2008-29 Task Order No. 25 Scope of Services Westside Water Treatment Plant Evaluation -City of Clermont This Scope of Services is Task Order #25 pursuant to the Engineering Consulting Services Agreement dated August 12th, 2003 between the City of Clermont, hereinafter referred to as "CITY", and Boyle Engineering Corporation, hereinafter referred to as "ENGINEER". A. Background The City of Clermont, (CITY) has requested Boyle Engineering (ENGINEER) to provide professional engineering services to assess implementation of a centralized water treatment facility to service customers Westside service area. ENGINEER will provide the CITY with adesk-top treatment alternative planning document with recommended treatment strategy, and present considerations for design and construction. Customer complaints for the CITY's Westside service area have typically concerned poor aesthetic water quality (from objectionable taste, odor and appearance at consumer taps). Water service has historically been provided by three separate groundwater wells dispersed throughout the distribution system. Raw water is presently dosed with chlorine to oxidize hydrogen sulfide (H2S), inactivate microbial contaminants (primary disinfection), and provide residual disinfection (secondary disinfection). While chlorination meets primary and secondary drinking water standards, additional treatment is needed to enhance finished water stability, and meet customer expectations for aesthetic water quality. Based on a preliminary review of existing conditions and discussions with CITY staff, treatment at a centralized facility offers advantages over treatment at individual well-heads. Foremost among these advantages include: capital and operations and maintenance cost savings, water security, ease of use as a remotely operated facility, opportunity to streamline operations, and leverage the CITY's resources for maximum benefit. This scope of work defines tasks for: ^ Reviewing existing water quality and treatment practices. ^ Sampling and analysis to field verify water treatment needs. ^ Identifying treatment methods capable of meeting the CITY's finished water quality goals. ^ Select treatment method based on cost and non-cost considerations. ^ Recommending a strategy for implementation. B. Scope of Services ENGINEER shall perform the engineering Scope of Services for the CITY as described herein. Task 1. Project Management and Meetings 1.1 Task Order Administration: Monitor progress of work to assure compliance with established schedule, budget and work quality requirements, and perform monthly invoicing. . Clermont Westside WTP Evaluation 2008-04-28.doc 1 BOYLE ~ AECOM 1.2 Project Meetings; Attend and participate in project meetings with CITY staff. A total of three meetings have been budgeted including a project kick-off meeting, progress meeting, and meeting to discuss the findings and recommendations of the draft Report. Task 2. Review Existing Conditions, Conduct Field Sampling, and Identify Treatment Needs This task includes a review of existing conditions, field sampling at each well-head by ENGINEER, and identification of water treatment needs for the Westside service area. 2.1 Historical Data and Existin;7 System Review: ENGINEER will compile the CITY's historical data for raw and finished water quality and customer complaint data in the Westside service area. The review will establish additional water quality and sampling activities at each well to quantify treatment necessary to meet the CITY's water quality goals. The historical data will be presented graphically for trending and analysis. 2.2 Field Sampling: ENGINEER will sample the CITY's raw and finished water at each well. ENGINEER'S effort involves: 2.2.1 Preparing a field sampling plan summarizing sampling locations, water quality parameters, and analytical procedures. 2.2.2 Conducting site visits and implementing the sampling effort over a 4-day period. 2.2.3 Retaining a Certified Analytical laboratory to provide sampling kits, analytical services, and analytical quality control. ENGINEER'S budget includes $4,500 for analytical laboratory costs. 2.3 Identify Treatment Needs: ENGINEER will compile field data and identify treatment objectives for each well. Task 3. Prepare Desk-top Treatment Alternatives Evaluation Using the water quality information compiled in Task 2, ENGINEER will perform adesk-top treatability evaluation for the existing wells. The following tasks will be performed: 3.1 Identify Treatment Technologies: ENGINEER will identify treatment methods capable of meeting the City's water quality goals for the existing wells, and describe the operating principle and targeted contaminant for each process. Based on preliminary information, ENGINEER anticipates the technologies will primarily address sulfides, iron, and natural organics (non-purgeable dissolved organic carbon and color). Candidate processes will likely include ozonation, anionic ion exchange, greensand filtration, and forced-draft aeration. 3.2 Treatment Process Advanta;;es and Disadvantages: ENGINEER will summarize advantages and disadvantages associated with each treatment technology. 