R-08-1600CITY' OF CI_IR,1IO~`T RESOLt'TION N o. [ 6U(1 A RESOLCTION OF THE CITY OF C'LERMONT, LAhE COI`NTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING B[.1DGET AMENllMENTS FOR `THE CITY OF CLERIVIONT FOR FISCAL PEAR 20117-2008. WHEREAS, it is hereh~ found and determined h~~ the City Council oI~ the City of Clci7nont. Lake Count. l~lorida. that the lollo~~in~a laucl~~et amendmcni is necessary !or the fiscal Year October 1. ?OU7 to ~cptcmhcr _~U. ~OU8. as fi~ll~~x~ s: [3U[LUING SF,RVICES Fl'NU 1. (ncrease I3uildin~ Ser~~ices Re~~enue fiuildin~a Permits (l 1 ~''~->>"xO01 ~ H6,~t)t) Increase Inspection lees Cit}~ IZe~~enue (1 1 ,"?9-;~'9U~~ I0?OU [ncrease Professional Scr~iccs Huildin~~ Ser~iccs (1 1 ~~-~-~ ~ 191) 77_,;xO Increase Personal Ser~~ices FIC:~\ i 11~~~-l~~?(i) ~_~f~(1 [ncrease PerSOna) Scr~ices - Pension (l l ~?-~-1?~'-l(1) 9..UO [ncrease Personal Scr~ices - ~~~orher~s Compensation (1 1>?~-1?-~UUj ;~.1OU Increase Capital (>utla~ - Il Equipment (1 1 ~~=t-hf~~tO ~) ?_7O(? To amend the hud~ret for increased actii its in building ser~~ices. SANITATION FUNU I. lnerease Gas c~ Oil (-~9j:-~-~~?O1 i ~; 7~.(,(,O Increase C~~ipital (:)utla~ -Vehicles 1-~9>;~-(i6~UO) 10~.~)li? ~fo amend the bud~act for increased locl eosts and the carr~(i~r~~ard of funds bud~aeted in the ?O06-07 fiscal scar for the purchase ofa clam truck. as appr~~z~ed he the C_`it~ Council on ,~~pril ?-~. ?007. NON', THERF,FOKE, BE IT RESOL~T.U, that the aho~e said hudact amerniment ~~f the Citti of Clermont for the ~'U07-?0t)K Fiscal Year and appropriations therefore are hereby adopted. DONE AND ItF,SOLV[~.D Bl~ TFi[: C1T1~ COI~~NCIL OF TIIE C[Th` OF CLERMONT, LAtiF, COl'NTY, FI.OlZ1UA "['HIS 25th UAY" OF NO~'[:~~IBE12, 2008. C'ITl OF C'LERti90NT ~, .. etYy {MFR"CI.>~~,~,. ~. ~~ ` Attefit j ~~ y,/ a. ~' i ~ .r/~, ,~'l.l Trac):~AL"~'c'~ci~=cl, Cite (r er-k ~,r ~, 1~•' arolci S. ur~~ille, . r-., N a~~or