Engineer's Week~rnrlttmtt#ian • WfI~R~AS, eng~.neen.ing p.e.ayd the gnow~h and deve.~opmenx a~ C.~enmo n.ica~~.an, and ~nan.6pan~a~~.on; and (UN~R~AS, eng.ineen.a ~hh.augh nam.ic app.~~,ca~~.an a~ na~une'd ~ancea ~hd..a arcea a 6e~~en p.~ace ~.n wh~.ch ~o a .~~,gn.i~~,canz na.~e ~.n n~, ~~~ .~ndub~ny, commu- the pnac~~.ca2 and eco- and ma~en~.a.2.~ heap maize .e~.v e; and UlH~RRAS, eng~.neena have demanb~na~ed ~he~.n. ded~.- cax~.an ~a pna~ec~.~ng the aa~e~y, hea.~~h, and we.2~ane o~ the pub.-i,e ~.n the pen~onmance o~ pha~e.aa~,ana.2 du~.iea; and WN~R~AS, eng.ineerc.a u~.i.2.ize ~he~,n .apee~.a~. fznaw.2edge and expen~~,.ae ~o p.2an, de~a~.gn, cana~nuc~, and ma~,n~a~.n ~,mpnove- men~.~ ~a man'.a env~,nanmen~; and Wf1~R~AS, ~,~ tia ~~.~~~,ng the eng~,neen~.ng pna~ebd.ian 6e honaned dun~.ng the weep we w~..P..~ ee.~ebrca~e the b~.n~hday a~ Geange Wabh~.ng~an, ane a~ the eaun~ny'.6 ~~.nd~ and mo.a~ ~amau~s eng~.neen~s; and G1f~f~R~AS, dun~.ng ea~,d weeFz memben.~ a~ the Na~~.ona.2 Saetie~y a~ Pno~ea.a~.ana.2 ~ng~.neena and the F.~an~.da Png~.nee~e.~.ng Sac~.e~y ~.n Cen~na.2 F.2on~.da Chap~en w~..2.~ dpanaon ac~~,v~.~.iee ~oeu.a.i,ng a~~en~~,an an the eng~,neen.ing ptca~e.a.a.ian; NDUI, TH~R~~'OR~, I, C.~aude ~. Smaafz, Jn. , Mayon ob the C~.~y a b C.CehmonZ, F.2an~.da, 6 y v~.n~ue o ~ the au~han~.~y ve.a~ed ~.n me, do heteeby Pnae.e.a~.m the weeFz o~ 1=ebnuany i9 - 26, 1978, ad ~NGIN~~R'S G/~~K ~.n C.~enman~, F.~an~,da, and unge ~ha~ apec~.a.2 necagn~.~~.an 6e g~.v en the aeh~.ev emen~a o g the eng~.neen~.ng pna ~ ea.a~.an and .i~.a ~.nd~.v~,dua.~ m em b ena . IN U1ITN~SS G/H~R~01=, I have heneun~o ~e~ my hand and exuded the Sea.E ab the C.i.~y o~ C.2enman~, P.~orc~.da, ~0 6e a~~.ixed ~h~.a /3 t.~ day o~ Febnuany, 197 /ti au a max n. Mayatc