3.3 Non-cost Factor Ranking: ENGINEER will rank up to three processes relative to operability and implementation. 3.4 Life-cycle Cost: ENGINEER will prepare a conceptual opinion of probable cost for capital, operation and maintenance, and present-worth fora 20-year service life for up to three treatment alternatives. Clermont Westside WTP Evaluation 2008-04-28.doc 2 BOYLE ~ AECOM Task 4. Coordination with Treatment Technology Manufacturers ENGINEER will coordinate with treatment system manufacturer(s) to further assess feasibility and conceptual design parameters. The following tasks will be performed: 4.1 Solicit Vendor Proposals: ENGINEER will solicit proposals from up to four treatment technology manufacturer(s) detailing conceptual treatment process configuration, equipment sizing, and capital cost for implementation at the CITY's proposed site. ENGINEER anticipates providing vendors raw water quality data, desired finished water quality, flow rates, and site constraints. 4.2 Review and Summarize Pro op salsa ENGINEER will summarize the proposals for incorporation into the draft and final report. Task 5. Analogous System Review and Facility Visits Analogous systems will be identified for review and discussion to help familiarize CITY staff with the recommended treatment technology. A visit to existing facilities will facilitate discussions with experienced operators and allow CITY staff to view process equipment first-hand. 5.1 Identify and Summarize Analo og us Systems: ENGINEER will summarize operating conditions and performance history of systems analogous to the recommended treatment method. Emphasis will be placed on systems operating in Central Florida. Once identified, ENGINEER will request information concerning raw and product water characteristics, operational and maintenance experiences, implementation challenges, and lessons learned. ENGINEER'S effort does not entail a detailed evaluation, but rather a general assessment documented through informal discussions with operating staff. 5.2 Facility Site Visit: ENGINEER will arrange for CITY staff to up to two treatment facilities equipped with the treatment technology recommended for the CITY'S application. ENGINEER anticipates completing the visit(s) in one day with up to three participants. Task 6. Conceptual Design and Implementation Strategy A conceptual design effort will establish a recommended process flow diagram, site plan, and implementation strategy. 6.1 Process Flow Diagram: ENGINEER will prepare a process flow diagram showing the raw water supplies, treatment process sequence, chemical injection points, feed rates, storage volume, process stream names, and connection(s) to the distribution system. 6.2 Site Plan: ENGINEER will provide a site plan for the Dairy Queen Well location depicting the ENGINEER'S recommended arrangement of facilities, roadways, ingress and egress, storm water control, and relocation of existing facilities such as the on-site telecommunication tower. 6.3 Implementation Strate>;y: ENGINEER will prepare a recommended implementation strategy including on-site testing to verify recommended treatment technology performance, project delivery method, and schedule for design, construction, and start-up. Task 7. Reporting ENGINEER will prepare and submit four (4) copies of a draft and final City of Clermont Westside Water Treatment Plant Evaluation (Report). Clermont Westside WTP Evaluation 2008-04-28.doc s BOYLE ~ AECOM 7.1 Prepare draft report for CITY review. 7.2 Prepare for and attend a report review meeting with CITY staff. 7.3 Incorporate CITY comments and submit final report. C. City's Responsibilities The CITY will provide the information listed below pertaining to the Westside service area: I . Copy of Monthly Operating Reports (MORs), customer complaint logs, and Consumer Confidence Reports (CCRs) for the past 3 years. 2. Regulatory compliance monitoring data for primary and secondary standards. 3. Specialized water quality sampling activities. 4. Driller logs for the CITY's potable wells that are in use and out of service. 5. Permits for existing facilities. 6. Relevant correspondence with FDEP. 7. Relocation of existing facilities at the Dairy Queen well site. The ENGINEER will be entitled to rely upon the above direction, information, and documents provided by the CITY without independent review or verification. D. Services Not Included The following services are not included in ENGINEER's scope of services: 1. Status determination or acquisition of vacant parcels adjacent to the proposed Dairy Queen site. 2. Evaluation of raw water and finished water line sizing, routing, right-of--way research for raw water pipeline routing, and hydraulic modeling of connections between the proposed Westside WTP and existing wells and distribution system mains. E. Deliverables The ENGINEER will submit to the CITY the following deliverables: 1. Four (4) copies of the field sampling plan. 2. Four (4) copies of the draft and final report. F. Compensation This Scope of Services establishes a lump sum fee of $53,581 for services described herein. This fee was determined based on the assumptions presented herein and in the attached Project Budget. The fee breakdown is apportioned in the