Clermont-Minneola Lions Club Candy Days• City of Clermont Clermont-Minneola Lions Club Candy Days April 3 and 4, 1998 Proclamation WHEREAS, the Clermont Lions Club was chartered on April 12, 1949 with 31 members. From that day up to today with the present name of Clermont-Minneola Lions Club, this club has been a valuable addition to the civic, humanitarian, and cultural life of South Lake; and WHEREAS, the purpose of this club is to render aid to those in need of eye examinations, eye surgery when needed, eye glasses, obtain eye wills, help the library in buying large print books, braille books, talking books, collect used eye glasses, and collect used hearing aids; and WHEREAS, April 3 and 4 is chosen as Candy Day. March and April are always the time all Lions Clubs throughout the state use for the purpose of promoting Lionism, generating new members, and informing the public of services by passing out pamphlets of WE SERVE, etc. Lions members will be at prominent locations around town with materials to hand out. All proceeds from CANDY DAYS will be used for sight conservation. NOW, THEREFORE, I, Robert Pool Mayor of the City of Clermont, Florida hereby proclaim the days of Apri13 and 4, 1998 as CLERMONT-MINNEOLA LIONS CLUB CANDY DAYS in Clermont and urge all citizens to support the efforts of this worthwhile cause. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of the City of Clermont to be affixed at Clermont this 24th day of March, 1998. ATTEST: ti J eph Van Z' ,City Clerk