Election (2)NOT ICE i~.u~~YOF~' S .~RC~LAr:~tAT2oN The general election in the City of Clean~nt shall pe held in the City Hall on the second Tuesday of December, 1952, the same being ±-)ece~~bEr 9t~,1952, between the hours of 8:~0 o'clock A.I. and Sunset, ~-:ast~ rn standard Time. 'THE ~~U,'~~~~5i~' ~~F TH is S E LEGT IOPvi : S T~:~ ELECT A ~~fayor to wive one year; Treasurer to serve one year; Tax Assessor to serve one year; and, Three (3) members of the City Council each to serve a tF xm of tv~~,o years, / ' ~'fia y o r Pvovember x,1__3,20,27, 1952,