REMAINDER OF TRACT 61 co ('oj u:i ('oj ('oj -'-'-'-'-'-. ,I . :t: ú" ~ cr,. ~. .~.~~ <" . o r') N r o o z TRACT 62 \ \ EAST RIGHT OF VAY LINE \ \ \ . RINr.S $HnWN HFREON ARF' !:IASE() nN THI;, TH LINE Of TRACT 61. . ING AN ASSUMED SEARING OF S 89'51'57" E, -~' - ~';" - . , . . - . - - - - -..:;..... - - - . ==~: --, -~... = ':.-.". ~Tr'~S ...-- . . . - - , - - - . - - - -- - -- - -- - -- - - - - -- - -- 1. THE SURV£YOR HAS NOT A3STRACïEO THE LAND SHOWN HEREON J:OR EASËJYlENrs, RIGHT OF WAY, RESTRICTIONS OF RECORD Vv'HiCH Mp.'\'· AFFECT THE TnLE OR USE OF THE LAND 2. NO UNDERGROUND iMPROVEMENTS HAVE BF.:F.:N lOCATI::Q E:XCE'PT AS $HOWN. ]. NOT VALID Wrr."¡OUT l'HE SIGNA TLJRE AND "r-;.;£" OHiCilNAL RAISED SEAL or A I=LDRIDA LICENSE:!) SURVEYOR AND MAPPER. KE~ OF DESCRIPTION ONLY N..,A BOUNDARY SURVEY 2/22/00 1" = 50' VED BY, SAM REYlSE~: _ _ _ ~~: ""'"'" . I AMERICAN SURVEYING & MAPPING I , CERl1F1CATlON OF" AUTHORIZATION NUt.A8ER Lß,sJ'.1.' 320 ËAST SOUTH STREET SUITE 180 ORL;'NDO, FLORIDA 1 (~"7)'" ' . " ._"~--_.~ :), 1'RA(:T61 \ BV', .J H -TT j ur ~('" "'T?