attached Project Budget (Exhibit 1). Progress payments shall be due and payable monthly on a percent complete basis as estimated by the ENGINEER. Clermont Westside WTP Evaluation 2008-04-28.doc 4 BOYLE ~ AECOM G. Schedule Services pursuant to this Scope of Services will commence upon ENGINEER'S receipt of Purchase Order from CITY. It is anticipated that the draft report will be prepared and submitted within 120 days from Notice To Proceed, assuming timely delivery of City's data. ENGINEER will observe the time limitations; however, should there be delays in receiving information from others and in obtaining subsequent authorization, approvals, and review comments from the CITY, and other governmental agencies, the schedule and fee will be updated and adjusted as mutually agreed upon by ENGINEER and CITY. ENGINEER shall not be responsible for delays that occur as the result of action or inaction of CITY or others. H. Authorization This Task Order #~ serves as an Exhibit to the Consultant Agreement dated August 12, 2003, between the City of Clermont and Boyle Engineering Corporation, and is hereby incorporated into this Amendment by reference. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, ENGINEER and CITY have executed this Task Order this of ~f`tm A~..~ , 2008. "ENGINEER" BOYLE ENGIN CORPORATION By: A. Thomas Brown, PE District Vice President Attachments "CITY" ~~ CITY OF CLERMONT _._. -- - ~. , , By: ~ 1~~~y--~ " cr Harold S. Turville, Jr. Mayor day Clermont_Westside_WTP_Evaluation_2008-04-28.doc s BOYLE ~ AECOM EXHIBIT 1 Project Budget Westside Water Treatment Plant Evaluation Task Order # Z~ Apri128,2008 City of Clermont P ersonn el Ho urs Bud et L ~ L • y O Task Description O „ Q V °, . w ~ ~ A o ~ o x ~ ~ ~ a o '~. ~ •y o y A ~ E 'C7 w O n° CO ~ O is O V Task Group 1; Protect Management and Meetings 1.1 Monitor ro ess of work and erform monthl invoicin 3 5 4 12 $ 1,440 $ 144 $ 1,584 1.2 Project Meetings (up to 3 meetings) 6 12 I l9 $ 2,700 $ 270 $ 2,970 Subtotal 9 17 - - 5 31 $ 4,140 $ 414 $ a,554 Task Group 2: Review Existing Conditions. Conduct Field Sampling. and Identify Treatment Needs 2.1 Review historical data and existin s tem 2 9 l6 27 $ 3,240 $ 324 $ 3,564 2.2 Field Sam lin $ $ $ - 2.2.1 Pr are field sam lin lan 2 S 2 9 $ 910 $ 91 $ 1,001 2.2.2 Perform field sam lin u to 4 da s field work 24 40 64 $ 7,280 $ 438 $ 7,715 2.2.3 Pa for Iabora[o water uali anal ses $ $ 4,500 $ 4,500 2.3 Identify treatment needs 2 3 6 11 $ 1,420 $ 142 $ 1,562 Subtotal 4 38 67 - 2 111 $ 12,850 $ 5,492 $ 18,342 Task Grou 3: Desk-to Treatment Alternatives Evaluation 3.l Idend Treatment Technolo ies 2 3 6 11 $ 1,420 $ 142 $ ],562 3.2 Treatment Process Advanta es and Disadvanta es I 3 8 I2 $ 1,440 $ 144 $ 1,584 3.3 Rank non-cost factors 1 4 3 8 $ I,O10 $ 101 $ 1,111 3.4 Prepare life cycle cos[ 2 5 10 17 $ 2 100 $ 210 $ 2,310 Subtotal 6 15 27 - - 48 $ 5,970 $ 597 S 6,567 Task Group 4: Coordination with Treatment Technology Manufacturers 4.1 Solicit vendor o sals 2 8 S IS $ 1,910 $ 191 $ 2,101 4.2 Review and summarize proposals 2 8 4 14 $ 1,800 $ 180 $ 1,980 Subtotal 4 16 9 - - 29 $ 3,710 $ 371 $ 4,081 Task Group 5: Analogous System Review and Facility Visits 5.1 Iden[i and summarize analo ous s terns 1 3 8 3 IS $ 1 620 $ 162 $ 1,782 S.2 Visrt ana ogous facilrties with City staff 2 8 8 2 20 $ 2,360 $ 563 $ 2,923 Subtotal 3 11 16 - 3 35 $ 3,980 $ 725 $ 4,705 Task Group 6: Conceptual Design and Implementation Strategy 6.l Prepare process flow diagram I 6 3 12 22 $ 1,982 $ 198 $ 2,180 6.2 Provide conce tualsite lan 2 I2 4 16 34 $ 3,256 $ 326 $ 3,582 6.3 Prepare recommen a imp ementauon strategy 6 6 3 l5 $ 2,250 $ 228 $ 2,475 Subtotal 9 24 10 28 - 71 $ 7,488 $ 749 $ 8,237 Task Group 7: Reporting 7. I Pre are draft re ort for Ci review 4 12 2l 4 41 $ 4,790 $ 479 $ 5,269 7.2 Incorporate Ci[y comments and submit £mal report 2 3 6 4 IS $ 1,bb0 $ 166 $ 1,826 u to 6 IS 27 8 56 $ 6,450 $ 645 $ 7,095 Tputl 41 136 156 28 20 381 $ 44 588 $ 8 993 $ 53,581 Clermont_Westside_WTP_Evaluation_2008-04-28.doc 6 BOYLE ~ AECOM ~ • To: Wayne Saunders, City Manager From: Tamara Richardson, PE, City Engineer CC: Date: May 16, 2008 Re: West Side Water Treatment Plant Evaluation Boyle Engineering Corp. The West Side Potable Water System is supplied by three groundwater wells. The water quality in these wells has steadily deteriorated over their many years of service and the aesthetics of the water are less than desirable. The Engineering and Utilities Departments are working with Boyle Engineering to develop a treatment and distribution strategy to alleviate the taste and odor concerns on the West Side System. Boyle Engineering and the Staff are considering various treatment processes such as ozonation, anionic ion exchange, greensand filtration and forced-draft aeration. To determine the best, most cost-effective treatment solutions for the new facility, Boyle Engineering will perform an evaluation of the treatment methods and make recommendations based on cost and non-cost considerations. I recommend approval of the Task Authorization for Boyle Engineering to perform professional engineering services for the Westside Water Treatment Plant Evaluation for $53,581.00.